The Driving Regulations Maintenance screen allows you to Add new or Edit existing Driving Regulations. This can be found in the Admin Menu and will open the screen shown below.
In order for the automated routing to generate an accurate and valid route, Driving Regulations will need to be set up.
As many Regulations as required can be set up, however, a driver can only be assigned a single set of Driving Regulations at a time.
The below information will allow the automated routing to account for all fields.
Hovering over each field will display a tooltip with additional information regarding the field in question as well as EU regulations
Daily Rest Rules
The Regular Rest Time (Mins) field is the regular rest period the driver should be taking daily when driving a regular tour.
According to EU regulations, this should be 11h (660m).
The First Split Rest Time (Mins) field is the time duration after Starting the route that the driver will be allowed to take their First Break.
According to EU regulations, this should be after 3h (180m) of driving.
The Second Split Rest Time (Mins) field is the time duration after finishing their First Break that the driver will be allowed to take their Second Break.
According to EU regulations, this should be after 9h (540m) of driving.
The Reduced Rest Time (Mins) field is the reduced rest period the driver should be taking if they are on an extended driving tour.
According to EU regulations, this should be 9h (540m).
The Number of Reduced Rest Periods field is the number of reduced rest periods a driver should be taking if they are on an extended driving tour.
According to EU regulations, this should be 3.
The Regular Driving Time (Mins) field is the maximum duration for a regular driving tour.
This will be the normal amount of time a driver will have per day in the week.
According to EU regulations, this should be 9h (540m).
The Extended Driving Time (Mins) field is the maximum duration for an extended driving tour.
This will be an extended amount of time a driver will have over a limited number of times per week.
According to EU regulations, this should be 10h (600m).
The Number of Extended Driving Periods field is the number of extended driving periods that a driver can do per week.
This is the max number of extended periods that can be done.
According to EU regulations, this should be 2.
The Max Time Between End Of Daily Rests (Mins) field is after the driver has taken their final Daily rest.
This value will hold the maximum amount of time that will need to pass before the next day's rest periods begin.
According to EU regulations, this should be 24h (1440m).
Weekly Rest Rule
The Max Time Between Weekly Rests (Mins) field is the maximum amount of time that a driver should take between the culmination of a Weekly Period and the commencement of the next Weekly Period.
The Max Driving Time (Mins) field is the maximum cumulative amount of time that a driver should be driving over the course of a Weekly Period.
According to EU regulations, this should be 56h (3360m).
The Max Bi-Weekly Driving Times (Mins) field is the maximum cumulative amount of time that a driver should be driving over the course of a fortnight.
According to EU regulations, this should be 90h (5400m).
The Weekly Rest Time (Mins) field is the minimum amount of time that a driver should be resting over the course of a Weekly Period.
According to EU regulation, this should be 45h (2700m).
Break Rule Section:
The Max Driving Time without Break (Mins) field is the longest amount of time that a driver can be driving without taking a break.
According to EU regulations, this should be 4h 30m (270m).
The Break 1 Min Time (Mins) field is the minimum amount of time that the driver can take for their first break.
According to EU regulations should be 15m.
The Break 2 Min Time (Mins) field is the minimum amount of time that the driver can take for their first break.
According to EU regulations should be 30m.
Working Rule:
The Min Break Time (Mins) field is the minimum duration of the required working break during a normal Working Period.
According to German working hour regulations, this should be 30m.
The Min Extended Break Time (Mins) field is the minimum duration of an extended working required if the Working Period has been exceeded.
According to German working hour regulations, this should be 45m.
The Max Working Time Without Break (Mins) field is the maximum duration of uninterrupted working time without taking a break.
According to German working hour regulations, this should be 6h (360m).
The Max Working Time Without Extended Break (Mins) field is the maximum duration of uninterrupted working time without taking an extended break.
According to German working hour regulations, this should be 9h (540m).
The Min Partial Break Time (Mins) field is the minimum duration that a break must last if the break is split out.
According to German working hour regulations, this should be 15m.
The Max Working Time Without Daily Rest (Mins) field is the maximum duration that a working period can last without taking a daily rest.
Upon reaching this limit a daily rest Must be taken.
According to German working hour regulations, this should be between 8h (480m) and 10h (600m).
The Max Working Time Per Week (Mins) field is the maximum duration that a weekly working period can last.
According to German working hour regulations, this should be between 48h (2880m) and 60h (3600m).
The Min Daily Rest Time (Mins) field is the minimum uninterrupted duration of time that must be taken after the completion of a daily working period.
According to German working hour regulations, this should be 11h (660m).
The Working Rule Break Intervals fields are the time period within which the break has to be taken.
The Working Rule Extended Break Intervals fields are the time period within which an extended break has to be taken.