BI Overview
The Business Intelligence component system offers two options
BI Enquiries
BI Reports
What are BI Enquiries
BI Enquires are a set of standardised data views provided with your application
These are often lists of data, use the enquiry level filters and column heading filters to find the data you're looking for.
These can be easily extracted to Excel for further analysis, other extract formats also exist.
It is possible to have new enquiries created for your company's specific needs but these changes can only be implemented by ourselves alongside an application version update.
What are BI Reports
BI Reports are a set of reports combining "system reports" provided with your application by ourselves and reports that your own staff can create and share themselves.
Reports typically aggregate data and present it in an easily digestible form such as a pie chart, bar graph, etc.
These are not ideal for lists of data as the report will become useless, spanning many pages.
Although these can be extracted, as PDF or Excel files they are designed to fit on a page.
Excel extract is available, but due to the report formatting, BI Enquiries are much better suited for extracting data for further analysis in Excel.
Can I design my own BI Reports?
Yes, there is a report write module available, this is not included with the standard BI module.
Can I see what it looks like
Yes, there are links below to youtube videos that provide you with an overview of the modules.
Do these require licenses?
Yes, there are two available licenses available for each application in Vision Suite.
Reporter - Use existing reports and have new reports written by the Vision team without the need for an application release.
Report Designer - this is a fairly advanced report writing tool however you can create your own reports directly from the data.
What if I do not have the experience to create my own reports?
For a nominal sum, we can prepare them for you and load them onto the system.
More Information
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