Import - Goods Outwards
Field Types
Goods Outwards
These are charges which are made after goods have left, there are multiple methods to charge for goods outwards
Charge Type | Explanantion |
Orders Processed | A charge for each order |
Order Lines Processed | A Charge for the number of lines on an order |
Cases Ordered | Based on the number of cases ordered by the customer at the order time |
Cases Picked | Based on the number of cases picked during the picking process |
Singles Ordered | Based on what was physically ordered by the customer Do not use this if the customer is ONLY ordering their stock in single items unless you want to charge for everything. |
Singles Picked | Based on what was physically picked during the picking pricess. |
Order Charge | A charge for a particular type of order. This is generally used to charge a paperwork charge for each order, and generally used when customs paperwork is required for the order |
All charges above can have different rates for EDI or Manual orders
At customer import time you can specify whether a customers VCIS orders are considered as EDI or Manual for charging purposes. Please note that if you receive an EDI order and it is wrong and you have to edit it then you will be asked to confirm whether charging should revert back to manual charging.
Field Name | Field Type | Mandatory Or Default to | Explanation |
Customer | char(8) | YES | Customer Code |
OrdersEDI | decimal (18,5) | 0.00 |
OrdersMan | decimal (18,5) | 0.00 |
OrderLinesEDI | decimal (18,5) | 0.00 |
OrderLinesEDI_MIN | decimal (18,5) | 0.00 | Minimum charge |
OrderLinesMan | decimal (18,5) | 0.00 |
OrderLinesMan_MIN | decimal (18,5) | 0.00 | Minimum charge |
CasesOrderedEDI | decimal (18,5) | 0.00 |
CasesOrderedMan | decimal (18,5) | 0.00 |
CasesPickedEDI | decimal (18,5) | 0.00 |
CasesPickedMan | decimal (18,5) | 0.00 |
SinglesOrderedEDI | decimal (18,5) | 0.00 |
SingleOrderedMan | decimal (18,5) | 0.00 |
SinglePickEDI | decimal (18,5) | 0.00 |
SinglePickMan | decimal (18,5) | 0.00 |
OrderChargeEDI | decimal (18,5) | 0.00 |
OrderChageMan | decimal (18,5) | 0.00 |
OrderChargeTypes | Informational |
| Enter the Order Types P,U,E,X,T,D etc. |
You can have banded charging although this import does not reflect it as we rarely see this being used. If you need banded charges please let us know.
It is also possible to set a MINIMUM charge, however we have only ever seen this done for order lines so the additional fields are only shown beside those entries, if you need to add it for others then simply add those fields in with the _MIN at the end.
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