Previous VCIS Release Notes

Previous VCIS Release Notes

Version 3.6.1
Release Date01/08/2018
Other Application Requirements

Vision Warehousing v5.0.13

Vision EDI v3.6.2+

Warnings or Notices

Operational changes are marked in RED on the lines below.

Please pay attention to these changes.

UIDSummaryIssue TypeAffects Version/sFix Version/sDescriptionLinked to
VCIS-1016Sales Order Processing: Contact name mandatory Issue3. a contact number is added the name becomes mandatory as per standard EDIVSUP-6720
VCIS-1013Pre-advice - ContainerIssue3. to set Container on pre-advice added
VCIS-1000Visibility of Orders Pick ScheduledImprovement
3.6.1Since VCIS-956 users have not been able to see orders placed which have been scheduled for a future pick date, so we will introduce a new menu option to overcome this 'Orders Scheduled Pick'.
VCIS-913Portal reports - add fieldImprovement
3.6.1Update of Reports

Movement from Stocks
Movement into Stocks

The cases value is to be shown on those reports.
VCIS-998Performance improvement identifiedChange
3.6.1Monitoring noticed that one procedure was causing large processor utilisation on some customer systems.  Query now refined
VCIS-1023Dashboard - Table paginationBug3. Orders On Hold does not change the number of Orders shown when you change entries per page field.VSUP-6952
VCIS-1022Enquiry-Booking EnquiryBug3. Enquiry: Internal arrivals tab showing the same booking ID multiple times.

The list is showing the same Pre-Advice multiple times linked to the number of detail lines on the Pre-Advice 
VCIS-1015Supplier: Supplier Code lengthBug3. VCIS allows you to enter a Supplier Code more than the EDI spec length of 8 characters

Within Goods-In -> Pre-Advice's, restrict the the input of the "Supplier Account Code" to 8 BUT be able to display 20.

VCIS-1012Pre-Advice: Product currencyBug3. a new product is being entered onto a Pre-Advice in VCIS the currency can be free types with no check to ensure it existed, it was then sending a blank currency field.VSUP-6524
VCIS-1011Pre-Advice: Product Description lengthBug3. entering a Pre-Advice If you enter a description which is over 50 characters it did not warn of any issues and on saving the lineVSUP-6524
VCIS-1007Sales Order: Changes to Duty DefermentBug3. changing the Excise/Customs deferment to not be the customer default on a Sales Order and then putting the order on web hold the deferments are reverted back to the customer default.VSUP-6404
VCIS-994Duty Vat: Daily Extract is grouping lines incorrectlyBug3. Daily Duty extract showing on VCIS is grouping incorrectly resulting in some of the column displaying incorrect valuesVSUP-6283
VCIS-992Daily Duty & VAT Extract - Page ControlsBug3. you select a date to search on the screen numbers the previous / next page control buttons disappear.VSUP-6333
VCIS-991Sales Order: Processing buttons  on smartphonesBug3. Sales Order processing buttons (Close, Cancel, Save & Hold, Submit) are not working when placing orders on VCIS using a smart phone

Our primary support is for computer not smartphone and some limits will exist although this has now been resolved
VCIS-990Goods Outwards - Held OrdersBug3. Goods Outwards - Held Orders Page is showing no held orders.

The Dashboard section for held orders is showing them fine.  
VCIS-989Pre Advice Entry. Product Lookup Bug3. creating a Pre-Advice and using "An Existing Supplier" when it comes to adding the products to it there are no defaults (suggestions) being presented to the user to pick from when they type.VSUP-6246
VCIS-988Goods Inwards - Create Supplier.Bug3. creating a new supplier an error was received saying "supplier already exists" even if it didn't.

Version 3.6.0
Release Date31/05/2018
Other Application Requirements

Vision Warehousing v5.0.13

Vision EDI v3.6.2+

Warnings or Notices

Operational changes are marked in RED on the lines below.

Please pay attention to these changes.

UIDIssue TypeSummaryFix Version/sLinked to

Goods Out -> POD/C for manually created deliveries (0 prefix)

Resolved the lookup for POD/ POC


Changes to facilitate GDPR

Enabling customer control 

3.6.0VEDI-663 / VW-3712

jQuery update

PCI Security Update - nothing visible


Re-organisation of Reports into the correct headings

VCIS-986BugPostcode lookup - Issue with addresses  where they only have 1x 'Sub Building'3.5.1VDIST-889 / VW-3815 / VSUP-6167

VCIS Private

My Cellar - Stock Valuation - Update Market Values error


Private Template

Dashboard - No of Live rotations displayed incorrectly


VCIS Collections from Warehouse

Orders were forcing entry of delivery time slots

VCIS-980BugEnquiry - Goods Out - Waiting Collection error 3.5.1
VCIS-976BugVCIS: Clicking the breadcrumbs was asking the user to log in again3.5.1

V3.5.0 (15/03/2018)

UIDComponent/sSummaryIssue TypeAffects Version/sFix Version/sDescriptionLinks
Ordering - quantity ordered with varying SPCBug3. rotation can have different values for the SPC (compared to the product) when it has been landed. This is causing EDI to send an incorrect quantity through to VW.
Delivery time window validationBug3. coming into EDI from VCIS with a delivery time window of less than 2 hours are failing validation.VSUP-5563
Booking Enquiry: Booking Time does not match time in VWBug3. Booking Enquiry on VCIS is showing the wrong time in the Booked Time columnVSUP-5661
Order - Saved with 0 quantityBug3. is allowing orders to be saved and submitted with 1 line and 0 quantity and this is crashing the order screen in VW.VCC-378, VSUP-5583, VEDI-626
Report: VCIS Duty and Vat Daily Extract not returning data by dateBug3. date search is not workingVSUP-5465, VSUP-5388
VCIS - Movements from stock reportBug3. certain ranges or doc refs gives an error.VSUP-5606, VSUP-5465, VSUP-5358, VSUP-5319
Awaiting Pick Screen:  not showing any data for any customers.Bug3. awaiting pick is not displaying any transactions VSUP-5561, VSUP-5326
Report: VCIS - Inbound Unlanded XFers report showing Customer Despatch Data instead of TransfersBug3. the VCIS reports in sync for all customers.VSUP-5373
Login - Incorrect site templateBug3. were getting the incorrect site template when logging in.
Ordering - Unable to delete order lineBug3. clicking delete against an order line, nothing appears to happen.
Ordering - Saving lines slowBug3. order lines is slow and other errors relating to retrieving product information have been spotted as timing out.
Sales Order: VCIS Collection sent to VD as deliveryBug3. collection order was saved in VCIS but was imported into VW as a delivery.VSUP-5655
Order - Collection type (own, 3rd part, haulier....) fieldBug3. collection type field is being populated from VD, from VW v5 this should be populated from VW.
Unsubmitted Orders screen - Showing Submitted ordersBug3. old  "submitted" orders are showing in the un-submitted orders screen, also it only shows that 1 page is available but if you change the number of lines per page more records are displayed, so it should be showing more pages available; the next option does not work.
Pre-Advices are not sending the Supplier Code to VEDI/VW Bug3. files that are sent from VCIS do not contain the SupplierCode - this means that users have to manually enter this once the PA arrives in VW. VSUP-4828
Reports > Inbound Unlanded Transfers report showing cancelled PO'sBug3. Transfer Pre-Advices are showing on the Inbound Unlanded Transfers report when it should not be showing these.VSUP-4753
Pre-Advice > Pickup Delivery TypeBug3. Pre-advices XML are being generated with incorrect Delivery Type. 
VCIS-935Bespoke PrivateVCISP - Multiple user loginIssue3. the changes in VCISP to use the Vision CIS user table, when users 'Log Out' and then try to log in again, it gives them the multiple user log in message telling them to log out the other users.
VCIS-933Bespoke PrivateVCISP - Backend change Issue3. of a database object in the back end of the system.
VCIS Dashboard Graph: Goods Inwards in Cases of 12 is displaying incorrectly.Bug3. VCIS Dashboard Graph: Goods Inwards in Cases of 12 for the Previous Month includes movements within the Warehouse  when it should only show Incoming Stock landed via Pre-Advice.VSUP-4639
XML files Product & Pre-advicesImprovement3. information for EDI XML file for Product and Pre-advices
Field Limits > No indicators when field length exceededBug3.3.5, entering details into fields on VCIS the website does not stop the user going past the limits of what the field is set to handle and does not notify the users that they have exceeded the limits.

They are then unable to progress to the Orders Lines tab, but are not told why.
Goods Out > Order Type ScreenIssue3. an iPhone or Android device buttons on the Order Type screen is being cut off.
VCIS-895Bespoke PrivateChanges to the Bespoke / Private website for VW v5Improvement3. / private site submits directly to workflow and uses the 'Awaiting Payment' status, which has not been considered in the VW-915 data update scripts.VW-2708
Pallet reportReport3. tracker report.

Added to the dashboard of the VCIS system

This is similar to the case report but in pallets.
POD/CsNew Feature3. are now handled by Vision Warehousing, not by Distribution.  Vision CIS will be updated to allow the generation of both.RFC-290
Enquiry - Collections InformationImprovement
3.5.0Provide a new Enquiry - "Waiting Collection" showing what is waiting pick and what has been picked but also show on this the haulier name / collection by field as well as the expected date/timeVSUP-5232

V3.4.2 (18/01/2018)

Bug Fixes only

VCIS-928        User Accounts - Customer Access - was not allowing some things to be maintained by the customer

VCIS-921        Pre-Advice was not populating the country code

VCIS-920        Pre-advice was not populating the search results for products

VCIS-918        Site Code for EDI scheduling was being ignored.

v3.4.1 (16/11/2017)

UIDSummaryIssue TypeAffects Version/sDescriptionLinks
VCIS-908VCIS: Movements Into Stock ReportIssue3.3.5VCIS: Movements Into Stock Report - Include Movements for the End Date.
The report currently doesn't show movements on the End Date (only prior). It should show also show movement on that date and this is confusing customers.
VCIS-901Dashboard Expected Arrivals checkboxIssue3.3.5The expected arrivals  'arrived check' box is able to be ticked by users this could cause confusion, as this should only be set from the system.
VCIS-885Sales Order - submitted after cancelledIssue3.3.4Customers have reported issues where their end users received the submission confirmation email from VCIS however the sales order was never picked up by EDI.VSUP-2107
VCIS-862Dashboard Issue3.3.0Dashboard "No of Live Rotation in Cases of 12" is incorrect.

The value presented in the box and by the graph below is showing the the number of rotations where there is stock for the currently selected Customer and is not related to Cases as the description suggests.

VCIS-909EDI report scheduler.Improvement3.4.0There are 3 possible formats to choose from when requesting EDI reports (from Admin -> Schedule EDI -> Add New) - XML, CSV and PDF.

However, not all reports support all the formats.
Change the options to reflect which formats are valid.

VCIS-916Orders - Collection dateBug3.4.0The collection date is not saved, only the time, so the collection date never reaches EDI or VW.VEDI-538
VCIS-914Goods out: Invalid qty errorBug3.3.5When placing a goods out order. if you enter a product without a rotation then save and hold the order, going back into the order and amending the quantity produces an invalid quantity error
VCIS-898Sales Order - 0 quantitiesBug3.3.4When entering a sales order, in the 6th section (Order lines) typing in a quantity of either cases or singles and then deleting or entering a non numeric character in the other field will save as 0 quantity for both fields and send the order to EDI as 0 quantity. 
VCIS-892Order - UB order saved without addressBug
Moved from VEDI-466:

Errors in the notification which needs to be resolved for the following

Web Sales Orders

Mandatory field 'DeliveryName' is missing from 'HD' section 

VCIS-880Bespoke Private- Customs duty included incorrectlyBug
When paying for an order using the bespoke VCIS private site, customs duty is being calculated when customs duty has already been paid on the stock.
VCIS-865iOS10 IssuesBug
Issue has been noticed when adding order lines to an order on iDevices running iOS 10 when using any browser, specifically a rotation cannot be added to the order line.

v3.4.0 (24/10/2017)

Please note that this can only be installed with VW v5 or later, with VW v5's dependant versions

Issue keySummaryIssue TypeAffects Version/sAffects Version/sDescriptionFusionUID
VCIS-866Private site - Backend changeIssue3.3.4
Rename of a database object in the back end of the system.
VCIS-902Scheduling an EDI ReportIssue3.4.0
Unable to scheduling an EDI Report receiving an error
VCIS-899Stock Movements - Non Bonded customers missing movementsBug3.3.5
A non-bonded customer do not require a Brand to be associated with a product however if they do not do this then any movements for these products will not be shown on VCIS reports.
VCIS-896Changes for VB v4Improvement3.3.5
Changes required for VB v4 to make customs / excise report / enquiry retrieval much quicker.
VCIS-893Error when trying to Update Market ValuesBug3.3.5
When trying to update market values on My Cellar > Stock Valuation an error is being displayed about an invalid column 'Charge'.
VCIS-891Back end changes to coincide with VB v4Improvement3.3.4
Back end changes required.
VCIS-888Pre-Advice: Write into XML errorBug

When submitting a specific Pre-Advice customer was receiving an error.

This is preventing the Pre-Advice from being submitted into the VW system.

VCIS-884Pre Advice: Supplier Account Code being resetBug3. keying a Pre-Advice from VCIS when entering new supplier information or using stored supplier information, no matter what is entered into the Supplier Details > Account Code field the value will be reset back to the customer code when changing pages.
VCIS-883User Accounts > EDI ReportsBug

Cannot schedule EDI reports for a contact that has been created in VCIS but does not exist against the customer in VW.
VCIS-882User Maintenance - Site administrator roleBug3. users who are set-up as an 'Administrator' against a customer has the option to set a user as a website administrator, any user can be set to be a website administrator allowing them full control over the site
VCIS-878Core - Version controlImprovement

Back end changes to improve our version control processes.
VCIS-875Temporary files not removed after generating condition reportIssue

Condition reports are leaving behind temporary files on the web server cluttering up the disk, these must be automatically removed after they're used.
VCIS-873Condition Report images do not load on Internet explorerBug3.3.4
When Previewing a condition report image from internet explorer the image will not load and will remain trying to load the picture to the screen.

This will only happen when your settings are in the database is to view the image only

VCIS-872Date range in stock movement reports are excluding movements from the start and end datesIssue

When Selecting the start and end dates from Movements into stock or movements out of stock, the report is only showing movements between the selected dates and not from the dates themselves. 
VCIS-870Changes required for VW v5Improvement3.3.4

VCIS-869Raising stock charges from VCISBug

Stock charges raised from VCIS (for example market value report charges) are failing.
VCIS-868My Cellar > Stock Valuation not calculating Line Total when less than a case in stockBug

When there is less than a full case in stock on a line, the My Cellar > Stock Valuation > Line total field will not show a value and will instead show N/A.

This should calculate the Line Total for however many bottles are on the Line, even if less than a case.

VCIS-867Delivery POD date not matching date on ePODBug

On the Goods Outwards > Delivery POD screen the Delivery Date that shows in the Grid look to be using the Expected Delivery Date.

However when the PODs are being generated the Date on the ePOD that is sent looks to be the Confirm Delivery Date.

VCIS-859Ordering - Postcode lookupNew Feature3.3.4
The postcode lookup will now function from our 'Vision Live' service which has the latest post code updates.
VCIS-836Delivery field labelsImprovement

Any screens where we have multiple fields representing a delivery address will be modified slightly by adding labels to the left of the fields to aid users in inputting the correct information for each field.  This will help provide more accurate location of the addresses with the work being provided in VD v2 and the automated route planning.
VCIS-833Enquiry - Product MovementReport

Modify the Product Enquiry

When displaying all the movements

INWARDS movements need to show the PO Reference

OUTWARDS movements need to show the Doc Ref

We will add a new field with the above references shown.

VCIS-832Reports - Zero StockImprovement

Replcate the existing "Rotation Stock"

Providing a "Zero Stock Report" which will have the child options to drill down into the movements.  This will replace the existing 'Rotation Zero Stock' report which doesn't have any more information in.

VCIS-831Enquiry - Pre-Advices not bookedReport

Duplicate the Booking Report - but for this show only a list of Pre-Advices Not Booked yet 
VCIS-830Reports - Booking DiaryImprovement

Booking diary - To be made into an enquiry.

Should only show bookings for today and the future.

So what we will be doing is below.

Add UID as first column "Booking ID"

Change Exp Delivery into a time field and heading to read "Booked Time" and place after the booked date

Change Arrived Date into a datetime field

Change Departed Date into a datetimefield.

Remove the System Receipt Date as by then it will not be showing on the list.

VCIS-819EDI reports - site specificImprovement3.3.4
Currently reports are scheduled by customer code only, this change to Vision EDI will introduce the site code as well, as such Vision CIS will need to be updated to read and write to the new mandatory field.

Refer VEDI-309 for further details.

VCIS-803VCIS Order AcknowledgementImprovement

Customers processing orders on the VCIS receive an email when they submit the order

Adding the pack size and the total bottles per line onto the output of the email

v3.3.5 (15/12/2016)


871 - Grey screen when ordering / navigating / running reports

v3.3.4 (15/12/2016)


852 - Changes for VI 4.4

849 - Deadlock handling for order processing

848 - Back End controls for version control improvements


850 - Private site error when downloading a stock list to PDF, Excel or CSV

853 - Private site failed login message

854 - Private site forgotten password

856 - Consignee Name invalid on same warehouse transfer

857 - Direct debit was sending email to wrong email address

858 - Direct Debit exception error

860 - Private site - unable to make a payment

861 - Private Site - report can not be found error message for Stock condition

864 - Private Site - Stock list will not load with multiple condition report requests.

v3.3.2 (08/11/2016)


818 - Reserve Customer List added to reports
835 - Unable to reuse a Doc Ref even if it is cancelled.


837 - Order line information improvements
839 - Inserting a / in rotation when it should not be required
840 - Searchig for rotation improvements  
841 - market value retrieval issues resolved
844 & 846 - Bespoke private site go live issues 

v3.3.1 (07/10/2016)

Please note that this can only be installed if the customer is running VW v4.4 or later AND Vision Invoicing v4.4 or later


821 - Amending the order line rotation needed to check and update the product

824 - error message when extracting the stock rotation report

825 - validation of DP email address is required to stop orders from failing

826 - delivery service options were not able to be switched off.

In addition

828 - Report - Stock Adjustments

v3.3 (08/09/2016)

Issue keySummaryIssue TypeAffects Version/sAffects Version/sDescriptionFusion UID
VCIS801Pre-Advice - when product does not existBug

If the products on a Pre-Advice do not exist in VW, when viewing this Pre-Advice in VCIS the same set of Product information will be shown on every single line of the Pre-Advice.

The pre-advice where this issue was noticed was created externally and sent in through EDI.
VCIS794Expected Arrivals - PO Number field Bug3. the dashboard for VCIS in the Expected Arrivals section the PO Number is showing blankSKI-552-45827
VCIS791Condition reports - Rotations with line numbersBug3.1.20
Current issue:

Rotations with multiple line numbers will only show one line number at a time when requesting Condition reports and will not move onto the next line number until the previous is completed

Changes to be made:

As of this version, the VCIS users will be able to see and request rotations regardless of the line number.  If the account has the same rotation multiple times all with different line numbers, the VCIS user will be able to see all and request a report for each.

When searching for completed condition reports, only the rotation number will be checked when filtering, and all possible line numbers for the searched rotation will appear.
VCIS783Order lines - cursor does not tab into correct fieldIssue3.2.0
When tabbing across the columns in the order line screen, the cursor does not go to the next column, it goes to the line above

Also when tabbing into the rotation column, it does not always bring back the rotation number selection
VCIS784PO Creation  - prior detail lines on screenBug3. creating a new PO, there are already product details on the screen, when you go into the line details pageNTV-461-79957
VCIS777Order Screen - CountImprovement

On the order lines screen, the user will be shown an on screen total cases and total singles on the order which is a simple sum of the two columns.HQC-570-96556
VCIS810My Cellar - Wording changeIssue

On the My Cellar - Stock List - stock information page update the following

Condition Rep - Should say Condition Report

Tasting notes does not exist against selected rotation - Can you change to "Tasting notes do not exist against the selected rotation"
VCIS808Pre-Advice - Transfer ordersBug3. has noticed an issue with Transfer Order Pre-Advices in that the Order Lines page does not show any Product Descriptions for any of the lines.XVM-243-33515
VCIS811Safari Browser - order line issueBug3.2.0
Issue has been noticed when adding order lines to an order on an iPad when using the Safari browser, specifically a rotation cannot be added to the order line.DKJ-841-82493
VCIS815Order - Using System delivery addressBug

When an order has to use the system delivery address the field is not being populated.

As such when the delivery arrives into Vision Warehousing the user then has to lookup the address details again.

This lookup is also REMOVING the consignee information from the VW form which is then lost and has to be requested from the customer.

VCIS797Accounts Statement - differentiate duty and invoicesImprovement

The account statement page has the ability to join to one or two accounts databases to display the account statement; one for duty and the other for standard invoices.  When the two are in use, titles will be shown above each on the account statement 'Invoices' and 'Duty'.  If only one DB is in use, titles will not be shown.

The same applies to the email generated when 'Send' is pressed.

VCIS782Remote Login - VW admin accessImprovement

Most customers use the 'trade' site template, others use the 'bespoke private' site as well.  When logging in from remote applications such as VisionWarehousing, it needs to know the URL for each of these, changes will be made to VCIS to store these URLs for the remote applications to retrieve.
VCIS775Today's deliveriesImprovement

Move to goods outwards menu leaving only actual reports in the reports menu.
VCIS772View Historic Market Prices with GraphNew Feature

Show Market value and graph from a direct Livex feed.

**This will only display on the private template, the market value report charge MUST be set if you use the private template site otherwise it will fail to display.**

VCIS805Pre-Advice - Reference field lengthIssue3.2.0
When creating a new Pre-Advice the Purchase Order Reference field is not limited (20 Characters in EDI and VW) so users who enter 21+ characters, the file generated will fail validationQZT-445-28917
VCIS804Order - Doc Ref DuplicationBug

If multiple orders are sent from VCIS in a short space of time with the same doc ref, they are merged together in one file and create 1 order. This has been stopped.CKK-863-72291
VCIS806Pre-Advice - submissionsBug3.1.20
Pre-advices are showin as stopped at submitting when the order has in fact already been submitted, and gone through to warehousing. UAQ-260-50775
VCIS792Error 404 - Administrator User Setting Issue3.2.0
404 error thrown when trying to add New Order if user settings (in VW) only have administrator turned on (and not Sales Order)MAW-522-18880
VCIS787My Cellar - Modifications Post ImplementationImprovement

Modifications to the original specification for the following :

1) The Professional Access control

2) It should not show any line where there is no current stock

3) At the point of Receipt the Sg is showing bottles even when its a case and it should show Cs/Sg correctly as it already does this on the right side of the page in the current stock

4) SS and SPC need to be added as new columns.

5) Add an email me my stock values button under the Update Market Values which sends an email with a PDF (in landscape mode)
VCIS817Security - Date and Place Bug

When the user logs in, if their memorable place or memorable date is blank, the user should be forced to enter them both as later they could require this for using the forgotten password feature.
VCIS814Rotation Stock Report - Excel Export Date formatBug3.3.0
When exporting the excel spreadsheet, the output to excel is sending the date columns as  dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss but this is not being recognised by excel as a date field. 
VCIS771Update Market Values New Feature

VCIS users will now be able to retrieve the latest market values which will be stored in VW and visible from there too.
VCIS820Bespoke Site - Logon from VWIssue

There's a problem when logging in to the bespoke private site from VW.
VCIS678Changes to the Customers Bespoke siteIssue

Changes will need to be made to the bespoke private site to ensure it continues to work following the changes planned in VW which will remove most old Vision CIS v2 components.

The login page move to the private site so we can decommission the online site and leave private site running.

Ensure we can log in to the private site directly from Vision Warehousing. 

v3.2 (12/04/2016)

Pre-Requisites for Installation : Vision EDI v3.0.3 or newer.

KeySummaryIssue TypeDescriptionFusionUID
VCIS540EMCS OutstandingNew FeatureCreate a new form which shows one tab

"Orders sent underbond where the ARC is outstanding for each customer account."

Information should be

Doc Ref
Warehouse PKID
Delivery Name / Address / UB Number
Consignee Name / Address
Total Qty of Cases / Bottles / Lines 

VCIS713Maintenance ClosedNew FeatureFor Maintenance purposes - the ability to force logout of any logged in users from  the system and prevent further logins.
A maintenance page would be shown when this is active.

VCIS728Stock Value Report Column TitleIssueThe Stock value report has a column called Value C/S which is misleading as it is the stock value in the currency of the stock
To be updated to a more relevant title
VCIS755New order - wrong defaultIssueOn VCIS when a customer is Creating an order, the delivery method is defaulting to Warehouse carrier instead of warehouse deliveryJHI-574-36476
VCIS756Reports - Stock Movement - formattingIssueThe movement from stock report is showing a time in the date columns on the exported report. This shows as 00:00:00 and is not needed.
The report on the screen does not show the time stamp
VCIS744Unhelpful Error message when saving address bookIssueWhen you create an address book and enter an instruction over 120 characters you cannot save but the error message does not tell you whyGJR-229-10606
VCIS738Delivery time 2 not being validatedIssueIf you create an order and use a new postcode, you can enter a from time and to time, but don't need to enter a from time2 to a to time2.ISF-473-54373
VCIS709Issues in OS X SafariIssueThere are a couple of issues when using Safari on OS X, when using 'private' browsing mode, the screen appears blank, with no customer code shown in the top right.

When using normal browsing mode, and creating an order, the order type dropdown list isn't populated correctly.

VCIS739Secure AccessIssueAccess to the new v3 site should only be either from the customer externally or via the VCIS launch button. You should not be able to login internally any other way.
VCIS762My Cellar - Stock List - Stock InformationIssueThe line titled Cases/Single on the page then shows 6 singles / 0 cases
It needs to be consistent and show x Cases / y Singles

When you drill into the rotation history there are some spelling mistakes
• Incurance/Curr - to - Insurance/Currency
• Customes Duty Paid in UK - to - Customs Duty Paid in UK
• KG/Case - to - Kg/Case

VCIS741Restriction to Searching Movements In or OutImprovementSearching Movements in or out does not produce a result for anything other than the last 12 months. It should produce what is available.

Reports → Goods Inwards → Movements into Stock
Reports → Goods Outwards → Movements from Stock

VCIS759Order line limit validation messageImprovementShow message when order line limit reached
VCIS764Order Entry - Using Saved AddressImprovementDelivery Name' to be removed from the top 'Order Type' box when keying an order, leaving 'Order Type and 'Your Ref' on one line (not one beneath the other).
Change the 'Select Delivery Address or Begin typing Postcode'
- Change the label to 'Select Delivery Address or begin typing'
- Change the contents to DPAccountRef - Delivery Name, Delivery Address Line 1, Postcode 

VCIS768Private Cellar - Stock List - Stock Information TabImprovementWhen you drill down on the stock list it opens additional sections (Stock Information / Condition Note / Tasting Notes)
Add a new section above them which will contain Additional Product Information

This will only be added if we have set the product type to have this information, e.g. Wine
If this exists then display all the additional information fields contained on the product record 
VCIS776EnquiriesImprovementAbove condition reports in the main menu, create an 'Enquiry' menu option. Move Rotation Information & Product Movements (currently in reports) over to this new menu and ensure that it also returns zero stocks. These are not reports and should never have been in reports menu.
VCIS715Branding configurationImprovementBranding for customers will be stored in the database
VCIS758Report - Movements from Stock BugThe movements from Stock report is not exporting the filtered data correctlyOLH-237-75241
VCIS752Report - Reserve CustomerBugAllow the search for this but ensure that it only brings up the reserve customers for the account.RFN-378-19783
VCIS735Order Entry - BlanksBugOrder lines save as 0 value if quantity is Blank and the file created shows 0 values where the quantity is left blankHQP-259-56583
VCIS763Frozen stockBugFrozen lines need to be displayed in the stock report on the Private Cellar pageIVK-621-68369
VCIS770Dashboard - Expected ArrivalsBugThe dashboard has the wrong information in some fields and is not sorted into date/time order.
VCIS749Cannot Place orders on Chrome on IPADBugCustomers are unable to create orders using Google Chrome on an IPad

When creating an order the "Order Type" dropdown box does not show any options -
VCIS781Line disappears if insufficient StockBugIf entering an order line and there is insufficient stock, the data disappears from the line.

If you reenter and adjust the qty, the line tells you it has saved, but disappears from the screen
VCIS778Order Type - Change after entryBugUsers should not be able to change the under bond type after selecting it and progressing to the next page.
VCIS760Rotation Information - TimeoutBugRotation Information is not pulling data across and is timing outOAR-498-98927
VCIS789Condition Report - sendingBugWhen emailing or downloading a Condition Report from VCIS the number of images send/downloaded is far greater than the number of images that was actually uploaded to the Condition Report.

It looks to be multiplying the number of images uploaded by the number of images uploaded.
VCIS788Reports - Text field - Excel issueBugWhen excel is being used to open reports depending on version, operating system, user settings and a number of other external factors completely outside of our control, there is an issue that on occasions the user will have the leading 0 removed because excel thinks the field is a numeric field.

V3.0  31/01/2015

New web application has been released, this has been rebuild from the base upwards, everything is new.

Reports use the same data feed but are displayed differently on the screen.

This is only supported on the following cersions of other applications

VWarehousing v4 upwards

VDistribution  v1,10 upwards

Vision Bond v3.4 upwards

Vision Invoicing v2.1 upwards

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