Field Types
Data Type | Data Code | Description | Example Data |
Alpha | A | Alpha Only, no numeric allowed at all, must only be characters. | BLUE |
Alpha Numeric Also known as | AN | Stores alphanumeric combinations and text. No symbols or other characters allowed with some basic exceptions which are dot,comma, colon, ampersand. | Bytesize 1234 |
String | ST | String is really a group of characters stored together as one it can contain numbers, letters and symbols. | Hello World ! [2023] |
Bit | B | Boolean data types are very straightforward. A Boolean data type is simply something that only has two possible values, true or false. The computer will store true as a 1 and false as a 0. | Y or N 0 or 1 |
Character | CH | Stores a single character which can be a letter, number or symbol | £ |
Currency | CU | Same as decimal but to 2dp is required | 17.01 |
Date | DT | dd/mm/yy or dd/mm/yyyy | 18/05/18 |
Decimal | DC | Stores numbers that contain decimal places/values and can also store integers known as REAL, SINGLE, DOUBLE or FLOAT instead. | 17.65665 |
EMl | Should be standard email format containing the @ | ||
Integer | IN | Stores positive or negative whole numbers | 17 |
Numeric | N | Numbers only, including phone numbers | 01324 722663 |
Time | TM | hh:mm | 11:00 |
Add label
Goods Inwards
Goods Inwards charges or known as RHD are charges applied per line as goods are received into stock. You can use per line charging or you can have per receipt charging on a customer by customer basis.
Field Name | Type | Mandatory Or Default to |
Customer | Char(8) | MANDATORY | Enter the customer code. |
ReducedRate | int | 0 | We find most customers will offer a standard pack charge and then a discount for a pack half the size or even the other way around. Indicate how this will be used for this customer Options available are 0 - Not in Use |
IsPremiumCharge | bit | 0 | Will you charge a premium charge for expedited receipts Default is 0 which is NO, but if you intend to charge set to 1 |
PremiumChargePercentage | decimal(18, 2) | 0.00 | How much is the surcharge for an expedited receipt. |
IsRRDiscount | bit | 0 | Are you applying a reduced rate. |
RRDiscountQty | decimal(18, 2) | 0.00 | What is the quantity to achieve the discount e.g. 6.00 litres or less…… |
RRDiscountPercentage | decimal(18, 2) | 0.00 | Is you are applying a reduced rate then what is the discount % age e.g. 50.00% discount |
Product Types | Information |
| Does this charge apply to particular product types - see Product Types |
Product Groups | Information |
| Does this charge apply to particular product groups - see Product Groups |
Charge | decimal(19, 5) | 0.00 |
Minimumcharge | decimal(19, 5) | 0.00 |
ReceiptType | int | YES | How is this charge being applied
1 - Case True 2 Pallet True 3 Gross Weight True 4 Container False 5 Container 60ft False 9 Single True |
Multiplier | bit | YES 0 | Does this rate get used as a multiplier for some products |
Multiplier1Qty | Decimal (18,5) | 0.00 | Enter the value 1.00 means same as existing rate 2.00 would be double |
Multiplier1ProductTypes | Informational |
| Tell us which product types this applies toProduct Types |
Multipleier1ProductGroups | Informational |
| Tell us which product group this multiplier would apply to Product Groups |
Multiplier2Qty | Decimal (18,5) | 0.00 | Enter the value 1.00 means same as existing rate 2.00 would be double |
Multiplier2ProductTypes | Informational |
| Tell us which product types this applies to Product Types |
Multipleier2ProductGroups | Informational |
| Tell us which product group this multiplier would apply to Product Groups |
We will use this table to build a standard charging matrix and then that matrix of charges will be applied to the customer accounts which can use a specific charge and then we use this to apply it to the products.