EDI v4.5.4
Release Date | 19/11/2024 |
Other Application Requirements |
Warnings or Notices |
EDI File Specification Changes
Important modifications to the incoming or outgoing EDI services, which you may need to inform your customers about should you need to.
New Features
New features added to the system and improvements to existing features will be contained in this section.
Bugs and Issues
Normally reported by customers through the support ticket portal.
Summary | Issue ID | Affects versions | Description | Linked to |
Ordering - rotation line numbers | VEDI-1284 | 4.5.3 | EDI used to originally lookup the tblStock record to attach to when an order was received specifying a rotation without a line number, but when that rotation only existed for the customer with line numbers. That was until we made a change in [https://visionsoftware.atlassian.net/browse/VW-7379|https://visionsoftware.atlassian.net/browse/VW-7379|smart-link] which broke it. |
Ordering - collections without collection time | VEDI-1280 | 4.5.3 | For collection groups such as OWN (where “Order Collection Fields Mandatory” is unticked) without a Collection Time would not pass EDI validation and save into VW. | VSUP-35781 |
Ordering - permission check for VCIS | VEDI-1275 | 4.5.2 | Orders from VCIS are being held within EDI, as it was carrying out a check to see if the account had permission to submit that type of order. This check should have been bypassed for VCIS orders. | VSUP-35493 |
Service 2360 - PoC Collection Date/Time | VEDI-1274 | 4.5.2 | The date/time output through service 2360 was showing the current date/time instead of the collection date time. | VSUP-35422 |
Excise & VAT summary - value cut short | VEDI-1272 | 4.4.5 | Two columns on the Excise & VAT summary PDF needed to be made wider to output larger values better. | VSUP-35364 |
Pre advice requiring collection - held for invalid postcode | VEDI-1268 | 4.5.2 | Pre advices which were sent in with “Arrange collection” required were sometimes being placed on hold due to “Invalid Postcode” when the country was setup in Distribution as not requiring postcodes. | VSUP-35063 |
CIS to EDI import service - collection time | VEDI-1267 | 4.5.2 | Orders set for collection were not including the collection time set by the customer in VCIS. | VSUP-36060 |
Ordering from VCIS - multiple lines of the same product / rotation | VEDI-1266 | 4.5.2 | When placing an order in VCIS and including the same Product / Rotation on more than one line, only one of the lines were sent to the warehouse. | VSUP-34826 |
Service - bad data crashes the service | VEDI-1262 | 4.5.2 | When an order was set for collection but had a collection time submitted which was not in the expected ‘hh:mm’ format it crashed the EDI service. | VSUP-34599 |
Ordering - type 'P' not paying customs duty | VEDI-1256 | 4.5.0 | EDI previously permitted type P orders to be saved with PayCustomsDuty set to false. Now stock movement types which VW forces to have Pay Customs Duty unticked EDI will now force PayCustomsDuty to false, any stock movement types which VW forces Pay Customs Duty to be ticked will also be forced in EDI, otherwise it t will be set based on the inbound order message. | VSUP-34417 |
Ordering - underscore causing failure | VEDI-1255 | 4.5.2 | An underscore contained in a email address could cause an inbound EDI failure. | VSUP-34350 |
Inbound messages - insufficient permission email | VEDI-1241 | 4.5.0 | Records that were submitted for processing which the sender did not have the necessary inwards permissions for ended up in validation failures with no email sent to the sender. |
Other Release Notes
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