Requesting Support

Requesting Support

This page will cover how to log a call with the Vision Team on the Portal

Main Portal Page

Main Service Desk Portal

This will provide you access to the main portal menu where you can select either

  • Vision Software Support

  • Request for Change

  • Implementations (before you go live)





Vision Support Portal


This menu provides you access to see your tickets or to place other support tickets with the support team.

Options available are

  • Software Support

  • Customer Services

  • Upgrades and Licensing

  • Testing Vision (after you go live)




Requests for Change Portal


If you want to request a new feature, a report or template change or add something to the wish list then you can do this from the menu here.

This queue is monitored weekly for new tickets except during the period 15th December to 10th January each year.





If this is your first time user, you will need to sign up for an account

  • The email address that you use would need to be a valid email address

  • Your Email address requires authentication for you to be able to obtain support. 

  • Enter your email address for verification, create a password and provide your forename and surname, then "Sign Up"

  • You will then access the portal and be able to use your registered email address and the password you created to access the Portal in future

Which Support Option

The most used option is the Report an Issue which is within the Software Support option.


Options Available

Once you have clicked on the section that you will log to raise.
For the Software Support, you will be able to select from the following requests

  • Software Support

    • Report an issue

    • Vision Question

    • Bug/Issue(New)

    • Re-run a Bug Fix

    • Report/Data Extract

  • Customer Service

    • Data Update

    • Customer Service Questions

    • Training Requests

  • Upgrades & Licensing

    • Upgrade System

    • Add Module

    • Change Licenses

    • Refresh Test - update your test system data

  • Testing Vision

    • Testing Issues and Questions - using your test system to check a new version

Raising a Ticket

For each ticket category there will be a number of reasons why you need to log a ticket, you need to select one of them to proceed


Once you have sent the ticket to the support queue, the system will send an email to the email address that you are using to sign in to the portal

Selecting the category

Information we need to help you

When logging a call to the support team, please make sure the following has been answered.

Some of the questions are more for a specific ticket that you raise up

  • Review the questions below and provide information in your description relating to the relevant questions, plus any additional information that you consider to be relevant.

  • Vision Application and Version Number

  • What screen, form or report were you using at the time?

  • What were you trying to do?

  • What did you expect to happen?

  • What did happen?

  • Does this affect everything that you do?

  • Is this affecting every user on the system and nobody can do any work at all?

  • Is there a known change control reference you have previously been quoted by the support team? - If so please supply this.

  • If possible send a screenshot, especially if there is an error message on the screen.

  • For a request for change, what area you would like to change

Entering the ticket details.


You are able to add an attachment to the support ticket, by drag and drop files, paste, or clicking on the Browse button when creating the issues.

Responding to Tickets

When a member support team replies to you on the ticket that you have raised. It will send an email and you will be able to reply to the email or (we do prefer) you to sign in to the portal you will be able to respond to the member of the ticket.

You will have a list of all the tickets that you have created under your user, you will be able to click on the Ticket reference and use the comment box to respond to support member

Viewing all Tickets

By default you only see your own tickets, if you want to see everyone in the organisation then you click the requests button on the top right of the portal and select “ALL”


The general system shows all open tickets, so a ticket which is deemed to have been Resolve, Closed or in the case of RFC it is “Waiting Developers” would appear in the Closed category


You will therefore need to change the status options to include that category.


Process Flow of Tickets

The process of the log calls for the Software Support are the following





Waiting for Triage

This is the default for any ticket arriving in the system, it is picked up from here and placed under review

Under Review

The ticket is reviewed to ensure we have all the relevant details, we update the ticket and apply a priority to the ticket, it is then passed to the support team queue waiting an engineer to pick up the ticket.

Should we have any questions or require more information then we will ask you at this point

With Support

Ticket is with the support team who will either resolve it or they may need to ask more questions.

If a question is asked the ticket moved to “With Customer”

With Customer

We have asked you for some details and the ticket is waiting your answer.

If there is no response within 24 hours or 1 working day the ticket will be marked as closed.


Resolution has been reached and ticket is closed.

You can re-open a ticket within 5 days if you feel the problem still exists OR if it repeats.


No action has been taken

Updates / Comments on support tickets are sent via email, you can reply to those emails or you can use the ticket portal to reply


There is another status “Awaiting Developers” when you log a ticket which needs to be passed to the Development team it will be marked as this status until the item is released, when you will be told the ticket is then resolved.

There is another status “Awaiting Developers” when you log a ticket which needs to be passed to the Development team it will be marked as this status until the item is released, when you will be told the ticket is then resolved.


Our call priorities are based on the content of your call and how this effects the business, it is not based on how quickly you wish the call to be completed.





No Priority

Used when there is a question or the ticket is outside the scope of the support contract


Used when support are being asked to perform a function that the user could do for themselves.


The default for all calls.

High - User Critical

Used when a problem is effecting users where they are unable to complete an essential function

Critical or Business Critical

When the problem is effecting the entire business and nobody is able to work

Support Portal Down

What to do in the event of the Portal being down - Or you are unable to access the portal.

  • If for some reason you are unable to log a call via the Portal a call can be logged by telephone with the Helpdesk.  We may still require further details if they can't be provided over the phone (Screenshot, error messages, etc) if this is the case we will reply on the call and request them.

    • This should not be used instead of raising a Support Request if you are able to do so.

    • This cannot be used to jump the normal Helpdesk prioritised queues. Calls logged via telephone will be diagnosed in the same way they would if they came through the portal.

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