Sites > Bond

Sites > Bond

Every system must have at least one site, that site contains warehouse(s), locations, customers, customer products and customer's stock.

The settings for each site are independent, some settings are controlled at the site level only and others can be overridden through the warehouse, location or customer setup.


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All the Customs and Excise fields related to the Site you selected can be found here.

Customs Approval

Non-Free Circulation Stock Approved? - Are you approved to store stock where customs duty has not been paid yet?

Customs HMRC Reg No - Your customs warehouse registration (e.g. GB00000000005)

CDS CW Authorisation No - Customs Declaration Service(CDS) Customs Warehouse(CW)

CDS SDE Authorisation No - Customs Declaration Service Simplified Declaration Procedure authorisation (SDP)

CDS CCG Authorisation No - Customs Declaration Service Customs Comprehensive Guarantees(CCG)

Customs Guarantee - Your movement guarantee number

Excise Approval

Tax Warehouse? - Are you an excise-approved warehouse?

Destination Type Code - The site destination type, in accordance with the formerly EU and now UK regulations.

Excise HMRC Reg No - Your excise warehouse registration (e.g. GB000…)


Excise Deferment No - The warehouse keeper's deferment number for excise charges

Customs Deferment No - The warehouse keeper's deferment number for customs charges

Cash Deferment - If the account you set up is a cash account then mark the checkbox for cash deferments.

Customs Authority

This is your local HMRC office details, it is the office responsible for your warehouse operations.

You are normally told this information when you request approval.

This can be a different office for multiple sites, however, larger customers may be part of the large business unit where they are all the same.

These details are used extensively through the system, please ensure they are accurate.

There are name and address fields for HMRC Office details in this section. Other fields are,

Reference No - Your HMRC Office Reference number. e.g. GB000001

Stamp Removal Email - When you remove duty stamps this is where the email is sent to. You should either have it go to your stamp controller to forward to HMRC or set up a group email to distribute this email.


CLICK HERE to know more about EMCS. Using this field you can set the username and password for it.

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