Shared Deferment Use
Day End Reprint
The Day End Reprint screen allows for the reproduction of Day End documents (W5/W5D/W6/W6D) as well as allowing them to be emailed out
Select the document you wish to reprint and then enter the email address
Beware that this only sends to a single address so do not generate a reprint for multiple customers unless you wish this internally.
This screen will not look at archived transactions, transactions remain active until the end of the next month following the original generation date.
At least one of the filter options to use this report
CFSP Audit Report
The report output has a number of sections an example of the first section is below
Heading | Explanation |
Not Submitted | Those for the period which have never been submitted to the government gateway |
Submitted | Those which have been submitted where you have not processed a reply for those messages |
Reject in Rejections | Rejected Submissions which are waiting review in the Rejections area |
Reject Amended | Rejected Submissions which have been amended and resent to the government gateway |
Reject Not Submitted | Rejected Submittions which have been amended and NOT sent to the government gateway |
Accepted | Submissions which have been accepted by the government gateway. |
The second section of the report shows a number of grouped transactions.
HMRC Rejected (also a total of all the Rejection columns above)
HMRC Accepted (also the accepted figure above)
HMRC Rejected : Awaiting Amendment (also the Rejections in Rejections figure above)