Sites > Site
Every system must have at least one site, that site contains warehouse(s), locations, customers, customer products and customer's stock.
The settings for each site are independent, some settings are controlled at the site level only and others can be overridden through the warehouse, location or customer setup.
When a Site Code is selected, the Site tab as well as all other tabs shows the details that are relevant to it.
It is extremely important that these details are accurate.
On the left side, you can view and update the Site name, Address, and Contact details.
Right side, there are fields related to Rotation Numbering. The fields here are self-explanatory. Only the field for Rotation Number Last used can’t be changed. It automatically shows the last Rotation Number used for this Site.
Please note that the transferred rotation numbers will only be retained if the source site has ‘Retain Outgoing Transferred Rotations’ enabled.
There are a group of options that can be enabled using the checkbox against it and you can fill in the Default Currency field.
The Default Packaging Type facilitates the setup of new products using Import routines, expediting the process when not transmitted through EDI XML or an import file.
The last field is to give the Site Printer network path.
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