Customers Group

Customers Group

More reading in this section


There are two circumstances when you may need to add a deferment:

  • You wish to charge duty to a deferment where the deferment owner is not a stock holder within the warehouse.

  • You are adding a new deferment for an existing customer

If you are adding a new customer then during the addition of the customer there will be an additional ADD option on the bond tab to allow you to create a deferment for the customer on the fly. If you do not want to insert using this method then add a deferment before adding a customer.



Further reading can be found in the deferment page linked below.


Also known as the stock holding customer.

In order to store stock in the warehouse you need to have a customer who needs to have products.


There is a considerable amount of information relating to the setup of a customer, this section is split over several pages.


Further reading in the Customer maintenance section below

Links to all the tabs of the customer setup are shown below

Customer Archive Flag

When a Customer has the Archived Customer ticked in the Customer Maintenance screen.

  • You are able to despatch the stock that has already been landed for the customer.

  • You are not able to receipt any more stock for the customer after it has been archived.


For the purposes of goods inwards we can store multiple suppliers per stock holding customer, these are used for customs paperwork, reporting and specific functions.

Suppliers are linked to a specific customer, they can not be used accross multiple customers or sites




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