
This section of Maintenance will be used in orders.

Whats on this page


Surcharges are used to add additional charges to a Purchase or Sales Order.

  • Select between Sales Order or Purchase Order Order Type that the Surcharge is to be used against.

  • Once saved, the Surcharge Code will only show up for the Order Type selected.

  • Add the Surcharge Price, VAT code and whether it includes VAT

    • Once entered a VAT breakdown will be visible on the Purchase Or Sales Order invoice if the Price to include VAT has been selected.

The minimum fields that need populating are Surcharge Code, Description, Surcharge Price, and Nominal Code.

The green tick and Red cross against the Nominal Code is for the Account System, indicating the Nominal code is correct or incorrect for the Account Software that you are using.

Underbond Delivery Address

Underbond Delivery Address is used for Underbond Sales Orders. You are provided with an option to make the address archive using the checkbox.

RMA Reason

This is used when you do an RMA for a Sales order and if the Reason will require the Stock to be returned back to the Warehouse Stock.

  • Once saved, reason cannot be changed - therefore care needs to be taken when setting up these Credit Note Reasons so that they make sense later on and that they work as expected.

  • Return To Stock field if you want Goods to be returned to the Warehouse (Sales Orders) or Supplier (Purchase Orders)

    • Not all Sales Orders or Purchase Orders can return stock and sometimes you may want to just Credit without returning.

  • Request Pickup - this will default for this reason for the Stock to be pickup.

Some important points

  • The Nominal Code and Return To Stock checkboxes can be changed at a later date but the Reason cannot be changed after the first time the Save button is clicked

  • If you issue an RMA note using a Non-Return To Stock Reason where the nominal code is blank then the Sage posting will go to the sales nominal used for the original Sales Order Invoice

  • If you issue an RMA note using a Non-Return to Stock Reason where the nominal code has been specified on the Credit Note reason, then the Sage posting will go to this nominal and ignore the nominal used for the original Sales Order Invoice.

  • Therefore you can either leave the nominal blank or complete it on a non-return to stock credit note reason, depending on whether you wish to use a different nominal for RMA notes from the Sales Order Invoices.

  • The green tick and Red cross against the Nominal Code are for the Account System, indicating the Nominal code is correct or incorrect for the Account Software that you are using


This screen is used to view existing carriers on the system.

  • You are able to edit carriers once you have clicked on View and this will populate the Carrier Maintenance screen.


Sales Team

This screen is used for the Apportionment for this Sales Team on the Product that you have in Stock, This will need to be applied to the User.

  • Once the Sales Team has created the Default Apportionment, you will ask if you would like to apply the apportionment to all the Products.

  • The apportionment is in percentage %

  • You would be able to Nofity on any On-Hold orders and the order will be released to other teams to use the stock.

  • Max Hold Time - Number of days that this Sales Team would be able to hold onto Stock

  • Max Hold Release - This will release the Stock if the Max Hold Time is above the value and it will auto-release the stock.

  • Warning period for showing the expiring order in the job, in days.

Sales Team Apportionment Control

This screen is used (in conjunction with the Sales Team defaults to apportion a % of the incoming stock to specific Sales Teams. Adding a percentage to specific Sales Teams against individual Products here overrides the defaults set in the Sales Team screen (found under the Maintenance section in Navigation Panel).

  • You would need to have a Sales Team created to use this screen (please see Sales Team Maintenance Screen on how to create a Sales Team).

  • The User would need to have access rights to view this screen please see the Admin - User Maintenance for more information on the access rights.

  • This will list all products and the Sales Teams in the Product Details section.

  • In the Apportionment Control Section, this will allow the user to add/remove the Apportionment to the selected Product.

  • No Sales Team is able to have over 100% for a product, you will receive a message when you try to save the screen.

    • “Apportionment amount is greater than 100% for ‘CR Team’”

  • The information on this screen, the user can put on by using

    • Product Maintenance

    • Sales Team Maintenance

  • If no % is set against a Product in this screen, the default apportionments set against the Sales Team are used (under the Maintenance section of the Navigation Panel).


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