System Group

System Group



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Sites Overview

Every system must have at least one site, that site contains warehouse(s), locations, customers, customer products and customer's stock.

The settings for each site are independent, some settings are controlled at the site level only and others can be overridden through the warehouse, location or customer setup

Due to the large amount of information needed for this section, it has its own page which can be accessed through the link at the top of the page or through this link β†’ Sites

System Settings

The settings applied in this table apply to the entire system, across all sites. These include:

  1. Company Branding

  2. Company Branding - Emails

  3. Delivery Note

  4. Email - General

  5. Pre Advice - Notes

When placing the cursor over the information symbol, it’ll tell you how the setting is used, and by clicking the β€˜Select’ button you can configure it.

The T&C text is limited to 240 characters. On the standard note this takes up a substantial amount of space. We would suggest you use text which points to your terms and conditions on your corporate web site or a link to a downloadable version because some T&C are extensive and this box on the footer is simply not capable of holding the information in addition this is fed through to the ePOD system and this needs to make sense as a person signing for the delivery will not have enough time to read the T&C and therefor they can become unenforceable.

Given that most businesses do not use this given paperless deliveries you need to seriously consider what makes sense in this field.

Currency Rate

This screen provides the ability for users to quickly and easily update exchange rates for multiple currencies, instead of having to open each and every currency individually and update them one by one.

All columns provide read-only information except the β€˜New Rate’ which can be set here.

Click the β€˜Fetch Current Rates’ Button to refresh the rate to the current date.

If the exchange rate changes for a country, you can update it in the β€˜New Rate’ field. To make an exchange rate effect in the future date, you can select the date in the β€˜Effective From’ field at the bottom.

Flex Message

Correct and repost failed or rejected messages uploaded from Flex devices.

This contains the log file between the warehouse and flex system, anything logged in here is a potential issue and can identify where users need more training or where you may have an issue.


When a flex device sends a message to the system if there are any issues processing it then it will show up in the Rejections screen a copy of which is below

A system with no issues will show nothing in this table.

Some of the messages you may see are below


Explanation of the Problem


Explanation of the Problem

The picked quantity is not sufficient to drop

Relates to : Change Location Drop Upload

the amount you are trying to put into the new location is more than the system was expecting you to put there and more than what you said you were moving.

This location is configured to not allow mixed cases….

Relates to : Change Location Drop Upload

You are trying to put the item into a location where it is not allowed to be located.

The location cannot be found on your site

Relates to : Change Location Drop Upload

Pick already processed

Relates to : Pick Upload - Picking process

0/0 of these cases are waiting to be picked and cannot be moved.

Relates to : Change Location Pick Upload

You are tying to take more than the total 0/0 that the system knows is available

Relates to : Change Location Pick Upload

The rotation cannot be found in the location specified for your site

Relates to : Change Location Pick Upload

Some or all of the stock your attempting to move is frozen

Relates to : Change Location Drop Upload

PID doesn't match any PKStockPickDetail in VW

Relates to : Change Location Pick Upload


Edit the message using the Edit button and reprocess the message using the Reprocess Flex Message Message screen.

If you are not sure how to resolve this then log a ticket and the support team will be able to assist.


This tab shows all the Failed messages and includes the Reason for the Failed.

Edit the message using the Edit button and reprocess the message using the Reprocess Flex Message Message screen.

Custom Fields

These are customised fields used in the goods inwards and stock information section of Vision WMS.

Whilst they can be used internally within the system for additional information which you wish to store they are also already part of the Vision EDI templates in that we have inbound fields within the pre-advice and reply fields in the goods receipt.

They can be used for a variety of information and you can set the fields up to work in specific ways in the goods inwards process.

These fields are located in the EDI format as fields identified with references HO30-39 and LO40-49

Any entries you have in the table will be shown when you open the form, this provides you the ability to disable a field and to edit the requirements for a field.


Adding a new entry

By pressing on the add or the edit options you will be presented with a further form allowing you to enter or update the information stored.


You have to determine at this point whether the new item will be a header item (which means it applies to the overall pre-advice) or whether it will be a line item and stock item (means we store it against the stock record once it has been landed)


Field Control Type

You have three different types of fields to choose from

  • Multi Line Text which allows text to be added

  • Numberic which only allows numbers to be added

  • Checkbox similar to a yes or no / true or false question

Custom Field Name

Provide a useful name for the field


Is this field actively in use.

EDI Postion

Which position will this appear in through the EDI entries, if it is a header it will be in HO30-39 which are mapped to positions HOCF1-9 and if it is a line detail item then is is mapped to LO40-49 which are also mapped positions LOCF1-9

Mandatory Status from

This is the point where the field MUST have an entry before it can proceed, once it reaches this point the field will need to have something in it to proceed further.

It is optional whether you set the field to be mandatory


You will now see this field on the pre-advice forms along with the stock enquiry




Delivery Type

This controls the configuration of the Delivery Types. You are able to enable and disable the types.

You are able to default the setting for the CR (Condition Report) flag against a Delivery Type

Market Value

If you are licensed to use the Livex advanced functionality then you will be able to generate a market value report for your customer or even a reserve customer.

There is an option to update the values prior to sending the report.

Click the Update Values buttonΒ to get Market Values from LiveX for all the Products found using the Filter Options Section and Radio buttons.

The last Update valid will show when this was last updated in the format dd/mm/yyyy


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