Product Reports

This report is used to show the Under bond and Duty Paid Stock grouped by Product

To load the data on this report, you will need to enter a Customer Code and Site Code

Show Summary By Customer - this will group all the Products together and show the Total Stock Levels by Customer

Show Only Frozen Product - This will show only the Frozen Stock Levels for the Customer

Load report is used to generate the report on the screen

You are able to export the report to a pdf format by using the Export Report

The Under Bond and Duty Paid are separate and are split between Free Stock and Frozen Stock

This report is used to show the Products for a specific Customer in a specified Location

To populate the results on the report, you would need to enter the Customer Code or Warehouse and Product Description

The report is grouped by Warehouse Location

Load report is used to generate the report on the screen

You are able to export the report to a pdf format by using the Export Report

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