Web Integration (CSV / API)

Vision Commerce has a number of options available to assist with integration with your website.

There is a cost to all of the options available, this is due to licensing, resource changes which are required or just the general supply and upkeep of the module.


Post customers to Vision

Post orders to Vision

Get data from Vision

Get ‘Images’ from Vision


Legacy CSV



  • Limited to the the data outputs available in this page only:


Data is typically send to the website on a daily basis and as this is a legacy method the data is usually submitted via FTP.

It is relatively easy and you can always generate yourself a new file manually at any point.

You take the orders and you enter them manually onto the commerce system. The disadvantage is that this is obviously labour intensive and requires a lot of checking to ensure you transpose the figures correctly.

Can be used with the ‘API In’ license below to accept incoming orders electronically.


Your website can post new / updated customer information into Vision and also new orders.

No information can be retrieved from Vision electronically.

Can be used with the ‘Legacy CSV’ option above

API Standard Limited


  • Data retrieval is limited to once daily

Many more outputs available here than with the “Legacy CSV” option.

E.g. your website makes a request for stock information, once per day should you want to refresh. Our API supplies all the information in one response which you would load into your web site.

Posted customers / orders are unlimited.

API Enhanced Limited


  • Data retrieval is limited to once daily

As above (“API Standard Limited”) plus access to the ‘Image’ APIs so you can store and retrieve product and producer images in the commerce system which are automatically available to your website. Although data retrieval is limited, Image retrieval is unlimited.

API Enhanced

(Most expensive)

As above (“API Enhanced Limited”) without limits; your website is always up to date.

Technical Information on the above solutions is contained in the pages within this section of the site:

For Web CSV please click the following link

For API information please click the following link

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