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titleSundry Charge
The sundry charges include all types of charges that rarely occur and are not listed separately because it doesn’t relate to other specified applicable charges. This tab is used to Set up the Sundry Charge Charges which can be applied to Orders or Pre-advice advices for the Customer. Image Removed

This tab is used to show the Customer Analysis Codes you have set against the Customer and other important settings for picking/despatches

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  • Customer Analysis is from the Analysis Code that has been set up

    • To change Analysis, you will need to go to the Analysis Code Maintenance

  • Customer Features, this includes configuration options specific to the customer

    • VCIS Default Access to Private Site sets a Customer to log automatically into the Private version of the Vision CIS website if your company is offering this service.

    • SSCCs are Serial Shipping Container Codes.

    • Picking Order Type

      • FIFO (First In First Out)
        (Complies with Main Picking Rule, choosing oldest stock first).

      • CFIFO (Cases - First In First Out)
        (Complies with Main Picking Rule, then if available full Cases are used then the standard FIFO rules are applied).

      • PFIFO (Pallets - First In First Out)
        (Complies with Main Picking Rule, then if available full Pallets are used, then full cases and then standard FIFO rules are applied).

      • PCFIFO (Pallets, Cases - First In First Out)
        (Complies with Main Picking Rule, then If available full Pallets are used, then if available full cases are used and then finally standard FIFO rules are applied).

      • LOCATION & BATCH are both legacy rules that are no longer used and will be removed in a future version.

Main Picking Rule: Underbond stock is chosen first for Customers not using their own Deferment otherwise Duty Paid stock is always chosen first.

Unless changed, the default Picking Order for a Customer is FIFO

Note - If a customer is set to use CFIFO picking, and no rotations are specified on the order, the system will pick the stock from the first available rotation where there is sufficient stock to fulfil the order in the fewest amount of locations.

  • Despatch Notes

    • This will allow the user to be able to print the Product Note and Special Message.


This tab is used to allow you to specify which emails that will be sent to the Customer from e-Pod (if you have this module) when they have deliveries

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  • Transport Master Account

    • This is an additional module which you can activate within the system, it allows charges for this account to be invoiced to a master account, to allow a single consolidated charge invoice to be produced.


Transport Master
Please note that this is can not be chained

e.g. Account A →  Account B   Account B →  Account C  Account C →  Account X  
You need to setup   Account A → Account X     Account B → Account X    Account C → Account X

  • The External Carrier will need to be filled in if you would use this customer for an Order that will be using an External Carrier.


This tab is used is to record any figures that you have agreed with the Client for the next 12 months. It also allows you to compare with the current and last 12 months

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  • In the Forecast section, this is where you enter the figures that you have agreed with your customers to aim for the 12 months. 

  • In the Actual Section - this is where you can retrieve the Actual Figures for the Customer.

    • Clicking on the Update button will pull through the figures


A case12 is based on there being 12 Singles Per Case. Therefore even if Products for this Customer are not set up as 12 SPC it will still calculate as if it were.


This tab is used to audit all users that have viewed or updated the Customer PII details

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This tab shows the User's full name. Whether the information was just viewed or viewed and updated.

  • The reason the update happened.

  • As well as the Date and Time the update or view occurred. 


    You can select System Sundry from the drop-down list field. All the others will be auto-filled. The Charge and Product Code can be edited. To add more System Sundry options to the dropdown field, you need to create a sundry charge using the option provided in the System Data section. Click here to know more about it →


    The nominal codes here are normally setup by the Vision Team when your system is first configured and are only relevant if you do not also use Vision Invoicing.

    If you do use Vision Invoicing, all nominal codes are taken from the nominal codes set up against each Customer on the /wiki/spaces/VINVOICING/pages/649920629 screen.

    Sundry Charges against Pre-Advices use the Nominal Code setup against Goods In and the charges against Sales Orders use the Goods Out nominal charge.

    You can view all the other customer maintenance tabs by selecting a link from the menu below :

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    rootCustomer Maintenance