BI Group
For more information regarding Business Intelligence Module please see the following page:
Business Intelligence Module (BI)
User access
User permissions to enquiries and reports and report designer users are all controlled by the BI User Maintenance.
There are two different license modes for this application - Reporter or Designer.
Reporter - Use existing reports and have new reports written by the Vision team without the need for an application release.
The Designer is the Advanced mode - create your own reports directly from the data.
BI Enquiries
Main Option | Sub Option | Column Names |
1 Goods In | Sundries | PreAdviceUID CustomerCode SiteCode CustomerPONumber InvoiceNumber ChargeDescription Quantity Charge LineTotal
2 Goods Out | Customer Charge Matrix | Description CustomerCode SiteCode DoNotChargeAbove MinimumCharge UseTotalForBands IsChargePerCase ChargeRemainderOnly RoundUp ChargeBy From TO StdChg EDIChg MinStdChg MinEDIChg
Sundries | OrderUID CustomerCode SiteCode DocumentRef InvoiceNumber ChargeDescription Quantity Charge
| |
3 Job | Job | Description CustomerCode SiteCode DoNotChargeAbove MinimumCharge UseTotalForBands IsChargePerCase ChargeRemainderOnly RoundUp ChargeBy From TO StdChg EDIChg MinStdChg MinEDIChg |
4 Stock Charge | Storage - Rotation HistoryThis enquiry requires the Rotation filter to be set for it to return results. | CustomerCode SiteCode ChargePeriod RentDate Inserted Rotation LineNo ProductCode Brand Description SPC SS Year Received Pallets Cases Singles TSingles ChargedQty RateName Rate ChargeMultiplier MinimumChargeApplied ProRataWeeks ProRataMonths RateUsed LineTotal Invoice
5 Storage | High Rent Charges | UID SiteCode CustomerCode StockID RotationNumber RotationLineCharge RentDate
6 Transport | Outstanding | DeliveryDate ConfirmedDate ManifestUID PickUID Customer Site InvoiceCustomer InvoiceSite DocumentRef DeliveryName DeliveryAddress5 TotalPhysicalCases TotalInvoiceCases ChargeBand DeliveryArea IsPickup MergedDelivery DoesIgnoreMinCharge AdditionalCharge VITotalCharge
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