Warehouse Setup

A warehouse is where you store your stock in Commerce, warehouses can be real or virtual they are simply a way to group your stock in one area.

e.g. You may have stock in a warehouse, in the office, with the salesmen. Each one of these should be in a separate warehouse to enable you to group those stocks together.

This form allows you to add or edit an existing warehouse, each warehouse needs to belong to a warehouse group, for more details on the warehouse group then visit Warehouse Groups, you must have this setup prior to adding a warehouse

Further reading is linked below

If you are using a warehouse which utilises EDI or Vision WMS then you need to have one warehouse to one warehouse group.

Field Explanation

Key fields will be highlighted in yellow on the explanation boxes below.

General fields on the form

Field Name


Field Name


Warehouse Code

This is your code to identify this warehouse, it is displayed on the screen and on reports throughout Commerce

Warehouse Name

Your name for this warehouse, make sure this is meaningful

Warehouse Group

Which group is this warehouse going to be in

Warehouse Type

Select “Standard” as your option for the warehouse, other options here are used by support for specialist operations.

Customer for EPOS Sales

If you are using Horizon (the Vision ePOS system) then default sales would be sent to this account

EDI Whse Customer Code

If you are using EDI with the warehouse
You need to input the customer code into this field, this is generally an upto 8 character code

EDI Whse Site Code

If using EDI with your warehouse
This is your warehouse site code, a 2-character code is used to specify the site code your stock is on.

Warehouse Address and Contact Information

Contains information about your warehouse, and relevant information which is communicated to suppliers on the purchase order

Field Name


Field Name


Address Fields

Standard address, Line1, Town, Postcode and Country are all mandatory

Reserve Warehouse

If this will be a reserve warehouse then tick this option.

See for more details.

Contact & Delivery Details

These are all in relation to the warehouse.

Contact information for the warehouse

Delivery time windows for the warehouse


Export Option Details

This specifies that you will be sending items using EDI to this warehouse.

Field Name


Field Name


Send PO by EDI

Do you want the Purchase Order to be sent to the warehouse using EDI methods.

Print Enabled

Do you also want a printed copy of the PO ? Select this if you do however you can come back at any time and reprint the document

Export Option Email

This is where the PO will be sent if the PO by EDI is selected.

This will be replaced by direct (not email) for some warehouses who support it.

Default printer name

when printing this will be the suggested printer however you can print it to wherever you like


Reserve Warehouse

There is a FAQ related to setting up a reserve warehouse which can be viewed here

This will only work correctly in a warehouse where rotation numbers are used.

Each rotation is a stock record and each of those records in a reserve warehouse will have an owner associated with them whether they belong to you (your own code) or the customer (the reserve customer code)

When you receive goods into this warehouse you need to ensure that the reserve code is specified.

If you have sold the goods to your customer, you must use the Type R order when selling the stock this will transfer the stock along with the sales value because this sales value is needed for the customers duty and VAT calculation when the goods are removed from the warehouse.

Reserve warehouses are for your customer's PAID stock reserves.

Multiple Warehouses in a Group

You may find this option to be useful for the following uses

  1. You have stock at the office, but in different locations or with different teams, but when placing an order you may need stock from either location

  2. You are providing customers consignment stocks and need to track the stock, transferring the stock into the consignment warehouse group to the customer within it, then allows you to keep track of the stock and when they sell the stock you simply issue a sales order against the stock. It also maintains your ownership of the stock.

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