Goods Out (Orders)

Goods Out (Orders)

This section will explain the full process for the Outwards movements for the stock in your Warehouse.



Customers Placing Orders

There are multiple methods for customer to place orders in the system



This is the standard provided by the main WMS system and customers can send you orders via email and you can manually transpose this information into an order using the WMS

Further information on how to enter an order manually is contained within this wiki in the following section

New Orders


EDI License required

Customers can link their system to Vision through the EDI API allowing orders to be transmitted direct from the customer to the warehouse.

This will require some development at the customer end to adopt the XML formats to be able to sent the orders

Further information on the specifications and testing is contained in the following pages

EDI Specifications

Using VCIS (Web Interface)

VCIS License required

The Vision Customer Informatoin System (VCIS) is a web portal allowing your customers access to be able to enter their orders directly on the web portal and they are guided through the requirements and information necessary for an order

Web users also have the ability to use VCIS mobile app which operates on Android or Apple iOS details of this can be found at VCIS Mobile app (iOS & Android)

Further information on the VCIS is contained within the wiki pages at

VCIS - Customer Portal

Orders using the EDI should all go straight to warehouse picking with the exception of underbond orders which require you to lookup the system approved delivery point or if the customers data is poor then orders may fail for a variety of reasons including stock shortages, missing information.

Other checks are performed on all orders relating which can place an order on hold
e.g. Credit control issues

Process Flow Chart

You cna download a copy of the chart in PDF format by clicking on the image to the right.


Below are process flow charts describing the Order Entry, Order Picking, and Pick Confirmation stages of the Goods Outwards processes.


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