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This page contains information about the items in the utility group on the stock menu, you can link the start of each section by clicking on the links below


This screen is used to perform Maintenance on Stock records currently in the system with at least one Single in Stock on the Rotation

Not all fields in the list can be modified but where they can it is possible to make changes in multiple rows at once

Check the Send Email to Customer field to notify the Customer whose Stock is being modified about changes when either of the Save buttons is clicked.

In order to find results, a minimum of a Customer Code or a Rotation number needs to be entered.

All fields which are white can be amended, any of those which require the Bond system to be update this will be carried out during the save process. Fore example if you change any pricing then these will be reflected within Bond.

Freeze Stocks

This screen is used to freeze stock by using either Rotation or by Location.

Freeze Stock By Rotation

You can only freeze or unfreeze all of the stock

Frozen stock is prevented from being moved or used on Sales Orders.

You must enter a Reason Code and Reason to Freeze the Stock

Freeze Stock By Rotation Location

This section shows the current Stock availability and Frozen status.

  • It is quite normal to see a negative amount of Stock available to Freeze.

    • This means the amount of Stock on Orders is greater than the Stock free to Freeze.

  • Once you have entered a Reason Code and a description of why this stock is to be Frozen, click the Save button to Freeze the Stock.

You must enter a Reason Code and Reason description to Freeze the Stock

Divided into three subsections

In Stock

  • In Stock shows the total Stock for the chosen Rotation and Location.

  • Allocated shows the total Stock for the chosen Rotation and Location that is Picked on an Order.

  • On Order shows the total Stock for the chosen Rotation and Location on an Order whether it has been picked or not.

Product Stock

  • Product Stock shows the total Stock against the Product Code associated with the chosen Rotation that is available to Freeze.

    • On Order (Product) shows the total quantity of Stock of the Product Code associated with the chosen Rotation that is already on an Order. 

    • Product Frozen shows the total quantity of Stock of the Product Code associated with the chosen Rotation that is already Frozen (against any of its Rotations)

Available To Freeze

  • Available To Freeze shows the total Stock that is available for you to Freeze now.

    • If this figure shows as a minus it will be because the total is already frozen + the amount already on Orders is currently greater than the amount available to Freeze. 

    • You will need to release stock from an Order to be able to Freeze it 

  • Freeze - the pallets, cases, and singles entered in these fields are the quantities you want to Freeze.

    • You will not be allowed to Freeze more stock than is currently available. 

Clear Stocks

This screen is used to Clear all Stock in a selected Locations for a specific Customer onto a Sales Order

You would need to add the Stock Movement Type before creating the order

  • Some types of Stock movements will add the Receiving Customer field to this screen.

Once you have clicked on Create Order, single Order will be created containing all the stock in the locations you selected.

As Customer can have a very large number of different stock items, the resulting Order can have far more lines than is recommended if too many locations are selected at the same time. In these instances, fewer locations should be chosen.

QA Release

This screen is used to view Stock that has been Frozen using a Reason Cod with QA (Quarantine) ticked.

Stock can be manually released before it is released automatically by the system if required.

Great care must be taken when using this option.

When manually Unfreezing Stock using the Unfreeze button, make sure you read and understand the pop-up message before choosing the correct response.

The user would need to have the correct access to be able to Unfreeze and use this screen

Reprint Rotation Labels

This screen is used if you require to reprint Labels for a specific Rotation that might have been lost or you need to replace them.

You will need to have access to Authorise and be able to see this screen by using the User Maintenance: Group Maintenance

Requesting Labels - You will need to select the one that you request and at the bottom of the screen, you will see the Request Label Reprint.

  • Enter the Number of Labels that you want to reprint.

  • Select the reason for the Reprint.

  • Click on Request Label Reprint this will mark the requested fields with the User, Date/Time, reason, and Label Qty. 

  • You will be able to view these using the Show Records: Awaiting Authorisation.

Awating Authorisation - You will need to select the Rotation that you wish to Authorise and click on Authorise

  • Once you have click on the Authorise button this will update the field in the Authorised fields in the grid

    • User 

    • Date/Time 

  • This will then show when you Show Records Awaiting Reprint

Awaiting Print - You will need to select the Rotation that you wish to Reprint, this will reprint the labels that you have requested. 

  • Once you have click on the Reprint button this will update the field in the Reprinted fields in the grid

    • User 

    • Date/Time 

      • This will remove it from the list however you are able to request to reprint the labels again by requesting the labels again. 

This section will grey out the Request Label Reprint and Authorise buttons.

History - This will show all the Reprint History that has for any customer (not just the one you searched for).

  • This will only show the records that have been Reprinted not the ones that are Requested or Authorised.

  • No labels