Import - Customer Delivery Addresses
Initial Import of customers addresses, rarely used as postal lookup is used. This is NOT for underbond delivery points those are stored seperately
The customer code must exist in the first place otherwise this will not import
This import originated from an older system so some of the fields are not relevant but remain as part of the standard import tables.
Field Name | Field Type | Nulls | Notes |
SiteCode | char(2) | NULL | Needs to be the same as the customer table |
CustomerCode | varchar(20) | NULL | Needs to be the same as the customer table. |
FKCountry | int | NULL | ISO 3166 alpha-2 code required |
EarliestDeliveryTime | varchar(5) | NULL | Format is hh:mm |
LatestDeliveryTime | varchar(5) | NULL | Format is hh:mm |
DPAccountRef | dbo.TextDPAccountRef | NULL | Needs to be UNIQUE for each customer code. |
DeliveryName | dbo.TextDeliveryName | NULL |
ContactName | varchar(30) | NULL |
Address1 | varchar(50) | NULL |
Address2 | varchar(50) | NULL |
Address3 | varchar(50) | NULL |
Town | varchar(50) | NULL |
PostCode | varchar(15) | NULL |
Telephone | varchar(20) | NULL |
Fax | varchar(20) | NULL |
varchar(50) | NULL |
| |
DeliveryInst1 | varchar(120) | NULL |
ExciseDutyAccount | varchar(8) | NULL | Only specify if different to the main account |
CustomsDutyAccount | varchar(8) | NULL | Only specify if different to the main account |
ANALocation | varchar(15) | NULL | Used for EDI only – EDIFACT format |
InvoicePoint | int | NULL | Used for EDI only - EDIFACT format |
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