With Vision Warehousing (WMS) you can upload products using two different methods, however before you start imports you should consider whether this is worthwhile because with the recent changes to the pre-advice you can now setup a new product faster and quicker by using the CREATE option on the pre-advice lines.
The import form is divided into two separate tabs:
EDI Imports
This is the screen that imports the final product into Vision WMS, the information here comes from:
EDI inbound new files
VCIS new products
Excel Import screen following basic validation
Excel Import
This licensed feature allows you to take a simple excel, CSV file and load it into the system with very basic information in it, anything loaded through this will validate and put the record into the EDI Imports tab for final import and update.
Contents of this page :
EDI Imports
Entries into this table will come from two places, either directly from the customer through the EDI hub using XML or they will come from VCIS via new product entry.
Vision EDI is an additional module available for WMS
Vision CIS is the Customer portal available on the internal which is an additional module for WMS
This screen shows a list of new products which have NOT been added to the main customer product table.
Customers can send duplicates, if this is identifed then the ‘Already Exists’ will have a tick in the box
You can simply delete those which already exist unless you need to update something which is manual, you can remove one or many of the existing products using the button functionality on the screen
Once changes have been made they cannot be reversed
Clicking on a Product in the list will open up the Product Maintenance screen it will complete the new product record with the details that have been provided already, you just need to check verify add any missing details and then submit.
See the Create Product wiki page for details of the product maintenance fields and how to use that form.
Excel Import
You can import into the system using CSV or Excel, the fields needed for the import are the same fields which are shown on the form, it is a very basic import but can save alot of time when importing products into the system and there is no need for an EDI XML file to be created.
Anything loaded through this will validate and put the record into the EDI Imports for final import and update.
Loading the file
When the file is prepared you will need to load the file into the system
To load the file into the system, click on the icon on the top right of the tab
this will open up a new window and you need to select the import file from the location you saved it.
If you are using the paste then click on the paste in the icon on the top right
Once imported succesfully you then need to push the imported data into the “Pending EDI Products”
Select the line
Press the export button for each line
Once in the EDI tab, the products can be loaded into the system
This feature requires a license to enable it to be used.
Details of the fields and their contents can be found on the Create Product wiki page
Importing the Products from the Pending Import
Clicking on a Product in the any of the import lists will open up the Product Maintenance screen.
It will auto-complete the new product record with the details that have been provided already, you just need to check verify add any missing details and then submit.