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Stock Storage charges commonly known as Rent charges are applied for the storage of stock, and charging is automated to ensure that customer are charged per charging period or part thereof.
e.g. Daily charging will pick up the day of arrival as well as each night it is in stock to charge for the next day; weekly picks up the week of receipt and also on eht weekly turnover day we will pick up the stock levels to charge the highest point of stock for the next week.
Field Name | Type | Mandatory Or Default to | Notes |
Customer | Char(8) | YES | Provide the customer code |
ChargeStoragePeriod | int | YES | This is the charge period, do not confuse this with the invoice period. e.g. Charge period is “weekly” but invoice period is “Monthly” 1 - Daily |
StorageType | int | YES | 1 - Case |
DiscountQuantity | decimal(18, 2) | Unchecked |
DiscountPercentage | decimal(18, 2) | Unchecked |
PeriodOfFreeTime | int | Unchecked | No of charge periods that will be free when the stock arrives. |
TotalStockBanding | bit | Mandatory Default 0 | Whether the banding for charging should take into account the entire stock holding or just each rotation. |
Product Types | Informational |
| Please provide the product types which this charge will apply to. |
Product Groups | Informational |
| Please provide the product groups which this charge would apply to. |
IsBandCharge | bit | YES | If you are using BANDED charging then you need to let us know as we will require further details. |
BandChargeRef | int | YES | This is required if you are using banded charges, we need you to provide us with a reference to tie the charges from the banded table back to this record. |
Charge | decimal(19, 5) | YES 0.00 |
MinCharge | decimal(19, 5) | YES 0.00 | This applies to the line being charged. Do not use this in conjunction with TotalStockBanding |
Multiplier | bit | YES 0 | Does this rate get used as a multiplier for some products |
Multiplier1Qty | Decimal (18,5) | 0.00 | Enter the value 1.00 means same as existing rate |
Multiplier1ProductTypes | Informational |
| Tell us which product types this applies to Product Types |
Multiplier1ProductGroups | Informational |
| Tell us which product group this multiplier would apply to Product Groups |
Multiplier2Qty | Decimal (18,5) | 0.00 | Enter the value 1.00 means same as existing rate |
Multiplier2ProductTypes | Informational |
| Tell us which product types this applies to Product Types |
Multiplier12ProductGroups | Informational |
| Tell us which product group this multiplier would apply to Product Groups |
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