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This section explains how


What can you do in this option


Awaiting Arrival


the Goods Inwards section allows you to access all the information you need on the number of bookings made for the stock arrival and help you check the stock when it’s arrived as well as helps you put away the stock efficiently in the warehouse locations.

We have made some assumptions based on our standard workflow which may not work for all warehouses. However on flex many of those processes only take a few seconds to complete.


Table of Contents

Goods Inwards Menu

Unbooked Advice(s)

If a vehicle arrives without a booking, this option can be used to select the Pre Advice(s) that it’s bringing stock for, and attaches them to their own booking in the warehouse system, allowing you to handle the stock being delivered throughout the rest of the Flex goods in screens.

Awaiting Arrival

View the details of all the bookings that are made in the Warehousing. You will get information about all the vehicles which are due to arrive in the next 24 hours.


You can view pre-advice details and mark when each vehicle arrives.

Vehicle on Site


Here you can find the booking entries that are marked as arrived in the Unbooked Advices or Awaiting Arrival option screens. View details of all the vehicles that are currently on site


and find the vehicle you plan to unload. From this screen, you can proceed to the Check process and progress to the completion of the Goods Inwards process.



find the bookings which are ready to be unloaded


identify the purchase orders on the vehicle (on the booking)


Check the items, update the information


add rotation labels to the items.


Find an Advice


Manufacturing Putaway


Regardless of which kind of Put Away you are processing the Confirm Put Away must be done via Vision Warehousing (ie you cannot do Confirm Put Away on the device).

Goods Inwards Statuses


20 - internal entry

30 - booking entered

40 - potential checking stage (not implemented)

50 - waiting put away - when you complete the booking. arrived but not put away.

52 - goods put away using warehouse receipt


Once the vehicle is unloaded or departed, using this option you can check the pre advice details against the actual stock received at the warehouse. You can add or edit a few details like packaging type, best-before date, the actual quantity of stock, etc. Also, you can generate rotation labels to be applied to the stock, mark checked, and proceed to putaway options.

O/S Putaway


If you are locating full pallets or moving single items then this is the place for you where you scan the rotation label pick up the goods and take them to the location and confirm the quantity. This is like a bulk put away of items, the quantity is the total for the rotation.


Multi Putaway


If you plan to put away the goods you have just checked in, or picked up a mixed pallet then you should use this option to allow you to goto a location, and then scan the rotations you leave in that location.

This option provides a list of items that are waiting to be put away in suitable locations in the warehouse and you can choose the item you wish to putaway to reach the putaway location screen. Here the details of the item are prefilled and you can provide a location name and the quantity to be put away in this location.

Multi Putaway

Unlike Outstanding putaway, there won’t be a list of putaway items. Multi Putaway allows you to go to the stock you wish to putaway and scan the rotation label or enter the rotation number to fetch the details. Then you can simply enter your putaway location and place the stock there.

Find an Advice

Many search fields are available to help you find where in the Goods In process your pre advice is.

Manufacturing Putaway

If you have a bottling manufacturing facility this screen will allow you to relocate the recently manufactured stock to the final storage warehouse location.


The ADMIN parts of the goods received should always be finished for the completion of goods inwards process. This often serves as an additional check on the warehouse put away procedure and also allows for the recording of fiscal data and the confirmation of customs movement.

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