Vision WMS

Vision WMS

This section contains guidance for customers who are implementing the Vision suite of applications

Implementation Steps

You will be directed to this page when the implementation process begins, as this contains links to all the essential information needed by our team to setup your server.

For servers hosted in the cloud by Ontech you will need

  • fixed IP address for your network - we secure your connection to this specific address, this will not allow connection from anywhere else.

  • Users at your end will require Microsoft Remote Desktop connection to connect to the server, where their local printers are mapped through the connection.

  • A VPN is required for server printers, we only add on printers which are used for automated printing from services (pick notes, delivery notes, manifests, labels)

  • If you are using any of the web services then usual port 80,443 will need to be used. Flex will connect to the server using https services which are quite standard outgoing.

Connection to the server to enable you to use the application uses the internet connecting to a server address e.g. XXX.ontech.cloud You do not require a VPN for this and we secure the incoming connections to the hosted server from a specific IP address (which is your outbound ID)

Consider providing us with the network address and subnet mask of your network as early as possible so we can manage any potential conflict.

Whats in this section

Information relating to implementing Vision WMS and associated programs 

  • Vision Warehousing

    • Vision Bond

    • Vision EDI

    • Vision Invoicing

Questions during Implementation

If there is no ticket for a question you have then add more by sending an email to


Once you send the first ticket it will provide you with access to the portal where you can add further tickets or you can email further tickets. Implementation tickets deal with issues during the setup, configuration of the system as well as data import questions. This is generally restricted to a small amount of users prior to UAT.

When you bgin UAT testing (usually when training ends) your users should send those tickets into the main ticket system marking them as a testing ticket, they are NOT dealt with as a priority and are outside the normal SLA.

Questions once training has been finished

Use the normal ticket portal for this logging tickets as Testing tickets.



Your estimated
time to complete

Link to file

Example Files

Explanatory Notes



Your estimated
time to complete

Link to file

Example Files

Explanatory Notes


General Options

10 minutes



This is base configuration general options that we need from customers in order to setup the internal configuration.



VPN Setup

10 minutes



VPN Setup - We need a VPN to be able to print to your printers, as a number of services operate on the server which will send print jobs directly to the printers. A VPN provides us network to network access to make this work.

VPN Requirements



15 minutes



eMail - is required by the system to communicate both internally and to your customers / clients for deliveries and for stock information.

Email Connector Setup



20 minutes



Printers - The WMS operates automated print services which require printers to be loaded onto the server, this is for labels, [icking notes and delivery notes.

Printer Requirements


Logo for Templates

5 minutes


Report Examples

Used for the delivery notes we are creating for your WMS

The logo should be png file preferably but other formats will work (jpg is best alternative), most templates allow for a max height of 2cm and width 10cm



Site and Warehouse Setup

20 minutes



A site is usually a geographical location within the site you can have one or many warehouses, those warehouses can be physical (real) or virtual.


User and Group Setup

10 minutes



The system comes with a number of default groups, there is only a need to set up a new group if what we provide does not meet your requirements.

For training purposes all users are provided with ADMIN access but should be changed before you go live or prior to an audit by the customs authorities.


Warehouse Locations

120 minutes



The final part of the system setup are the warehouse locations, without these data can not be imported and training can not take place.


An example of the import file is also provided to help you understand what is required.

Example of a location label which shows the location name and you can see the content of the barcode underneath the barcode iteself, in this example the check digit is added to the barcode and is also shown in the reverse print on the bottom right hand side.

When you provide a warehouse locations file you can either provide your own check digits (2) OR once we load it up we can generate the check digits and send it back, you can then use this file to print or provide it to your printers.



Data Imports 1 - Invoice Rates

Allow 2-4 hours

Customer Charging Imports VW Import - Customer Charging

Used if you have Vision Invoicing

  • Customer Charge Defaults

  • Goods Inwards

  • Storage

  • Goods Outwards

  • Sundry Charges


Data Imports 2 - Customers

Allow One Day

Not every customer will need to import customer data, but when you do all the excel worksheets and information is contained here.

We will generally take your excel files and build the import routines, a second import is usually required when you go live with the system and at this time you are expected to provide the same information again with no changes to the structure which will allow us to re-use the previous logic for the imports.


Data Imports 3 - Products / Stock

Allow 5 days



It is impractical to import product and stock data manually, this has to be carried out multiple times and you need to provide import information on both or more occasions. Consistency of what you send it important.

We will generally take your excel files and build the import routines, a second import is usually required when you go live with the system and at this time you are expected to provide the same information again with no changes to the structure which will allow us to re-use the previous logic for the imports.





See Training section of wiki

Training - WMS - Vision Suite Information - Vision Wiki (atlassian.net)



UAT - User Acceptance Testing




Some suggestions when testing the system


Pre Go Live



WMS - Pre Go Live

Items you need to do before you go live, these are carried out during the sign off and the go live.



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