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Table of Contents


Field Name


Deferment Account

Generally this would be set to your customers account code where your using this for charging duty purposes only (and they do not hold stock) then use a suitable code to identify this account.

Deferment Number

For Government duty accounts - this is the deferment number of your account. It is 7 digits long

For Cash duty accounts - you will have a virtual account number here which the system generates which is seven characters long starting with your customer code followed by 4 number.

Email Address

This is the address which is used to send the following information

  • For cash customers - the Duty Demand - which is the amount of duty owed, this is generated each time the day end is run within Vision Bond

  • For All cutomers - excise and vat report - which is automatically generated each night at 20.00


It is important to fill this information for each deferment accounts to ensure your deferment owners receive their daily duty reports.


These fields should be filled in where you have these details for the customer.

Failure to complete these may result in the duty being charged inaccurately, because a check is made that the importer EORI/VAT matches the deferment account EORI/VAT to allow PVA VAT to be charged. If this is not entered then PVA would not be applicable.

Cash Deferment (Virtual Accounts)





This is where you offer the customer credit for their deferment and will not be notifying them of payment collection using direct debit

Direct Debit

This is similar to the credit option however this adds an additional notification onto the duty demand (which is created at Vision Bond day end operation) regarding the payment of the deferment by direct debit.


configure a cash deferment for pre-payment, which results in all orders using the deferment being put on hold awaiting payment. The existing 'held order email’ has been updated to display the pre-payment required so users can generate this

  • Manually from the held orders screen

  • Automatically by the Scheduler service.

Users can then take the order off hold once payment has been obtained.


Examples of


Email and




View file
namePre-payment Order held.pdf


In order to ensure the duties paid are correct and do not change once the order is picked, these types of orders will result in a ‘soft pick’ which will pre-allocate rotations to the order based on the existing FIFO calculations at the time the order is saved, therefore saving of orders for prepayment deferments is more resource-intensive and therefore slightly slower.


titleExample of Surcharge Invoice


In general this service can be seen as a charge valid of sales tax (VAT) however some warehouses have argued that this is a financial credit agreement which is outside the scope of VAT. There is an option on the form to allow you to choose whichever method you wish to use.


If you utilise the Vision Bond extract for finance system you must setup the nominal code on this form before you use this service charge feature. If you are only raising invoices for the service charge and manually posting them then there is no need.

Optional Modules

Optional Finance extract is available - this is not a standard module


  • Customer amount they owe for duty relating to the orders they have cleared

  • Customer amount they owe for the service charge

  • Supplier amount which you would be due to pay customs for the customer duty

Add Customer button


By clicking the button the above form will open up allowing you to specify who can use this deferment account.In order to use a deferment account the customer has to have the authority to do so and in this form you will grant the authority as either the

  • Stock Holding customer OR

  • A user of the the deferment account.


This is the instruction as to who will be able to charge the deferment, you will need to enter the customer code and customer name and then you need to decide whether this is a “Owned” or “Customer using deferment” addition to this deferment.


If it is an owner then nothing else is required and you can ADD customer.

Customer Using the Deferment

If it is somebody using the account then based on the C1207 form you have you need to decide


  • What to do if a customer runs out of credit on HMRC and wants to use a cash deferment?

    • Setup a Cash Deferment for that Customer marking the Stock holding accounts which will use it.

    • On the customer record, change the customer default account to the cash account WHEN YOU NEED TO CHANGE TO CASH DEFERMENT.

    • Return it back to the HMRC number whenever you finish using it.
