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Comment: v2.2.0 released


Here you will be able to view the documentation showing all changes that have been made to Vision Distribution and ePOD

Here you will be able to view the documentation showing all changes that have been made to Vision Distribution and ePOD

The documents list details of bug fixes, improvements and new features that have been implemented in order to enhance the way that Vision Distribution works.

Where a new feature has been added, you will be able to link directly to the user manual page giving details of how the new feature works and what it does.

You will also be able to view the details of changes which are due to take place in future releases of Vision Distribution.


Vision Distribution v2.1.1 (31/05/2018)


Vision Distribution v2.1.0 (20/09/2017)

This release is primarily for integration with VW version 5.0  it will not work with prior versions of Warehousing

In addition the following bugs were resolved

VDIST-808Postcode lookup was not seeing some addresses when they belongs to a single companyVDIST-800Palletforce FTP - Extract IssuesVDIST-799

Costs Module

With the costs module set to on, and the Transport and Transport Item set to "each load will be individually priced" the costs box on the depot planning screen does not allow input of the cost information for the manifest.


Costs Setup

When setting up a transport or transport item and setting the Costs flag to All loads are individually priced the system produces an error "Unable to case object of type "System.Arguement.Exception" 

VDIST-794Carrier Plan → Error when opening.
Version 2.12.60
Release Date1510/0305/192019
Other Application Requirements

Vision Live v5.0.0For Route planning2.3+ (for route planning)

Warnings or Notices

Operational changes are marked in RED on the lines below.

Please pay attention to these changes.

UIDSummaryIssue TypeComponent/sDescriptionLinked toVDIST-997Delivery - Status updated from O to PBugDeliveriesWhen a delivery is at status O (after having been added to a bulk pick) but later removed from the bulk pick, and an additional order line added, the delivery status is rolled back to P.VW-4100VDIST-1010Depot Plan: Error  with booked dateBugRoute planning - manualIn Depot Plan screen, if you drag a delivery with BookedDate from left side grid to any of the manifest in the right side grid, the screen will no longer work. If there are rows already in manifest those rows will become blank if move/resize the screen.
VDIST-1011Depot Plan => Planning TabsBugRoute planning - manualIn Depot Plan screen=> error text and red colour in Today + 1 tab, was getting cleared after saving and if any error is displayed in TransportItem.
To reproduce
Select Today + 1 tab
Click Add manifest, a new manifest is created in the grid.
Click save without updating Transport Item.
We should get '..Invalid driver code..' error text in the column, however it is not showing when we go to Today +1 tab.
VDIST-1019Carrier Driver:  Modification BugRoute planning - automatedWhen opening a carrier driver and making changes it is not allowing the details to be saved and it is wiping the Address details from the Personal screen.VSUP-9162VDIST-1032Route plan->Accept Plan errorBugRoute planning - automatedManual Deliveries and Deliveries created from returns are not having the physical pallets field correctly filled with a number.    
This is causing issues stopping the automated routing from working.VDIST-1034Route Planning  > Accept Plan - Depot Plan IssueRoute planning - automatedAfter accepting a plan from the Route Planning screen - when trying to Save or Finalise the manifest, there is an error related to the Driver Code. VDIST-1032Version 2.1.5Release Date15/01/19Other Application Requirements

Vision Live v5.0.0+ for Route planning

VDG v2.4.2+ (not compulsory but includes depot printing fixes)

Warnings or Notices

Operational changes are marked in RED on the lines below.

Please pay attention to these changes.

UIDSummaryIssue TypeAffects Version/sChange AreaDescriptionLinked toConfiguration RequiredLicense RequiredVDIST-845BI enquiry - OutstandingTransport Charge reportReport2.1.0BINew Report addedRFC-260NoNoVDIST-1001VW > VD import job - Locking the systemIssue2.1.4DeliveriesThe job which runs regularly to import deliveries from VW to VD is locking on larger volume systems.VW-4099NoNoVDIST-996Coordinate retrieval - Incorrectly formatted addressesIssue2.1.4DeliveriesWhen an address such as '48.  Acres Avenue' is entered in 'Delivery Address 1', the automatic coordinate retrieval job fails and stops running completely.NoNoVDIST-981Route Planner: Unable to see row contentDesign Change2.1.4DeliveriesRoute Planner: Unable to see row content due to colouring
The row colour is white and so is the text, therefore the user is unable to see anything.VSUP-7992NoNoVDIST-1006Depot Plan - Postcode for the PD Delivery Type Change2.1.5DeliveriesOn the Depot Plan, using a Delivery Type PD it is only showing the same Postcode for both parts DeliveryVDIST-972NoNoVDIST-1005PD Delivery - Not validatingChange2.1.5DeliveriesWhen doing a Delivery Kind PD (pickup & Delivery elsewhere) validating the Postcode, it is not validating and saving correctly.NoNoVDIST-989Delivery - Manifest Message ScreenChange2.1.5GeneralReceiving an error when clicking Search in the Manifest Message screen NoNoVDIST-983Integrate VBI 1.1.2Change2.1.4General Integration of the latest version of VBI to fix some bugs & minor improvements.NoNoVDIST-975Create Delivery 'Release' button issueChange2.1.5DeliveriesUpon saving a delivery and doing Release ,its still displays the 'Release' button and we need to search the delivery from navigation and do 'Release' again .NoNoVDIST-974Delivery: Co-Ordinate Retrieval failureChange2.1.4Route planning - automatedIf an address containing a period right after the building number the co-ordinate retrieval will fail when trying to convert the value.
Ran various scenarios however this comes down to users data entry so there are other possibilities which are untested.VSUP-7706NoNoVDIST-972Route Planning - View Plan PD Delivery TypeChange2.1.5DeliveriesWhen viewing the plan with a Delivery Type PD. It is planning both parts of the Delivery however on the results in View Plan, it is only showing the Postcode for the Delivery not the Pickup.
Vision LIVE v5.0.0 is required for this to work.VLIVE-134NoNoVDIST-962Route planning - Refresh / view plan Change2.1.2Route planning - automatedUsers have to close the route planning screen after making a change to a transport item or delivery, otherwise if they make the change without closing the screen and clicking 'View Plan' directly, the changes are not picked up.
The system will refresh the data as the first step when the user clicks View Plan.NoNoVDIST-953Depot Screen changes for VDIST-944Change2.1.0Route planning - manualSlightly increase the size of the screen.
- Move ''Manifest Report by' groupbox to next line and place the radio buttons horizontally.
- Add a new group box "Delivery window adjustment for 'same time'" in above vacant location.
- Add two  +/- numeric controls labelled 'From mins adj' and 'To mins adj'  defaulted to -20 and 10.
- Validation should ensure that the difference between these two are >= 30.
NoNoVDIST-952Route Planning=>  Delivery Kind should show PDChange2.1.0Route planning - manualRight and left delivery grid's delivery kind columns should show
PD deliveries are PD, currently it is showing as D.
e.g. Delivery 042254 should be showing kind 'PD' but it's just showing 'D'.
This is from VDIST-837.NoNoVDIST-949Transfer Plan Change2.1.2DeliveriesWhen using Transfer Plan screen - this screen performance is slowNoNoVDIST-944Issues when time 1 and 2 have the same time.Change2.1.0Route planning - automatedWhen Delivery Times 1 and 2 are the same the delivery is not being planned correctly. It is ignoring the times completely.
The issue has been fixed by getting FromTimeAdjustmentMinsForSameTimeWindow and ToTimeAdjustmentMinsForSameTimeWindow times if the delivery windows times are same.
Modified tblDepotRouting added two columns
FromTimeAdjustmentMinsForSameTimeWindow int (default -20)
ToTimeAdjustmentMinsForSameTimeWindow int (default 10)
Added new logic in Route Planning =>View Plan click, wherein the above value will be used to make the difference of 30minutes before sending to PTV.
New issue (VDIST-953) created to address the rest of the changes.
VSUP-7329NoNoVDIST-854Routing - earliest and latest timesChange2.0.5Route planning - automatedIf deliveries have no earliest and latest times, they could potentially be planned to be dropped too early, a control will be added to the depot to set the earliest / latest times for deliveries with no times.NoNoVDIST-664EDI "Pickup" Pre-AdvicesChange2.1.4GeneralVDIST changes for VEDI-411, specifically changes to the pickup note to show the new EDI fields.VDIST-994
VEDI-411NoNoVDIST-984Charge: Incorrect charges for Override Charge BandBug2.1.4DeliveriesIt seem to have a Override Charge Band issue on VD for order from one specific customer. VSUP-8073NoNoVDIST-982Transport item - end depotBug2.1.4DeliveriesThe transport item 'end depot' is sometimes showing as empty but is saved with an invalid option in the back end, which produces an error when using the transport item in route planning.NoNoVDIST-978Delivery Form -  RecalculationsBug2.1.4GeneralThe form is recalculating the delivery every time it is opened instead of reading from the DB.
If the delivery is then saved, the price will be over written.
This is only an issue if an old rate has a revised rate.
If delivery is D or I then no recalculations should be performed.
Otherwise it will calculate and if different the user will have to choose an action
"The charge for this delivery (£xx.xx) is different to what the charge would be calculated as now (£yy.yy), do you want to keep the existing charge or update it?"NoNoVDIST-968Delivery - Signature date/timeBug2.1.4DeliveriesOn the delivery screen 'Proof of delivery' tab, the 'Date/Time' field is blank even though the value is present in the database.NoNoVDIST-967Manual delivery - Additional charge mandatoryBug2.1.4DeliveriesWhen creating a manual delivery, after saving, and then releasing, the screen shows an error message asking for the additional charge.  NoNoVDIST-966Customer Defaults: VAT Rate not being setBug2.1.4DeliveriesCustomer Default VAT code is not being set from VW, this is resulting in VAT not showing in VD.VSUP-7500NoNoVDIST-963Manifest Printing: Depot Manifest not printingBug2.1.2GeneralManifests are being finalised but are not generating via VDG.VSUP-7466NoNoVDIST-960Deliveries rolled back to status OBug2.1.2DeliveriesAfter a customer upgraded to VD v2.1.2, deliveries which were not on hold (including cancelled deliveries) were rolled back to status O in errorVCC-596
VDIST-917NoNoVDIST-950Delivery Screen - Invoice CustomerBug2.1.2DeliveriesRemoves the Invoice Customer Site Code after authorising the address on a saved DeliveryNoNoVDIST-947Depot Plan FiltersBug2.1.2DeliveriesOn the Depot Plan, when using the filters, this is not applying to the results. NoNoVDIST-925Archive Delivery: Search by Customer Code Bug2.1.0DeliveriesWhen searching in Navigation > Archive > Deliveries, if you choose to search by customer code or customer name there the search doesn't seem to do anything.VSUP-6904NoNoVDIST-922Delivery: Latest time displays wrong time Bug2.1.0DeliveriesIf the latest time 2 is empty, it's showing the current time.
VSUP-6822NoNoVDIST-911Depot maintenance screen - could not save Bug2.1.0MaintenanceSave fails when try to change field contentsNoNoVersion 2.1.4Release Date15/08/18Other Application RequirementsWarnings or Notices

Operational changes are marked in RED on the lines below.

Please pay attention to these changes.

Only 2 bugs were fixed which were in v 2.1.2

Vision Distribution v2.1.2 (09/08/2018)

Some users may find it necessary to 'Reset Layout' in the Depot Plan after upgrading



The default columns displayed in the Depot Plan are changing, if you find that one of the columns you use has disappeared then right click the column headings, select 'Field Chooser' and add it back in to the desired position.


The routing engine providers have a bug in their service requiring you to set the drivers 'max transport point count per tour' to an additional +1 to work correctly.  The fix is available and our server update is being arranged.  The field can be set correctly after the server is updated.

UIDSummaryIssue TypeAffects Version/sComponent/sDescriptionLinked toConfig RequiredLicensed Module
VDIST-695Report - ManifestReport2.1.1Report TemplateImprove the Manifest to bring it in line with the functionality available in the system with concise terms

I *Despatch Information*
 1. Site column - Renamed to Dispatching Address - Displays the full address of the dispatching location.
 2. Despatch Date - The dates when the goods are due to be picked up from the dispatching warehouse.
 3. Despatch Time - The time when the goods are due to be picked up from the dispatching warehouse.

II *Delivery Point Information*
 1. Name column - Renamed to Destination Address.  Displays the name, addressline1, town, postcode of the destination location.
 2. Booked Date - This is the date when the goods are due to be delivered to Destination Address.
 3. Booked Time - This is the time when the goods are due to be delivered to desintation address.

It should print in DROP Order as per route planning, if automated planning is done then estimated times should be shown.

If there are different types of deliveries, such as pick up and drop elsewhere each is to have its own section as they would not be within the depot Delivery or pick and return.
VDIST-1048Route plan - Multiple deliveries to same addressIssue2.1.6Route planning - automatedWhen multiple deliveries are being delivered to the same address they are not considered at the same delivery for the transport item 'Max Transport Point Count Per Tour' setting.

A new depot setting will be added 'Accumulate delivery stops by address' to enable this.
VLIVE-169, VSUP-9299NoNo
VDIST-1046Delivery - Manifest Message ScreenIssue2.2.0GeneralReceiving an error when clicking Search in the Manifest Message screen.
VDIST-1031Create Delivery - Save Issue2.2.0DeliveriesWhile trying to create delivery and click Save button, it is not validating the postcode address automatically.
VDIST-1023Transport Item - ExceptionIssue2.1.6MaintenanceWhile trying to edit Delivery Depots tab under View/Edit Transport Item screen, it shows an exception.
VDIST-805Route Planning - Top FiltersIssue2.1.0Route planning - automatedThe filters on the screen are being applied to the selected items, when they should only apply to the unselected deliveries on the left side.VDIST-787NoNo
VDIST-1008TV screen statsImprovement2.1.5GeneralThe stats TV screen has had some improvements following feedback.
VDIST-676Nav - View ManifestImprovement2.1.5Nav - FormView manifest

The grid will be updated to the new version and will be tidied up at the same time, new changes will be introduced to make it easier to see potential issues on current routes, including:
* Highlighting of delivery times when revised ETAs do not fall between the delivery windows
* Highlighting of the revised ETA if more than 2 hours outside of the originally calculated ETA
* Delivered lines will be greyed out but still visible
* Ordering the grid by drop number

A new BI enquiry will also be created showing similar information but problem lines only.

Manifest search
Will be improved to allow finding a manifest by customer information (i.e. customer code, doc ref, postcode) to facilitate finding a manifest out for delivery and seeing the above screen giving a good idea of the current status for any chasing customers.
VDIST-647Distribution Planning - Depot PlanImprovement2.1.4Route planning - manualImprovements to the Depot Planning Screen

Have the ability to show the following fields on the screen to assist with planning:
 - Delivery area the new EDI fields from Delivery Option, below:
 - Service Codes - indication that there are codes and display on mouseover
 - Service Level - display this field
 - Area Number - display this field

Changes to the default columns displayed will be made but the existing 'Field chooser' available by right clicking the column headings will have all fields available for users to choose which fields they prefer to see.
VDIST-1036Depot Plan - Moving a delivery backBug2.1.6DeliveriesWhen moving all the Deliveries to a Manifest you are unable to move one back to the left hand side.
VDIST-1021Geolocation Restriction - adding service codeBug2.1.5MaintenanceWhen trying to add a service code to a Geolocation Restriction on systems with large datasets the process is timing out which is resulting in a BMC error being thrown.VSUP-9222NoNo
VDIST-1016Delivery - Charge pop upBug2.1.5DeliveriesIf you change the Charge on a Delivery and click the Recalculate Charges button the message window that pops up is confusing and the first time you make a choice, clicking the Recalculate button will show the message again but not afterwards.VSUP-9161NoNo
VDIST-1012Route Planning - PR deliveriesBug2.1.5Route planning - automatedWhen using the automated route planning screen for a pickup (and return stock to depot), the map appears to be showing the route correctly however the results table is not.