Charge Profiles

Charge Profiles

This tab lets you specify which Goods In Charge By Line and Storage Charges you wish to use for the Customer. The basis of these charges are based per stock line, which is also by each individual rotation.

The Goods In Charge by Line and the Storage Charges can be configured for the Customer from the list of charges you have set up in the system.

After checking or un-checking a charge always move to another line to make sure the change has been registered before you click the Save button at the bottom of the screen.

Only have those rates ticked as USE if the customer is using this rate on any of their products.

Goods In Charge By Line


Only have those rates ticked as USE if the customer is using this rate on any of their products.

UID → The unique identification number of the current Charge.

Receipt Type → Set up the type for the current Charge. These are either Case, Pallet, Gross Weight or Single. (This is defined when setting up the charge and can not be changed at this point). All quantities you then enter are based on the receipt type.

Premium Charge → Your system will ask upon receipt if you want to charge the premium charge for this receipt, this is based on the receipt being receipted on the system within X hours of the goods arriving on site. The number of hours is defined by your organisation and is stored in the underlying system setup. If you use this charge you switch on the option and set the additional percentage you wish to increase the goods in charge by.

This calculation takes into account the Start and End times set against your Site and also excluded Weekends and Bank Holidays

Reduced Charge → You can reduce the standard charge to your customer for a receipt based on the following criteria:

  • LOL (Litres of Liquid) Greater Than

  • LOL Less Than

  • Singles/Case Greater Than

  • Singles/Case Less Than

Tick the Apply Reduced rate and then select Disc Type (see the types above), and enter the Reduced Rate Disc. Qty and the percentage % (the value is a percentage of the full price).

Storage Charge

UID → It is the unique identification number of the current Charge.

The Storage Type for the current Charge → These are either Case, Pallet, Gross Weight or Single. (This is defined when setting up the charge and can not be changed at this point).

Charge Period → This will be the period for the charge for the storage - Daily/ Weekly/ Monthly/ Annual.

Free Time Period → Specify any Free Time Periods before the charges are applied to the customer.

Ttl Stk Banding → Shows whether Total Stock Banding is applied to the current Charge or not.

Other tabs can be accessed through the page links below:

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