VImport - Combination Import
Import - Product/Stock / Locations from a single file
You can use this format in your spreadsheet with these listed fields as the columns, just ensure you copy and paste them exactly into the spreadsheet. This however does not allow single rotations in multiple locations this is for customers with a more basic need where they may not even be using rotations.
Field Data Types
For details see below, those highlighted fields are MANDATORY and must be in the import.
An excel template of the fields all laid out is available by clicking on the file to the right side
Field Name | Type | Length | Notes |
SiteCode | A | 2 | From VW |
CustomerRef | AN | 8 | From VW customers imported their short code |
ProductCode | AN | 20 | Can be extended to 30 but standard documents are all designed for 30 characters |
ProductDescription | ST | 50 | Description only preferred, there are other individual fields for everything else |
Brand | ST | 50 | The manufacturer or brand of the goods |
SPC | IN | 6 | Singles per Case |
1000perCase | IN | 6 | Cigarettes only |
KGperCase | DC | 8.2 | Tobacco only |
PricePerPack | CU | 8.2 | Cigarettes or Tobacco |
CigsPerPack | IN | 6 | Cigarettes only |
CommodityCode | N | 10 | Needs to be the 10 digit commodity code e.g. 2204 2179 90 |
Type | A | 1 | Product Type |
COO | A |
| Country of Origin |
CWC | A |
| Country whence consigned - generally set to same as COO unless you always know this will come from a different country |
LOA | DC | 13.5 | Required if the product has a strength |
LOL | DC | 13.5 | Mandatory - if not a liquid then set to 1.00 |
Strength | DC | 8.2 | The ABV of the product Mandatory for all alcoholic products |
VATCode | A | 1 | Always set to S unless the product is specifically outside the scope of sales tax, if this is correct then set to Z |
CPP | I | 6 | Cases per pallet If you intend to charge customers by the pallet then this is MANDATORY |
GrossWeight | DC | 8.3 |
NetWeight | DC | 8.3 |
TaxCode | I | 3 | Mandatory for excise goods only e.g. 333 |
TCAdd | I | 3 | Tax Code Additional Tax - Mandatory for excise high strength beers |
ShelfLife_Days | I | 6 |
ProductGroup | AN | 20 | Mandatory, if not provided then we will use generic groups based on the product type provided. |
SS | DC | 13.5 | Mandatory - if not a liquid then set to 1.00 |
CPL | I | 6 | Cases per layer - only used if you will be insisting on layer ordering |
Height | DC | 8.3 | Height of the pallet, used if you have auto put away configured |
ProductLife | I | 6 | Number of days |
Vintage | AN | 4 | Options are
Generally paperwork is setup to ignore those with NA |
SSCCMandatory | B | 1 | Y or N |
DegreePlato | I | 2 | Scale for measuring beer duty in Europe. |
FKUOM | I | 1 | We will default to option 1 if left blank otherwise use one of these options |
| Can be used to store the seperate LWIN product reference |
RotationNumber | ST | 10 | If you have this please supply otherwise we will auto number your import Formay is YY/Dnnnnnn YY - Year of Receipt / D is marker to say on receipt was it duty paid / nnnnnn is a sequential number starting at 000001 |
RotationLine | I | 4 | Used if you have one rotation with maybe multiple splits of the rotation, please talk to us before using this. |
DateReceived | DT |
PCV | CU | 8.3 | Product Cost Value |
PCVCC | A | 3 | PCV Currency Code |
INV | CU | 8.3 | Insurance Value |
INVCC | A | 3 | INV Currency Code |
FRV | CU | 8.3 | Freight Value |
FRVCC | A | 3 | FRV Currency Code |
VVA | CU | 8.3 | VAT Value Adjustment |
ExcisePaid | B | 1 | Is Excise duty paid - Y or N |
CustomPaid | B | 1 | Is customer duty paid - Y or N |
ChangeOwnership | B | 1 | Hasy ownership changed within the UK, if this owner is not the original importer then the answer is “Y” |
ReceiptDetails1 | ST | 50 | Freetype notes field |
ReceiptDetails2 | ST | 50 | Freetype notes field |
ReceiptDetails3 | ST | 50 | Freetype notes field |
ReserveCustomer | AN | 8 | If used, the alpha numeric code for the owner of this specific rotation. This is when your customer is storing on behalf of their customer. |
BestBeforeDate | DT |
DutyStampsApplied | B | 1 | Y or N |
FreeRent | B | 1 | Should this item have free rent - Y or N |
PackagingType |
| Default to “CARTON” or leave blank and we will otherwise you can use from this list. |
VICertificateNumber | AN | 30 |
VICertCDSDocumentCode | AN | 6 |
NilVATApplicable | B | 1 | Is this stock item considered made and if so would no vat be applicable. |
PresentCases | INT | 6 | You can supply either
PresentSingles | INT | 6 | |
LocationName | AN | 12 | Must already exist on the warehouse system |
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