BI Enquiry - Enquiries
Alan Gilchrist
Sarah Stalley (Unlicensed)
Shon Joy (Unlicensed)
Business Intelligence Enquiries provides a comprehensive set of standard reports.
As the BI Enquiries work similarly across all Vision applications that utilise it, we have placed all information for all applications in a central area in the General Wiki.
You will find details for all the BI Enquiries within Vision Commerce (plus you have access to see which Enquiries are available in other Vision applications)
Click on the following link to go to the general BI Enquiries page.
The following table has listed all the BI Enquiries available in the Vision Business Intelligence window of Vision Warehouse:
1 Goods Inwards
Sub Option | Column Names |
Sub Option | Column Names |
100 Pre Advice Status - Unreceipted | PreAdviceID |
101 Pre Advice Booking Details - Future Bookings | PreAdviceID |
102 Transfers Outstanding | OrderID |
103 Goods In - RFC | Code |
104 Goods In - RET | Code |
105 Goods In - UNS | Code |
106 Goods In - RW_ | Code |
107 Receipts with Sundries | SiteCode |
108 Receipts without Sundries | SiteCode |
109 HMRC PUR Inwards (pst 14d) | SystemReceiptDate |
110 Inbound ARCs | PO_UID |
111 Goods In Detailed | Pre Advice UID |
2 Stock Holding
Sub Option | Column Names |
200 Stock By Location (Recd Last 30) | SiteCode |
201 Duty Stamp Removal Processed | SiteCode |
202 Stock By Rotation | SiteCode |
203 Stock By Product | SiteCode |
204 Stock Movements In The Last Week | SiteCode |
205 Condition Reports Completed (>-1y) | ReportID |
206 Stock with Quote/ Pref | SiteCode |
207 Stock with BBD | SiteCode |
208 Stock with Short BBD (<90d) | StockID |
209 Frozen Stock | FrozenID |
210 BBD Product Summary | SiteCode |
211 Product Pallet Stock | SiteCode |
212 Single Site Stock Available | SiteCode |
213 Stock Available | StockID |
214 Frozen Stocks | StockID |
215 Picked Stocks | StockID |
216 Allocated Stocks | StockID |
217 Combi Report 213-216 | SiteCode |
218 Organic Stock Summary | SiteCode |
3 Goods Out
Sub Option | Column Names |
Sub Option | Column Names |
300 Duty Unpaid Orders_W1 Cat 14_Last 7 Days | Move_Type |
301 Orders - Duty Details - Last Week | OrderID |
302 Orders - Delivery Details - Last Week | OrderID |
303 Orders Picked - Pallets Used - Last Week | OrderID |
304 Orders - Unconfirmed Lines | SiteCode |
305 Deferment Last Used | DefermentAccount |
307 Diplomatic Orders - Last Year | Site |
308 Orders Despatched | Cust_Anal1 |
309 Live Orders RFPD | OrderID |
310 HMRC ARC Outwards (past 14d) | UID |
311 Last Wk Product Outbound | ProductCode |
312 NI or BT postcode type Orders | Customer Code |
313 Batch Movements | SM_UID |
314 Movement Audit | SiteCode |
315 Despatch Waste by Customer | Customer |
316 Despatch Waste by Product | Customer |
4 Maintenance
Sub Option | Column Names |
400 Product Storage Profile
This shows customer products and the charge which has been associated with the product. | SiteCode |
401 Customer Address Details
A simple list of all customers. | CustomerCode |
402 Customer Analysis
Customer analysis settings | CustomerCode |
403 Customer Contacts
Contacts associated with each of the customers. | CustomerCode |
404 Customer Settings
Other customer account settings. | SiteCode |
405 Products
A basic product list for the customers. | CustomerCode |
406 Suppliers
A supplier list for each customer | CustomerCode |
407 Transport
The list of transporters. | TransportCode |
408 Transport Contacts
List of transport contacts | TransportCode |
409 Customer Goods In Profile
Which rates are active against each customer, the rates are all from the master list of rates and only those selected on the customer record are shown.
| CustomerCode |
410 Customer Storage Profiles
Which rates are active against each customer, the rates are all from the master list of rates and only those selected on the customer record are shown | CustomerCode |
411 Customer Rates SummaryA list of each customer and how many active rates they have selected on the customer record. | CustomerCode |
412 Product Goods In Profiles
A list of all customer products and the goods in rates which have been assigned to each product, these rates are those selected at the customer level. | SiteCode |
413 VCIS AccountsList of VCIS accounts. | FirstName |
414 WOWGR Check List | WOWGRRegistration |
415 Tax Certificate Expiry | Type |
416 Tax Certificate Products |
417 Commodity Codes | CommodityCode |
418 Product Commodity Codes | SiteCode |
419 Products with Certificates | SiteCode |
5 Manufacturing
Sub Option | Column Names |
Sub Option | Column Names |
500 Manufacturing Receipts - Last 120 Days | Site |
501 Manufacturing Receipts ADV - 100 Days | PKStockInwardsDetail |
502 Manufacturing Receipts Adv - Withdrawals | CustomerCode |
6 Audit
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