Outbound files can be supplied in a number of formats:
CSV | older files, not always available, usually will open in excel |
XML | widely used, will open in excel, |
limited in use |
Sending Intervals
Generation of outbound information can be obtained as follows:
API | This is on demand service, you can not combine this with any of the other sending intervals. |
Hourly | Each hour from 0400 to 2000 |
Daily | Between 0100 and 0500 each day |
Weekly | Usually a sunday morning between 0100 and 0500 |
Monthly | Usually 1st day of the month between 0100 and 0500 |
How it works
There are two method in use
API - where you can call the report name throughout the day (this is subject to rate control to stop you calling it repeatedly)
eMail - where you schedule the report to run at a specific time and within the WMS you select which email addresses will receive the file when it is generated.
Timing for outbound report is determined by the warehouse. you can not specify a specific time.
Transactional Reports - When these are generated the transactions are marked as supplied, therefore you can not run API and eMAIL for this type of output.
Any data shown within the output examples is from our test system which does contain real customer names with a mix up of addresses, the data shown bears no resemblance to actual values held by our customers.
EDI Output List
ID | ReportName | ShortName | Availability | CSV | XML | Last Updated | |
2101 | Stock Snapshot By Product | StkPrdt | Standard | Y | Y | Y | |
2102 | Stock Snapshot By Rotation | StkRotn | Standard | Y | Y | Y | |
2103 | Stock Snapshot By Product Enhanced | StkPrdtE | Enhanced | Y | Y | Y | |
2104 | Stock Snapshot By Rotation Enhanced | StkRotnE | Enhanced | Y | Y | Y | |
2105 | Multi Site Product Stock |
| Enhanced |
| |
2110 | Stock Frozen Audit | FrznAud | Enhanced |
| Y | |
2120 | Stock Loss | StkLoss | Standard | Y | Y | Y | |
2130 | Rotation Stock Information | API Module | Y | ||||
2131 | Rotation Stock in Warehouse | API Module | Y | ||||
2132 | Product Stock in Warehouse | API Module | Y | ||||
2201 | Goods Received | GdsRcvd | Standard | Y | Y | Y | |
2202 | Goods Received Enhanced | GdsRcvdE | Enhanced | Y | Y | Y | |
2310 | Order Status |
| API Module | Y | |||
2311 | Order Status by Doc Ref |
| API Module | Y | |||
2320 | Orders Received | NewOrds | Standard |
| Y | |
2321 | Held Orders | HldOrds | Standard | Y | Y |
| |
2322 | New Orders Entered and Held Orders | NewOrds | Standard | Y | Y | Y | |
2340 | Order Picking Confirmation | OrdPckd | Standard | Y | Y | Y | |
2350 | Transaction Audit | TrsnAud | Enhanced |
| Y | |
2355 | Intrastat | Intrast | Standard | Y | Y | Y | |
2360 | POC Export |
| Standard |
| Y | ||
2410 | Delivery Status |
| API Module |
| Y | |
2411 | Delivery Status by Doc Ref |
| API Module |
| Y | |
2480 | POD Extract | PODExtr | Standard |
| Y | Y | |
2490 | EPOD | ePOD | Standard with VD | Y |
| |
2600 | Documents |
| API Module |
| Y | |
2610 | Products |
| API Module |
| |
2620 | Excise And VAT Summary | ExcsVAT | Standard with VB | Y | Y | Y | |
7001 | Intra Vision PO | InVisPO | Additional Module | Y | |||
8001 | Order Transaction Audit | StkTrsn | Standard |
| Y |
| |
8002 | Warehouse Despatch Advice | WhsDspt | Enhanced |
| Y |
| |
8003 | Notification Issue List | NtfnIss | Enhanced | Y |
| ||
9001 | Management Warehousing | MgmtWhs | Standard | Y |
| |
9002 | Management Transport | MgmtTpt | Standard | Y |
| |
9003 | Stock Inwards Non Conformance |
| Enhanced | Y |
API calls have rate limits, you can not just call continually as this will impact the warehouse system. If a format exists then the API Ref is shown
The last updated field has been added 14th June 2022 and will contain changes made to outbound specifications from that date