This is the new home for internal transfers within the warehouse
All transfers which require input from warehouse personnel will be show in the Transfer Admin
Transfers which do not require a new rotation OR a move in the existing site OR a delivery note will progress automatically as long as the auto receipt options are switched on.
If moving SITE → SITE then the options are in the Site Admin table
If moving WAREHOUSE → WAREHOUSE then the options are in the warehouse setup (same site)
The Tab Options
Tab | Use |
Future | Transfer orders which are not due to be picked today or earlier, anything in the future has a pick date in advance. |
Awaiting Pick | These items are waiting to be picked. |
In Progress | |
Pick Confirm |
There is an option to SAVE on the tab which allows you to update the order pick date and press the SAVE option which could move it from the Future tab to the Awaiting Pick tab.
Awaiting Pick
Select the lines you wish to PICK at this point, you can use the CTRL or SHIFT key whichever suits your needs.
When you press pick you will be presented with a summary of the orders and you can then print the label (either internal or intrasite) and the picking note can also be printed.
Label Quantity Calculation
The system will use the site settings for the label calculations and will work
1 label for each case up to x cases and then y for each pallet.
e.g. 1 label for each case upto 16 cases then 4 for each pallet thereafter.
Single Items will only receive 1 label no matter how many there are as the assumption is that you would put them into a carton or box
You can modify the quantity of labels by expanding the line and adjusting the Label Qty field.