Versions Compared


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Table of Contents


Normal Operations

We can send Sales Orders, Pre-advices, and product codes to the warehouse, only items which have been committed allocated stock will appear in this list for submission if their warehouse group is set up to send submissions.


titleProcess Flow for EDI enabled warehouse
  1. sales order →

  2. allocation (can be automated) →


  1. warehouse submission (automated through EDI) →

  2. confirm delivery (


  1. automated through EDI) →

  2. invoice


titleProcess Flow for NON EDI warehouses
  1. sales order →

  2. allocation →


  1. Print delivery note


  1. →

  2. Manually confirm the delivery →


  1. Invoice

When you open the screen you simply select the warehouse group and you will be presented with a list of the submissions waiting to be sent to the warehouse.

Only warehouse groups marked as SEND TO WAREHOUSE will be shown in the selection box


Hiding of Orders

This is a very simple process and it only marks the entry to not be sent to the warehouse and hides the entry from the forms.

It is still stored in the database, it can only be recovered by the support team.


If you unallocate an order, and then re-allocate it without selecting the INV only option then it will arrive in submissions for a second time. You MUST mark the second entry as HIDDEN otherwise the system will sent this along with the original order lines.

As hiding and then unallocation are extremely rare there is no plan to change this.


Sending the file

The sending process is relatively simple, select the items you want to send and then press the Generate Sales Orders XML and the system will generate the file send it and confirm that it has been received at the other end.


The sending process is relatively simple, select the items you want to send and then press the Generate Sales Orders XML and the system will generate the file send it and confirm that it has been received at the other end.

At the same time should there be any pre-advices waiting to send or product codes submission.

If you are sending via email you will see an SMTP message confirming the email has been sent to the warehouse.

When you send SALES ORDERS if there are any other submissions waiting the system will ask you if you wish those to also be sent , it makes sending them relatively easilyat the same time.

If you choose to send them separately, their forms are similar to the orders and need no further explanation.


In the event, there is an issue with a file or with an order you can resubmit this to the warehouse in two different ways.


You should only use this function if the warehouse specifically requests you to do so. You are at risk of duplicating the data at the warehouse which could result in double ordering. The warehouse will not check if you choose to operate these functions so PLEASE be sure this is what you need to do.

You can choose to either :

Re-Generate - which will recreate the entire file, select the file you wish to re-generate and this option will re-produce the entire file.

Extract a Selected order - which will provide you with a single order from the file, to use this select the file, and the order and extract selected will provide you with a new file only containing what you require



Pre-Advices and Product Codes
