🟤Purchases Menu (POP)

Purchases cover everything you need to be able to buy or receive stock.

Purchases Menu

Creation Group

Allows you to create - a new stock purchase order, advanced purchase order, purchase orders for products needing to be replenished, a new product, a new supplier, and a new pickup location (address).

Processing Group

Allows you to Authorise purchase orders, Receive the purchase order either into stock or confirm the purchase order for a back-to-back order, Record the invoice - open a form which shows all the purchase orders waiting for invoices to be added, and add a freight invoice.

Documents Group

Opens the POP documents screen allowing you to send acknowledgements to suppliers, shippers, and warehouses.


For more product code creation options see the Stock Menu where you can use dynamic, replication and LWIN product code generation.

Some Sales Order will also generate Purchase orders such as , Stock Transfers, Transfer to Reserves.


The workflow below explains the logic process workflow to determine the VAT code for the receipt of stock and it sets the required codes for the posting of the Supplier invoice to the finance system.

Your VAT codes must be setup correctly, Country Codes must also not have UK as an EC country and your suppliers need to have the correct country in order for this to work correctly.



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To download this document please click on the PDF document on the right


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