Price Lists

Price Lists

Everything you need to know about how price lists work is contained in the information below

Remember it is product and quantity which are checked to validte whether to use the specific price list.

We have a pricing structure which all sales orders utilise when working out the price for a product.

The flow diagram on the left shows the order in which we check the price lists for the product you entered on the sales order, we check first at the top of the diagram.

We then work our way towards the bottom, the product price.


The steps the process will go through:

  1. Does the customer have their own customer contract prices, if so check those lists for the product enterers, if that exists and the quantity is within the range we have prices then then use that price, otherwise goto step 2

  2. Check the customers price list, does this product exist on that price list, if it does and the quantity being requested is between the ranges with prices then use that price, otherwise goto setup 3

  3. Use the product price


If you are sending orders via EDI then we will use the price provided on the EDI and we will not lookup the price lists.

To try to simplify the process, a video on how pricing works is below, we suggest you watch this prior to reading about pricing in the tabs below

Deleting or Archiving

You cannot delete a price list you can only mark the price list as archived. To do so remove the check/tick from the LIVE check box on the price list form.

VAT Inclusive Pricing

We strongly recommend that you always use either VAT inclusive price lists (via the tick box) or VAT exclusive price lists.

Break Prices

This allows you to set prices based on the quantity specified on each order line, so you can offer discounted prices the more a customer purchases of a product, or it could cost more when the product becomes rarer.

Where a price band exists you need to set a start and an end number, the start and end number represents the total singles being ordered (i.e. an order line quantity of 1 case with 6 singles per unit + 2 singles equates to 8 total singles). Each band should increase and you should have no overlaps of quantities, the final quantity should set itself to 999999.

If you only want a single price for any quantity of a Product simply insert a 1 into the Quantity From column and tab over the Qty To field (a value of 999999 will be entered automatically)

The prices you enter will then apply based on the quantity of the sales order for the product.

There is no validation on setting prices (so that you have full control).

It is your responsibility to ensure that the price for every Product and price band is correct.

EP Price Lists - to be removed during 2023………….

These are currently set in the standard price list with just a tick box which is used to differentiate these price lists from standard price lists.

Only items on the list can be ordered for the EP Campaign and only those purchased can then be sold on EP Sales orders.

Price List Groups

Before you set up a price list you need to have a price list group available or you may need to add one.

Within the customer, you will set up which price list group the customer will use.

The groups are used to allow you to define a standard price list and perhaps a promotion list.

You should not have more than one standard and one promotional price list per group in use at any one time, but should you do this then the system will still use it but it will take the first price it finds for the product.

In situations where you wish to split a Trade price list out into different producers or countries you could in theory have one for each producer, this will work but try to ensure the same product does not appear in multiple lists.

Price Lists

The simplest way to obtain an overview of the price lists is to use the menu options in the sales admin menus, either option the price lists OR the customer price lists and you will see a list of the available lists beneath it.

If you choose to VIEW a price list it will open in the maintenance screen allowing you to edit and save the list.

When you open the price list you will be presented with the form below, which has three distinct sections

  • Header - with the name, type, expiry date

  • Products - a list of the products on the price list, and when you select a product you will see the prices

  • Price Window - only shows when you select a product, details the prices, and the bands those prices will apply.


You have to set the price list up before you set up a new customer to use the price list. When adding a new customer you then specify the price list group that the customer will use. See the price list group tab for more information on what the price list group is.


How to use this field


How to use this field


Ability to archive a list, if you do not wish to use the list then you simply mark it as NOT live by leaving the box unchecked.

En Primeur

If this is an EP price list you need to tick this box.


You can have a main and a promotional price list for any price list group.

Promotional prices tend to operate particular dates and will be checked first before a standard price list in the group.

If you have for example Trade Special (with Promotional ticked) and Trade price lists both set upin the Trade price list group and a customer is assigned to the Trade price list group then the promotional list (Trade Special) will be used in priority over the non promotional list (Trade) providing the product is on the special list and the dates are valid.

Vat Inc Prices

We strongly recommend that you always use either VAT inclusive price lists (via the tick box) or VAT exclusive price lists.

If you need to have a price list which includes VAT then use this check box but we recommend this only for ePOS sales

Price Format

This is a mandatory field that you have to set on each list, it lets the system know how to calculate the prices.

Option Name


Option Name


Range Price

Standard Use (used by 98% of customers)

Quantity from and quantity to and use the value provided in the fields

Range % Discount

Quantity from and to and provide a discount of x% from the product standard price

Range Price Discount

Quantity from and to and provide a discount of £0.00 from the product standard price

Cost plus %

Use this one with caution.

Product purchase price plus a %

Web Price Group

You can specify multiple price lists for the web extract, which are marked as Web price lists in just the same way as we do with a normal list, and this field just aids the identification of the price list for your web developer.

Choose from

  • A - Web Price

  • B - Web Special Price


We can generate a price list containing all the prices in the list, this will produce a PDF document containing several pages

  • Introductions

  • Contacts

  • Price Lists are in Producer order and contain producer notes, region notes, product notes as well as descriptions and pricing.

Ensure the introduction for this is loaded into the system (witihin system configuration) and that the users you wish to see on the contacts are switched on in the user login table.

A PDF will be emailed to you and you only need to decide whether to

Update UB Price Button which will auto calculate the UB for the line when the DP prices are modified.

Customer Price Lists (Contract Pricing)

The setup of a customer price list is nearly exactly the same as a normal price list setup with the following differences.

  • You can not have promotional price lists.

  • You have to specify a specific customer that whom this price list is being used.

Within Commerce you can open the customer-specific pricing list, this is a complete list of all the customers own price lists available with the ability to search and filter and the option to then VIEW an individual price list

A customer should only have a single price list and these price lists can be in different currencies to your base currency

A customer should only have a single price list

The price list does not have to be in your base currency

The form when opened will show a list of all the price lists that you have available on the system.

When you open the form you can maintain the customer contract price list, expand the section below to learn more about this :

When you open the price list you will be presented with the form below, which has three distinct sections

  • Header - with the name, type, expiry date

  • Products - a list of the products on the price list, and when you select a product you will see the prices

  • Price Window - only shows when you select a product, details the prices, and the bands those prices will apply.

The ability to replicate customer price lists is available, you simply have to specify the new customer to whom this price list will apply to.

Price Maintenance Form

We provide an overall view form that allows you to see information about product prices or price lists. This is a single screen allowing you a much better overview of the pricing, along with key information on the costs and charges, the concept was to allow you to have a better idea before you start updating prices.

This form provides you with global access to all the prices on a single screen allowing you to edit the sales price for the product.

There are two options available you either maintain the prices for

  • Product (the standard product price)

  • Price List (a specifically named price list)

Once you decide what you wish to maintain select your option and search and you will see the products listed below

There is an UPDATE PRODUCT COST option on the bottom left of the form, this will update the product purchase prices to be the prices from the LAST purchase of the goods. So if you have not been maintaining those prices, this will refresh those to what you last paid for the goods.

For product price maintenance a full list of all products will appear

or if you pick a price list then you will only see those items on the price list and then you are able to update the NEW SALES PRICE field based on the information displayed on the forms

Once you have finished remembering to hit the SAVE button, do not just close the form otherwise nothing will be updated.

Remember you can always use the price list export functionality where you can output in excel and reload the price list directly back into the system.

Field Explanation

Field Name


Field Name


Product Code

This has to be a unique product code for the product.


Description of the product (50 characters maximum)

Remember do not include the vintage, pack sizes, item sizes, brand, producer as those are all within their own fields.

e.g. Wine Name


Singles per case


Single Size e.g. 75.00 for standard wine bottle, 1.00 for marketing material


Vintage or the Year You can also enter NA or NV

Last Landed Price GBP

The price at which the goods were last received

Last Landed Date

The Last Date this stock was receipted

Last Ex Cellar Price GBP

The Last Price used for Back to Back or Ex Cellar Orders.

Last Ex Cellar Date

The Last Date a Batch to back or Ex Cellar Order was placed.

Product UB Cost GBP

The Current Underbond Price for the Product.

DP Sales Price

The Duty Paid Price.

Suggested DP Price @ Margin

Based on the global standard margin factor, this is the Suggested Duty Paid Price Margin.

Suggested Ex Cellar Sales Price @ Margin

Based on the global standard margin factor, this is the Suggested Price Margin for Ex Cellar Orders.

New Sales Price

Your new standard sales price for the product per case, we will work out the single and underbond pricing automatically.

Duty Per Unit

Excise duty expected for this case at this time

CCT Per Unit

Customs duty expected for this case (at this time)


From the warehouse group, this is the cost to receipt this case into the warehouse


From the warehouse group, this is the cost per case per week for storage rental charges


Based on the Country or the Region this would be the price per case for the freight, usually defined as standard pricing


Based on the country or the region this is the proce per case for the insurance, generally this is a common value for all countries based on your goods in transit insurance divided by number of cases per annum

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