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  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
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Table of Contents



Checking option screen will show a list of


bookings which require checking


. It will only show those which are marked as arrived at the warehouse


Select the one you wish to begin the checks on.

Summary of Pre-Advice

. These entries will be available for a check even after the vehicle is marked as departed.

Table of Contents

You can use the filter option to find the booking easily from the list.

Press on a booking, to view a drop-down list of Pre-advices included in the booking.

Press the CHECK button on the purchase order line, it will take you to the PRE ADVICE CHECK SUMMARY screen.

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This screen will display the pre-advice you have selected from the list of those available.

To begin checking you need to select the one you wish to check where you will be taken to the details for this line and in that form you are able to update, amend and add details.

Image Removedentries that are basically a summary of the PREADVICE CHECK DETAIL screen.

explanation of abbreviation fields on the form above
Click here to see what each abbreviation means.

UID - System Pre advice number

PO - Customer PO Refernce number

CPP - Cases per pallet

SPC - Singles per case

SS - Single size

DP - Duty Paid?

Checking Each Line Item

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This screen will show the Pre-Advice Check Detail screen.

  • It shows the product(s) being receipted (landed) and information about the Product.

You are able to add to the Pre-advice some of the fieldsPress an entry to enter this Preadvice Check Detail screen.

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Preadvice Check Detail

Here you can view and edit the information about the stock that is being receipted.

Check whether the details you have matches the actual physical stock received at the warehouse.

You can only change the information in the blue-lined fields.


You can’t change the PO number field but you can change the actual case quantity or the best-before date.

Also, you can change the Packaging type by clicking the dropdown menu and selecting the right packaging type from it.

You can tick the checkboxes shown below if any of it true for the item you are checking. 


If the item is selected for condition reporting you should tick the CR check box. If it's Duty Paid tick that checkbox.

Here you can insert the Actual Quantity Received, in Pallets, Cases, or Singles.


The number of Pallets, Cases, and Singles will be added together.

For example, If one pallet is landed then you will record 1 in the Pallets and leave Cases and Singles as 0.

You do not need to add 1 Pallet and then 1 Pallet worth of cases and 1 Pallet worth of singles - that would triple the quantity of Stock receipted (landed).

Once done, check the Duty Paid and/or Duty Stamped fields if relevant to this stock.Image Added

titleExplanation of the fields on the form abovePre advice check detail screen

Field Name

Explanation of the fields

PO Number

the customers The customer's purchase order number

Line UID

a A unique receipt line number (used for support purposes)


your customers Your customer's name


The product description


the The rotation number given for this line.


If there is no rotation number, by printing the labels you will be able to generate a rotation number.


brand Brand or producerProducer


this This is expressed as CPP x SPC x SS

(Cases per pallet X Singles per case X Single Size)


the The packaging type can be selected from a drop down list of available field, these are defined in the main VW system


this This list is downloaded to flex once, when you logon to the device


Year or Vintage of the item, this has to be a 4 digit year OR you can use “NA” or “NV”


Production date

This can be scanned when the product group has this as mandatory for the product, expects an SSCC label


Production batch number

This can be scanned when the product group has this as mandatory for the product, expects an SSCC label


Best before Datedate

This can be scanned when the product group has this as mandatory for the product, expects an SSCC label


The strength of the item, measured in % - is mandatory for some products

Rotn Note

free Free text notes you wish to make for the line item, such as visible damage or notes from the receipt

Actual Ps

checked number of pallets

Actual Cs

checked number of cases

Actual Ss

checked number of singles

Cond Rep

Is this item selected for condition reporting, usually this is pre-defined for the item by either the product group, type or through the pre-advice line.


Are the goods marked as organic

Duty Paid

Is this stock duty paid


This will have a bearing on the generated rotation number, at the point of receipt we mark any duty paid items with a /D after the year. e.g. 23/D if it is underbond (either customs or excise) it will be a 0 instead

Duty Stamped

Is this product duty stamped ?

Can be the within label stamp or the manually applied stamp. This will effect goods leaving.


It is vital that these checkboxes are used correctly. It can be time-consuming and costly to rectify incorrectly receipted Stock later on


This deals with the buttons on the

There are 4 options available at the bottom of the

pre-advice check details page.
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This is designed to allow you to split

Pre advice check detail screen. These are the Split option and the buttons- Rotn Labels, Checked, Direct Putaway.


Below the checkboxes, you can see the option to Split a line into multiple

and is used when you have need to segregate or separate

lines when the scenario for segregating or separating some stock from the main rotation emerges. When you press the Split button it will enlarge to a field where you can generate a new rotation and decide how much quantity should go to the new split line.


The split will be done in singles not in Pallets or Cases. Insert number of single items to be moved to another rotation.

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Rotation Labels

Rotn Labels

You are able to print the rotations before checking the details



button allows you to print the rotation labels. When pressed the printing options will pop up. Here you can select how many labels need to be printed. You can print labels for each pallet or each case or print a custom number of labels.

Select your rotation label printer from the dropdown menu.

You can choose the option to PRINT LATER or PRINT NOW.

titleFunctions of the "print later" and "print now" buttons? 

To take a printout right away press the PRINT NOW button. Then you can press the button CHECKED.

To take a printout right away press the PRINT NOW button. Then you can press the button CHECKED. when you opt for PRINT LATER, a round red coloured print button will appear on the lines listed in PREADVICE CHECK SUMMARY screen. If you click it, the Print request will generate. 

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If you press the Checked button, it indicates that you have completed the check and it will return you back to the

summary page

Preadvice Check Summary page where the checkbox for Check is ticked.

You can then choose when to put the goods away


in the warehouse location

and use

using the

O/S Put Away

, Multi Put Away

options from the goods inwards menu.

, and Direct Putaway options.

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Direct Putaway

Indicates you have completed the check and that you will now be putting the stock away in the locations immediately.

If you press it, you will be directed to the PUTAWAY LOCATION screen where you can scan or type in the location name where you will be putting the stock.

Enter the quantity you are putting in this location and simply press the PUTAWAY button to directly put the stock away in the warehouse.

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