This document introduces a new module requiring a license for warehouse rework processes.
The Rework module assists with processes like relabelling, repacking, and inspection.
Users can view, create, and manage rework jobs through the Rework Job Control Panel.
The Rework Job form allows entry of job details like customer code, due date, and product information.
The module includes features for creating rework jobs, managing output products, and calculating costs.
Part 1 of the feature rollout includes maintenance screens and job creation, with full functionality expected soon
This new feature requires a module license.
Contained on this page
This new module has been designed to assist warehouses with various "rework" style processes such as relabelling, slip labelling, case labelling, repacking, mixing cases, inspection etc.
Setup Configuration
Create Rework Job
There is a button for creating a new rework job - Create Rework Job.
When clicked you will be directed to a Rework Job form where you are required to enter details. This is the same as the form you get when you click the open rework job icon in the job entry lines. This includes Customer Code, Site Code, Start/ Due date of rework, Output product details, Rework types, Duty information, Charging details, option for Process orders and Create PreAdvice.
Rework Job Fields:
General Fields
Output Product
Rework Types
Output Product Extra
Send rework to warehouse
A workflow-style screen is then available to the warehouse, and the Outstanding tab shows all jobs waiting to be started. Here jobs can be started and a job card will be produced.
There is an In Progress tab showing all jobs currently being worked on.
If the warehouse requires more of a particular product (for example more boxes, dividers, bottles) then these can be added here, losses can be recorded, the putaway note can be printed here and the job can be finished.
The confirmation tab allows them or more senior staff to confirm the final quantities, storage locations and charges and complete the job which automatically records the losses, receipts the pre-advice created at the very beginning and sends a receipt advice to the customer - stocks are immediately available for use without requiring any additional admin and final charges calculated and attached to the pre advice automatically.
Various user group permissions have been added for the various stages this module supports.
This new module could also be used for duty stamping however due to other complexities involved with that process it has not been designed with that in mind so we recommend using the Duty Stamp Manager or "Dynamic Duty Stamping" features instead.
Part 1 delivery of this feature includes all maintenance screens for the setup of the charges, plus the job creation screen.
Part 2 will provide access to all other tabs in the screens completing the module for use, expected in a version in early 2025.