Stock Move Group

Stock Move Group

This section contains items from the Movements Group on the stock menu.

The links below will take you to the different sections on this page:




Move (Change Stock Location)

Moving stock around the warehouse is fairly common. The Change Stock Location form allows you to carry this out using either of the tabs Rotation Move and Location Move.

Rotation Move

Using this tab you can move an available stock of a rotation to a different location in the warehouse. Fill in the fields given in the search criteria section. Select (using F11) or type in the Customer Code and Rotation number, and the Move Stock section will show the list that contains locations in which the stock with the given rotation is stored. You can see the quantity of stock available in each location.

Rotation Move

Fill in the Destination Location field and the Quantity(Cases and Singles) fields to move a particular quantity of stock from the current location to that location. If you wish to move frozen stock, you can tick the checkbox for it. Don’t forget to add ‘Check Digit’ specific to the location you are moving the stock. Now click the 'Move' button to execute the process.

Location Move

See all the rotations at a given location and have the ability to move any of those rotations to another location. Enter or select the location. then the list of rotations stored in that location will appear in the Move Stock section. Similar to the Rotation Move process, fill in the Destination Location, Quantity, and Check Digit. You can also click the button ‘Auto-fill all Qtys’ to fill the quantity columns the same as available stock quantities. Now click the ‘Move’ button to execute the changes for the selected rotation.

When ‘Dest.Location’ and ‘Check Digit’ are filled for a selected rotation, you will be asked whether this location should be applied to all rotations in the list.

FLEX also has this capability available --> Flex - Location Move


This works in conjunction with the stock replenishment settings and when you generate a stock movement request at the end of replenishment you can set this to be loaded into the queue of jobs awaiting their turn to be executed.


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