Customer Options have been centralised in this single tab
It is split into several sections
Auto Put - Away
Auto Put away is usually designed at system implementation and is customer specific based on warehouses, locations, location types and the rules for the put away of proucts within the warehouse.
This option allow the customer to be normally located within the locations given in the warehouse, so in effect it becomes a priority location for put away, if not set then any location is considered
Goods Inwards Options
Option | Details |
Use Auto Put-Away |
Second GR Label | If you would like a second GR label (and it is set up) then this option will print the secondary label at the time of goods receipt. This has to be setup for the specific customer before this can be used. |
By Line Charging | At goods inwards, there are two methods for charging, either by the load (receipt) or by the line. If you are solely using the line method then select this to stop the pre-advice showing the receipt option. |
Can Split Receipt Lines | This is no longer in use. |
Use System Product Table | Where customers do not have their own system product code, you can select this option for the customer, and it allows you to use a generic table which is stored within Vision Warehousing. The table is populated by new products being added, but it allows a central product code and description to be used throughout the warehouse for a product, it can also be linked to using the Livex LWIN system which provides product information for wines and spirits. For more information → System Products - Vision Warehousing - Vision Wiki (atlassian.net) |
Non-Free Circ Stock Allowed | Businesses are allowed to store non-free circulation stock (by default this will be checked) and Private individuals are not. So you need to uncheck this field if the customer is a private individual. |
This option is only available for Vision Distribution customers. You can select a Transport Master Customer from the existing ones using F11/ F12 keys. If you set a Transport Master Customer here, any orders created for the customer will have their delivery Invoice Customer set to the given Master Customer, which means when we import that delivery into Invoicing, the invoice will go to the Master Customer.
Option | Details |
Use Batch Ordering | When placing an order it makes the batch field mandatory, it is designed for those customers who do not order by rotation or product code but use the batch number instead. |
Batch Ordering Mandatory | When placing an order it makes the Rotation and (if use) Batch number field mandatory. |
Email Stock Losses | This enables the customer to be sent any “Stock Loss” reports. |
Goods Outward Options
Option | Details |
Order By Layer | When placing orders, you will be forced to order by the layer quantity (setup on the product) e.g. if there is 8 cases per layer then you can only order in multiple of 8. |
Include Held Orders | When placing an order, the stock availability calculation is affected by this option. If you check this option then we reduce the available stock by the amount in held orders. If not then we ignore it. |
Bulk Pick Option | When using the picking screen you have the option to see customers with this option or those without this option. It allows for some additional filtering on the warehouse picking form. |
Auto Receipt Transfers to Myself | If you use a Type T Transfer order and you are sending stock from your account back to your account (e.g. Changing the product code) this will auto receipt that transfer into your account. |
This section allows you to specify which emails that will be sent to the Customer from e-Pod (if you have this module) when they have deliveries. Use the checkbox to control the email deliveries.
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