

The dashboard is currently a beta implementation and is open for comment until 31 March 2025 where the final version will be published around Q3, 2025 following feedback



To access this you would use your logon to the vision live cloud, this cloud service picks up the data on a live basis and keeps the dashboard up to date, however the dashboard only refreshes every 60 seconds to minimise of server loads.

Access is through https://wmsdash.visionlive.cloud/

Only some of the dashboards are currently loaded and available for the following

Goods In - Management


Hours to Receipt

This shows the average hours it is taking to receipt goods every day over the past week, it is based on when the goods arrived (use the arrived button) and when they became receipted onto the main WMS for use by the customer.

Todays Booking Statuses

Shows the status of the current days bookings

  • Green - Booked not arrived

  • Blue - Vehicle marked as departed

  • Yellow - Completed and passed to Admin for final checks


Cases Received and Expected

Showing W(eek) and D(ay) on each column the number of cases received into the warehouse and will show a seperate line (not shown on the image to the right) of the expected number of cases to be received.



Stocked TSingles by Month

A simple look at the warehouse and the total number of single items in the warehouse at the end of each month.

Stocked TSingles by Week

A simple look at the warehouse and the total number of single items in the warehouse at the end of each week.

Bookings Week Ahead

Shows the bookings for the upcoming days from tomorrow for the next seven days.

Recent Arrivals On Site

Will show any bookings you have recently marked as arriving on site, this required you to use the arrival button

Warehouse vs Office

The status of all goods received currently whether waiting checking, putaway, or final receipting.

Goods Out - General

The intention with this is a simple warehouse overview of what is waiting to be picked / collected and incoming. Whilst this works very well as an entire site overview it may be that you require something more warehouse specific ?

Outstanding Orders

This is number counting the order headers currently outstanding at this time.

Picking - Next Orders

A list of orders waiting picking with those to be picked first at the top of the list, this is based on order priority and then order entry ID

Collections Today

Items which are expected to be collected today

Inbound Bookings

Bookings you are waiting to arrive in the warehouse, it is shown here as bookings and preparing despatches often clash with resources.

Future Dashboards

Aimed at picking the following additional dashboard are going to be added once we have some feedback for the Goods Out - General dashboard

  • Goods Out - Deliveries

  • Goods Out - Collections

  • Goods Out - Parcel Carriers

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