Import - Customer Defaults
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Customer Basic Standard Charges
Against the customer record we store the charge defaults information, all fields are mandatory and if you are not using them the default is shown in the default field, your import table should include the field and the default value unless you need it to be something else.
Field Name | Type | Mandatory | Default to |
Customer | int | Yes |
| Stock Holding Customer Code |
VATCode | tinyint | Yes | 1 | This is to highlight any customer to us who may not be paying VAT such as the EU land / rental directive. Options available are : 1 Standard VAT 8 No VAT on Storage 9 Non Standard VAT |
MinRHDCharge | decimal(19, 5) | Yes | 0.00 | This applies at the invoice level, and will only apply to the invoice for the main period. E.g. Annual customers will have a pro-rata invoice each month or so and this will not use the minimum charge, only the one raised at the annual date will. |
MinStorageCharge | decimal(19, 5) | Yes | 0.00 | |
StandardOrderCharge | decimal(19, 5) | Yes | 0.00 | Not in use – was replaced by outwards charging |
PickingOrder | int | Yes | 1 | By default all customers are set to 1 which is FIFO |
FKInvoicePeriod | int | Yes | 7 | This applies to the storage (rent) invoice “invoice” period, not to be confused with the charge period. Where you are sending invoices out monthly but on a weekly schedule e.g. 4w/4w/5w then use period invoicing as this then allows you to define the period you are invoicing for. Options available are 1 -Daily Period invoicing is where you operate a 4week/4week/5week invoicing style where you are free to enter the next date and run invoices to the next invoice period end date |
LooseItemCharge | decimal(18, 5) | Yes | 0.00 | Used for goods inwards, you specify the quantity and it is charged at this rate. Customer use this either for a man hour charge or a per item charge. |
RotationQtyBandedStorage | bit | Yes | 0 | If you are using storage bands, then change to 1, otherwise you are using one price irrespective of the number of items received. |
MarketValueReportCharge | decimal(18, 2) | Yes | 0.00 | VCIS web request if using Livex and LWIN |
VCISChargedAsEDIOrder | bit | Yes | 1 | Generally this would be set to 1 for YES Used to work out order charging for goods out ordering |
Condition Report QR Charge | Money (5,2) | Yes | 0.00 | Condition Reporting Quick Report - Usually carried out with a Flex device’s mobile camera when a full, professional report is not required and a lower charge could be raised (stock is not moved) |
Is CR (above) per case | bit | Yes | 0 | Is this charge a fixed charge or a charge per case, default is fixed which is 0 change to 1 if charge by the case |
Condition Report Standard Report Charge | Money (5,2) | Yes | 0.00 | Professional photos usually taken in a photo booth (stock is moved) |
Is CR (above) per case | bit | Yes | 0 | Is this charge a fixed charge or a charge per case, default is fixed which is 0 change to 1 if charge by the case |
Condition Report 3D Report | Money (5,2) | Yes | 0.00 | Professional photos taken with equipment capable of producing a 3D image (future use, stock is moved) |
Is CR (above) per case | bit | Yes | 0 | Is this charge a fixed charge or a charge per case, default is fixed which is 0 change to 1 if charge by the case |
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