GI Charge by Receipt

GI Charge by Receipt

This tab allows you to set up the Charge to use it on the receipt of Goods In.

The basis of this charge is a single charge for the goods in receipt

If you selected the options ‘Charge by Line’ then you do not need to complete this page as your are charging on a line by line basis and this deals with a single charge for the entire goods inwards receipt.



On this screen, you are provided with the list of Current Charges and Deleted Charges.

Current Charges:

In this section, you can add, view, and delete charges. First, set the ‘Charge Description’ by selecting one from the dropdown list provided. Based on the Charge Description that you have selected, the Charge Type and Charge fields will be auto-populated.


Default Charge → This charge will be applied to the receipt of goods by default if ticked. It will keep a record of when and who added and restored it.

Deleted? → If you check this box against a charge and click somewhere on the screen, the charge will be deleted and can be found in the Deleted Charges section.


Deleted Charges:

When a charge is deleted from ‘Current Charges’ it will be displayed in this section. You need to click the ‘Deleted Charges’ tab to view the list. The information on the date and time of deletion of charges and who deleted it will be displayed here along with charge details.

Restore (Button) → Select a charge from the list and click this button to restore the data into the Current Charges section.

Deleted Charges

Other tabs on customer maintenance can be reached through the links below


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