VW Import - Stock

VW Import - Stock

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What is stock

In the hierarchy, a Product can have multiple rotations (stock records) each is unique and for each unique stock record there are location records of where the stocks are located.

Simple Import Format

Updated and Replaced - See IMPORT COMBI STOCK / LOCATIONS

A single spreadsheet containing all information allowing us to import rotations along with the locations they belong in.

Example spreadsheet

An example is available below:

As this file is imported a number of times it's important that you consistently supply it the same way each time you supply it.

We will build a script to derive empty fields or fields you can not fill yourself which will be run each time, changes to this import routine take time and delay the import.


Legacy format

This is an old option which is generally no longer used.

The stock import comprises of two worksheets, because a stock item can be located in multiple locations, so one sheet for the stocks (rotations) and another for the locations each of those rotations is stored in.


Excel Sheet


Excel Sheet


Field Definition

Definition of all the fields on the record sheets, which are mandatory and some helpful information on what the fields should contain and the type of fields they are.

Stock Records

The stock records here reference customers and products, both of which have already been loaded onto the system.

Location Records

This is where you enter the locations of the stock, a stock record can exist in multiple locations

e,g,  22 pallets could be located into 22 rack positions, each one within the same rotation

Example spreadsheet

Note: This contains 2x worksheets.

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