Adding New Users

Adding New Users

You should use the information on the page below if you use.

  • Vision Warehousing

  • Vision Distribution

This page is not applicable to users of Vision Commerce Cloud.

Hosted Ontech Vision Server

Customers who have hosted Ontech servers (e.g. You use Remote Desktop or something similar to access the applications.) You will need to follow the guidance below BEFORE you add the users onto the Vision application.


  1. Open a service request ticket with the support team for the new user.

  2. Request this user be added to the server with the information below.

  3. Add the user to Vision Warehousing, Distribution, and Bond.

  4. Wait for confirmation that Remote Desktop is setup and allow the user to connect.

The details in the ticket need to contain the following


Maximum Size



Maximum Size


Full name

length 50


Logon username

length 12

no spaces


length 50

no spaces

email address



Using Vision Invoicing



Using Vision EDI



Invoicing and EDI have to be setup by the support team as these are generally restricted to specific users and subject to fair usage policy for the number of users allowed to be setup for the products.

User License Charging for Remote Desktop

This is based on the current number of users setup to connect to the system, as you pay for a per user setup it is important to request a user is removed when they leave the business otherwise you will continue to pay for the user license count.

Non-Hosted Server / Own Server

Depending on whether you are accessing directly OR via your own RDP you may need to involve your IT people to setup new user accounts on the server.

  1. If required, open a service request ticket to request additional users to Vision Invoicing / EDI (see below).

  2. Add the user to Vision Warehousing, Distribution, and Bond.

  3. If required, wait for confirmation that Vision invoicing / EDI is set up.

  4. Allow the user to access the system.


The details in the ticket need to contain the following


Maximum Size



Maximum Size


Full name

length 50


Logon username

length 12

no spaces


length 50

no spaces

email address



Using Vision Invoicing



Using Vision EDI




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