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Here you will be able to view the documentation showing all changes that have been made to Vision Distribution and ePOD

The documents list details of bug fixes, improvements and new features that have been implemented in order to enhance the way that Vision Distribution works.

Where a new feature has been added, you will be able to link directly to the user manual page giving details of how the new feature works and what it does.

You will also be able to view the details of changes which are due to take place in future releases of Vision Distribution.

Version 2.3.5
Release Date20/02/2020
Other Application Requirements

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Warnings or Notices


VDIST-1163 (Bug) - Delivery Instructions were not appearing on the route planning.

Version 2.3.4
Release Date15/01/2020
Other Application Requirements

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Warnings or Notices


UIDSummaryIssue TypeAffects Version/sComponent/sDescriptionLinked toConfig RequiredLicensed Module
VDIST-1127Unplanned Delivery - BIReport2.3.1BINew report added which is showing unplanned deliveries defined by

manifest date > 7 days
No manifest associated
VDIST-1140Delivery - Status 'P' after booked date enteredIssue2.3.3DeliveriesAfter a booking date is entered for a delivery, in the back end the held reason for ‘Awaiting Booking’ is not removed which later causes an issue with the delivery update job from VW, which prevents the delivery from being updated from status P to O.VW-4630;VSUP-12010;VW-4632;VDIST-1123NoNo
VDIST-1137Delivery - View routeIssue2.3.3Route planning - automatedThe user has to close and reopen the delivery screen after saving a PD delivery for the charges > 'View Route' button to appear.
VDIST-1136Route planning - multiple manifests per driverIssue2.3.3Route planning - automatedWhen multiple manifests are prepared for a driver, the user clicks 'Accept Plan' and all deliveries are put on to a single manifest.
VDIST-1135Route planning - layoutIssue2.3.3Route planning - automatedWhen a user saves their layout after changing the column sizes, it's not being recalled correctly.
VDIST-1129User groups - default administrator groupIssue2.3.3GeneralDuring the system updates, we need a way to be sure which group is an administrator account, to setup access to new features, new enquiries etc so that customers know they exist.

When systems are first setup, an administrator group is created by default. Some customers change the name of this and later may not use it as an administrator group.

Changes will be implemented to ensure that there is always a top level administrator group which our accounts will be linked to, as well as the default customer administrator accounts and this will not be able to be changed.
VDIST-1124Depot Plan - PerformanceIssue2.3.3Route planning - manualWhen working with large datasets the new Depot Plan screen can run 100-200% slower than it did before when performing certain tasks.VSUP-11381;VDIST-1128NoNo
VDIST-1122VBI - Latest updateIssue2.3.3BIInclude the latest VBI v1.1.3 fixes and updates.
VDIST-1114Delivery address - field consistencyIssue2.3.0DeliveriesOn deliveries in the Delivery Point tab the use of the word "Consignee" is inconsistent with the wording we have used elsewhere in the system.

This will be renamed to be "Name / Business"

Also for consistency and backward compatibility the other field are to have additional identifiers

No & Street (Add1)
Building Name (Add2)

Search Results also need to be updated.

Generic Description would be “DP Name”

This is to differentiate it from the Collection Point or intermediate depot point.
VDIST-1068Depot Plan - Column headersIssue2.2.0GeneralOn the Depot Plan, unable to move the columns where you want them.VSUP-11599;VSUP-10338NoNo
VDIST-926Transport Item - TabbingIssue2.1.1MaintenanceThe tabbing index on some tabs is inconsistent, plus some other validation and display issues.VSUP-8845;VSUP-10278;VSUP-10479;VW-3919NoNo
VDIST-1104Depot Plan - Planned Arrival Time columnDesign Change2.3.0Route planning - automatedUsers would like to see the ‘Planned arrival time’ for the manifest shown.

VDIST-1139Deliveries on hold - manual delivery IDsBug2.3.3GeneralWe have a button in each of the tabs to open the delivery, for manual deliveries the '0' prefix is being omitted.
VDIST-1138Route planning - hoursBug2.3.3Route planning - automatedThe 'hours' displayed in the Depot Plan for all manifests created from the automated route planning do not agree with the values shown to the user in the map table.
VDIST-1132Archive delivery - charge tab errorBug2.3.3DeliveriesWhen viewing deliveries within the archive and you switch to the Charges tab, the following error is shown "Column 'TotalPhysicalPallets' does not belong to table tblDelivery".VSTASK-2060NoNo
VDIST-1126Depot Plan - Moving DeliveriesBug2.3.3DeliveriesWhen moving multiple deliveries it's not updating the manifest details (e.g. drops, weight), nor can the manifest be expanded to see the deliveries beneath it.VSUP-11598NoNo
VDIST-1125Depot Plan - Repick DocumentationBug2.3.3.1Route planning - manualThe repick documentation that is meant to generate when finalising manifests does not generate for systems who use depot printing.VSUP-11497NoNo
VDIST-1121Route Plan - Accept PlanBug2.3.3Route planning - automatedSyntax error when hitting Accept Plan when the data submitted (such as delivery address line 1) contains apostrophes.VSUP-11363;VCC-881NoNo
VDIST-1119Delivery - Geolocation RestrictionBug2.3.3Deliveries;Route planning - manualRestrictions entered for a postcode are not automatically attached to deliveries to that postcode, and when manually adding them the routing system is not matching the delivery with a suitable driver.VSUP-11247;VLIVE-202NoNo
VDIST-1118Delivery - Time 2 fieldsBug2.3.3DeliveriesWhen opening a delivery if the TIme2 fields do not have times defined the screen will show the time the delivery was opened.VSUP-11185NoNo
VDIST-1098Delivery area - category validationBug2.2.0.1MaintenanceThe category field is not being validated in the delivery area screen.

Version 2.3.3
Release Date19/09/2019
Other Application Requirements

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Warnings or Notices


UIDSummaryIssue TypeAffects Version/sComponent/sDescriptionLinked toConfig RequiredLicensed Module
VDIST-1117Delivery - time windowsBug2.3.2DeliveriesDelivery time windows are not showing when opening deliveries (archived deliveries are fine however).VSUP-11127NoNo
VDIST-1111VW> VD Update - Missing address detailsBug2.2.0.2DeliveriesOrders were being pulled from VW into VD without their address details being pulled over despite the address being in VW.VSUP-10975NoNo
VDIST-1092Delivery - Confirmation By CarrierChange2.3.0DeliveriesReceiving an error when using the F11 key searching for the Carrier in the “Confirmation by Carrier” screen.

Version 2.3.2
Release Date30/08/2019
Other Application Requirements

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Warnings or Notices


UIDSummaryIssue TypeAffects Version/sComponent/sDescriptionLinked toConfig RequiredLicensed Module


Unprinted Manifests Report - Reasons




Due to changes made to the Unprinted Manifests report the reasons are not showing correctly as they did before, it’s showing the same reasons for all deliveries within the manifest, preventing users from easily finding problem deliveries which are holding up the automated manifest prints.





Deliveries - Total Weight




Route planning - automated

The total weight for the deliveries is showing incorrectly.




Dashboards - Awaiting POD for Redeliveries



TV / Dashboards

The dashboards are not displaying statistics for the 'Deliveries without POD' when deliveries are redelivered.



Version 2.3.1
Release Date28/08/2019
Other Application Requirements

Check prior versions

Warnings or Notices


UIDSummaryIssue TypeAffects Version/sComponent/sDescriptionLinked toConfig RequiredLicensed Module
VDIST-1105Delivery - Incorrect Weights Bug2.3.0DeliveriesWhen creating a delivery, the weight is showing incorrect

VDIST-1102Route Plan - Drop OrderBug2.3.0Route planning - automated, Route planning - manualOrder of the Drop points are changing from the Route Planner to the Depot Plan

VDIST-1071Report - Orders ReportBug2.3.0GeneralWhen selecting multiple statuses, the Total for (status) it showing the total for the whole document.  
VDIST-1004Enquiry 101 Site Manifest Deliveries Design Change2.1.5BIEnquiry 101 Site Manifest Deliveries - was created for a specific customer with specific site codes, will now be changed to work for all.VDIST-1003, VDIST-803NoNo
VDIST-1106Dashboards - Awaiting POD for RedeliveriesIssue2.3.0TV / DashboardsThe dashboards are not displaying statistics for the 'Deliveries without POD' when deliveries are redelivered.
VDIST-1007VW > VD customer import - emailIssue2.2.0GeneralThe VW to VD customer import job is not defaulting the customer's email address, it'll be changed to do this but users will be permitted to later change the VD email address to something different to the VW record if required.

Version 2.3.0
Release Date20/08/2019
Other Application Requirements

VDG v2.4.3+

Warnings or Notices



Version 2.2.0
Release Date10/05/2019
Other Application Requirements

Vision Live v5.2.3+ (for route planning)

Warnings or Notices


The default columns displayed in the Depot Plan are changing, if you find that one of the columns you use has disappeared then right click the column headings, select 'Field Chooser' and add it back in to the desired position.


The routing engine providers have a bug in their service requiring you to set the drivers 'max transport point count per tour' to an additional +1 to work correctly.  The fix is available and our server update is being arranged.  The field can be set correctly after the server is updated.

UIDSummaryIssue TypeAffects Version/sComponent/sDescriptionLinked toConfig RequiredLicensed Module
VDIST-695Report - ManifestReport2.1.1Report TemplateImprove the Manifest to bring it in line with the functionality available in the system with concise terms

I *Despatch Information*
 1. Site column - Renamed to Dispatching Address - Displays the full address of the dispatching location.
 2. Despatch Date - The dates when the goods are due to be picked up from the dispatching warehouse.
 3. Despatch Time - The time when the goods are due to be picked up from the dispatching warehouse.

II *Delivery Point Information*
 1. Name column - Renamed to Destination Address.  Displays the name, addressline1, town, postcode of the destination location.
 2. Booked Date - This is the date when the goods are due to be delivered to Destination Address.
 3. Booked Time - This is the time when the goods are due to be delivered to desintation address.

It should print in DROP Order as per route planning, if automated planning is done then estimated times should be shown.

If there are different types of deliveries, such as pick up and drop elsewhere each is to have its own section as they would not be within the depot Delivery or pick and return.
VDIST-1048Route plan - Multiple deliveries to same addressIssue2.1.6Route planning - automatedWhen multiple deliveries are being delivered to the same address they are not considered at the same delivery for the transport item 'Max Transport Point Count Per Tour' setting.

A new depot setting will be added 'Accumulate delivery stops by address' to enable this.
VLIVE-169, VSUP-9299NoNo
VDIST-1046Delivery - Manifest Message ScreenIssue2.2.0GeneralReceiving an error when clicking Search in the Manifest Message screen.
VDIST-1031Create Delivery - Save Issue2.2.0DeliveriesWhile trying to create delivery and click Save button, it is not validating the postcode address automatically.
VDIST-1023Transport Item - ExceptionIssue2.1.6MaintenanceWhile trying to edit Delivery Depots tab under View/Edit Transport Item screen, it shows an exception.
VDIST-805Route Planning - Top FiltersIssue2.1.0Route planning - automatedThe filters on the screen are being applied to the selected items, when they should only apply to the unselected deliveries on the left side.VDIST-787NoNo
VDIST-1008TV screen statsImprovement2.1.5GeneralThe stats TV screen has had some improvements following feedback.
VDIST-676Nav - View ManifestImprovement2.1.5Nav - FormView manifest

The grid will be updated to the new version and will be tidied up at the same time, new changes will be introduced to make it easier to see potential issues on current routes, including:
* Highlighting of delivery times when revised ETAs do not fall between the delivery windows
* Highlighting of the revised ETA if more than 2 hours outside of the originally calculated ETA
* Delivered lines will be greyed out but still visible
* Ordering the grid by drop number

A new BI enquiry will also be created showing similar information but problem lines only.

Manifest search
Will be improved to allow finding a manifest by customer information (i.e. customer code, doc ref, postcode) to facilitate finding a manifest out for delivery and seeing the above screen giving a good idea of the current status for any chasing customers.
VDIST-647Distribution Planning - Depot PlanImprovement2.1.4Route planning - manualImprovements to the Depot Planning Screen

Have the ability to show the following fields on the screen to assist with planning:
 - Delivery area the new EDI fields from Delivery Option, below:
 - Service Codes - indication that there are codes and display on mouseover
 - Service Level - display this field
 - Area Number - display this field

Changes to the default columns displayed will be made but the existing 'Field chooser' available by right clicking the column headings will have all fields available for users to choose which fields they prefer to see.
VDIST-1036Depot Plan - Moving a delivery backBug2.1.6DeliveriesWhen moving all the Deliveries to a Manifest you are unable to move one back to the left hand side.
VDIST-1021Geolocation Restriction - adding service codeBug2.1.5MaintenanceWhen trying to add a service code to a Geolocation Restriction on systems with large datasets the process is timing out which is resulting in a BMC error being thrown.VSUP-9222NoNo
VDIST-1016Delivery - Charge pop upBug2.1.5DeliveriesIf you change the Charge on a Delivery and click the Recalculate Charges button the message window that pops up is confusing and the first time you make a choice, clicking the Recalculate button will show the message again but not afterwards.VSUP-9161NoNo
VDIST-1012Route Planning - PR deliveriesBug2.1.5Route planning - automatedWhen using the automated route planning screen for a pickup (and return stock to depot), the map appears to be showing the route correctly however the results table is not.
