Main Application
This page contains information on how to use the Vision Warehousing application, navigate your way around, perform searches, and important keys and fields you should know about.
Please read further to learn more.
The Application
When you open the application, at first the main screen will look like the image below.
Let’s have a quick look into each option and functionalities given here:
Vision Icon (Top left corner)
Vision options
Click the V icon
Provides the option to ‘Exit’ the application, re-opens any closed search filter or navigation options, and create and view support tickets and application information.
Support Options
You are able to create support tickets directly from the application and view existing tickets.
This takes you to the web portal for the ticket system
There is a MAJOR benefit to using the application to log a support ticket, it shows us where you are in the system and what you were doing at the time of logging along with providing us with a screenshot.
Main Menu Group (Top)
Grouped all the options into specific groups to make things easier and the groups are in a workflow sequence so that everything needed to perform a particular function is in the same area.
Navigation Options (Right side)
The Navigation bar situated on the right side of the screen will allow you to perform quick searches for important data. If you can’t find the navigation bar, then go to the Warehousing icon and click the ‘Show Navigation Bar’ in the ‘Search Options’.
In the navigation bar, the items are listed in groups of Processing, Stock, Customers, Invoicing, Maintenance, and System Data.
To expand the group double-click on each group. The items are shown in the order of frequent usage. At the bottom of the list are the Admin and Configuration items which are rarely used.
Search Filter Options
Click each item to view the Filter Options specific to it. Key in any information into any of the fields, then click the ‘Search’ button to view the results. The results grid will show at the bottom of the screen. Just open by double-clicking on the result.
If you pressed the Search button, without entering any value in the Filter Option fields, then you will be presented with all the records related to the item you selected on Navigation bar.
For example, If you clicked Pre-Advice in the Navigation bar, and clicked the Search button, the result grid will show all the pre-advice saved in the system.
The more fields you fill in the Filter bar, the more specific will be the result.
Results of Search
Only appears when you search for a record using the filter options. When you provide the value in the filter options input fields, then a list of records will appear at the bottom of the screen. If you have one result, along with the grid, the record also opens. When there are multiple results, you have to click the one you’re looking for to open the record.
Example - In the Navigation bar, we clicked Pre-Advice under the Processing group. In the Filter option when provided Customer Code, the result grid displayed all the Pre-Advice belongs to the given customer.
In Form Search Options
Important Keys
Key | Purpose |
Search all results. | |
Open the search navigation and wait for input and manual search button being activated. |
You can give input in the selection fields of any form using the filter options. For that place your cursor in the field, and click F11. This will direct you to all the available records in the system for the Customer. The result grid will provide the first 500 results.
If not using F11, you can enter into the filter panel, either
Simple text entry or using a drop-down option.
Using wild characters in text fields to provide a larger result.
Click the search button, which will reveal the result grid at the bottom.
Field Colours
Highlighted Area | Example | Explanation |
Dark Yellow | This field is read-only and cannot be changed. | |
Orange | This is a lookup field, if you use the F11, and F12 keys you will be presented with the options. Generally, this means that there are many options to choose from. | |
White | This is an open field and can be modified. | |
White with Downwards Arrow | This is an open field that has options available. The dropdown will show the options and dropdowns are usually only added when the number of options is small. | |
Text in Red |
| This field is mandatory on the form. This will slowly be added to all forms which are renewed from 2023 onwards. |
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