Import - Condition Report Images
After initial import and go live this is used to import the condition reports, if that is possible.
Can only be used once the stock is imported.
The rotation and rotation line number fields must exist in the stock database
Field Name | Field Type | Nulls | Notes |
SiteCode | varchar(2) | NOT NULL | Must be one of the pre-agreed site codes |
RotationNumber | dbo.RotationNo | NULL | Fomat is YY/Dxxxxxx e.g. 20/D000123 or 19/0003243 D indicates whether the item is duty paid or underbond. |
RotationLineNo | dbo.RotationLineNo | NULL |
PKStock | bigint | NULL | We will need to look this up after we import the data. |
OriginPath | varchar(1000) | NOT NULL | Needs to be agreed |
OriginFilename | varchar(100) | NOT NULL | Needs to be specified |
DestinationFilename | varchar(50) | NULL | This is the name we would give the file, so leave blank |
ConditionReportCompletedBy | varchar(50) | NULL | Specify a name |
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