VC v2024.3
Release Date | 11/11/2024 |
Other Application Requirements |
Warnings or Notices |
EDI File Specification Changes
Important modifications to the incoming or outgoing EDI services, which you may need to inform your customers about should you need to.
New Features
New features added to the system and improvements to existing features will be contained in this section.
ID | Summary | Type | Description | Linked to |
VC-3719 | Warehouse integration - sales order line notes | Improvement | System Configuration - Several other form changes have been made during this update. A new option has been added in System Configuration Options "Ordering" tab, "Warehouse Submission Line Notes" allowing customers to populate the SO Line Notes field 1 with various fields from the product information (limited to 120 chars max):
The default will be NOT to transmit anything in this field. Some Vision warehouses then allow this to be printed on the delivery note, however be aware that the warehouse delivery note may need to be adapted to include the additional details. | RFC-1297 |
VC-3686 | Supplier maintenance - contacts | Improvement | Functionality has been added for supplier contacts allowing multiple contacts to receive the purchase order acknowledgement. Existing contacts will be added as the first entry. | RFC-1294 |
VC-3679 | PO email subject - include the PO Number | Improvement | The purchase order number has been added into the subject line of emails sent for purchase orders. | RFC-1283 |
VC-3678 | Sales order - grid layout customisation | Improvement | The sales order lines grid now permits users to customise it and save their changes. | RFC-1249 |
VC-3672 | Freeze stock - screen redesign | Improvement | The freeze stock screen has been redesigned to include sensibility and usability improvements. |
VC-3669 | Replenishment | Improvement | The following columns have been added to the replenishment report
| RFC-1271 |
VC-3668 | Purchase order - grid layout | Improvement | The purchase order lines grid now permits users to customise it and save their changes. | RFC-1270 |
VC-3516 | Customer maintenance - unpaid reserves | Improvement | The warehouse is now visible in the unpaid reserve grid of the reserve stock tab. |
VC-3486 | POP - PO Invoice Ref/Date | Improvement | The date picker control has been updated to allow the date to be entered manually with the keyboard OR by using date chooser. The invoice number and date is also now shown on the purchase order invoicing tab. | VC-3797 |
VC-3441 | SOP - header drop down menus | Improvement | Under bond type, warehouse group & carrier have been changed to the new drop down which also shows the descriptions alongside the codes. |
VC-3181 | Deliver orders - cost line apportioning | Improvement | The invoice cases displayed refers to the delivery cost and the line invoice cases is how much of the total the individual line represents, this has been made clearer in the screen. | VEDI-1278 |
VC-3166 | Support / help - button accessibility | Improvement | Improvements to the accessibility of the following buttons which were previously hidden away in a menu not often used:
VC-3093 | Credit note - order number | Improvement | Original order / invoice info has been added to the credit note sent to customers. | VSUP-22705 |
Bugs and Issues
Normally reported by customers through the support ticket portal.
ID | Summary | Type | Affects versions | Description | Linked to |
VC-3796 | SOP invoice - not matching posting | Bug | 2024.2.2 | A sales order total matched the accounts posting total, but did not match the total shown on the invoice. | VSUP-35801 |
VC-3795 | SOP - Previous Sales Orders (Available -ve) | Bug | 2024.2.2 | In the "Previous Sales Orders" screen available from the SO entry, stock showed negative when it had a despatched quantity but nothing in stock. | VSUP-35800 |
VC-3788 | User maintenance - username field | Bug | 2024.2.2 | The user maintenance screen allowed the username to be edited, this has now been locked down. |
VC-3732 | POP - defaulted VAT code | Bug | 2024.2.0 | The POP VAT analysis VAT code was incorrectly defaulted to the C code (Std Rate Purchases from EC Suppliers) instead of the E code (Exempt Transactions) when invoicing stock form a GB supplier into an underbond warehouse. |
VC-3570 | SOP - holding an order after allocation | Bug | 2023.4.2 | It was possible to hold an order after allocating it. |
VC-3553 | Vision attachment manager - various | Bug | 2023.4.0 | Update of VAM to v1.1.2 so it is now possible to email attachments. |
VC-3789 | SOP documents - historical default sort | Issue | 2024.2.2 | The default sort of the historical invoices tab has now been changed to show the most recent first. |
VC-3775 | Transfer PO - duty checkboxes | Issue | 2024.3.0 | Some issues were identified with the customs & excise paid PO checkboxes when transferring duty paid stocks. |
VC-3773 | Tasting Notes - image & languages | Issue | 2024.3.0 | The tasting notes PDF which is emailed displayed large photos over multiple pages instead of one, also text from other languages such as Chinese did not display correctly. |
VC-3733 | POP - duty paid checkbox | Issue | 2024.2.0 | Users were able to untick the duty paid checkbox when receipting stock into a duty paid warehouse. |
VC-3643 | Data cleaning - selection confusing | Issue | 2024.1.0 | Use of the screen has been simplified and made clearer when revaluing a single product. |
VC-3573 | SOP - product group "rotation mandatory" | Issue | 2023.4.2 | When adding products in a group with "SOP Rotation Mandatory" enabled, the sales order screen will now enforce the rotation entry. |
VC-3567 | Stock Allocation - sorting by order number | Issue | 2023.4.1 | When the user tried to sort by the "order no" column, the data was not sorted as expected. |
VC-3471 | SOP - comission | Issue | 2023.2.0 | SOP screen "Commission" field was changed to zero after saving the order and the Customer Reserve Trading report was showing Cost/unit as zero. |
Other Release Notes
ID | Summary | Type | Affects versions | Description |
VC-3687 | Main menu - restricted access icons | Design Change | 2024.0.0 | The main menu removed icons leaving large chunks of black space when the user did not have access to certain buttons. |
VC-3739 | BI Reports - ABV | Report | 2024.2.0 | The ABV has been added to the following reports 200/201/305/306/311/316 |
VC-3593 | PO Templates | Report | 2023.4.3 | New template added for non wine companies |
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