Summary | Issue key | Issue Type | Description | Linked to | Config Needed | Licensed | |||||||||||||
Carrier integration - efulfillment | VW-7084 | New Feature | E-FullfillmentParcel carrier submission can now be done after the pick when a more accurate number of labels can then be retrieved. The following key features have been added :
The ability to scan a carton which arrives at the final staging position, utilising the pick uid from the carton where the Pick UID label is added by the picker. [pick labels are available through flex] The user is presented with the efullfilment form, allowing them to confirm the quantity for the consignments, obtain and print labels, this then performs the pick confirmation. Whilst performing the pick confirmation the system could be printing other documents required such as special gift messages, tasting notes, customer paperwork etc. Prior to finishing the order fullfillment the ability to enter sundry charges through the screen or by scanning a pre-printed list of sundry items which are then charged to the customer as part of their goods out charges.
| VW-7279 | YES | YES
| |||||||||||||
System delivery address - EDI API URL | VW-7229 | Improvement | Addition of the EDI API URL to the system delivery addresses for communication with other Vision warehouses, for example for sending the Intra Vision PO, this will be set automatically when upgrading to this version.
| VEDI-1232 | No | No | |||||||||||||
BI Report Designer Fields Addition | VW-7210 | Improvement | For PA outputs. Add Booking IDÂ | RFC-1125 | No | No | |||||||||||||
Customs Tab References | VW-7201 | Improvement | The customs tab on Despatches menu is inconsistent with the others in that it shows "UID" which is the order UIDÂ All other tabs show the PICK UID and the ORDER UID The Order UID on the customs tab is not of much use as the paperwork the warehouse have uses the PICK UID. The customs tab to be made consistent with other screens.
| RFC-1246 | No | No | |||||||||||||
Frozen stocks - system reserved reason codes | VW-7190 | Improvement | Changes to prevent system reserved frozen reason codes from being used when users freeze stock, such as REVCHECK & QA. | No | No | ||||||||||||||
Standard picking & delivery notes - pallets | VW-7189 | Improvement | Updates to the system standard picking & delivery notes, plus the addition of 3x new picking notes which show pallets, order line notes and a combination of the two.
| No | No | ||||||||||||||
Customer product replenishment screen | VW-7117 | Improvement | A new warning has been added and aesthetic improvements to improve the user friendliness of this screen. | No | No | ||||||||||||||
Site maintenance - despatch label selection | VW-7111 | Improvement | Selection of the despatch label to use is now possible in the Site Maintenance. Despatch label options are available to view here: [https://visionsoftware.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/VW/pages/2922905601/Default+Label+Sizes#Despatch-Label-VDG-serviceS-9-%26-10|https://visionsoftware.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/VW/pages/2922905601/Default+Label+Sizes#Despatch-Label-VDG-serviceS-9-%26-10|smart-link] on the wiki link.
| No | No | ||||||||||||||
Duty stamp manager - stamp type | VW-7087 | Improvement | The stamp type column has been added to the stamp details tab of the duty stamp manager screen. | No | No | ||||||||||||||
Product maintenance - CPP mandatory | VW-7083 | Improvement | Cases per pallet is now mandatory when the product uses a per pallet invoice charge.
| YES CUSTOMER | No | ||||||||||||||
Pre advice - bond details improvements | VW-7076 | Improvement | Various layout improvements to the Bond Details tab of the Pre Advice.
| No | No | ||||||||||||||
EDI product import - package type | VW-7069 | Improvement | The package type field added for products in[https://visionsoftware.atlassian.net/browse/VW-7007|https://visionsoftware.atlassian.net/browse/VW-7007|smart-link] can now be used in the EDI product imports, the default will be set to original card case and is configurable in Site Maintenance.
| VW-7007 | No | No | |||||||||||||
Royal Mail Click & Drop - New fields carrier integration | VW-7041 | Improvement | Royal mail click & drop API requires two new fields to be added in the carrier message (order date & returns label), returns label is now configurable in Customer Maintenance.
| VLIVE-593 | No | No | |||||||||||||
Ordering - export duty paid procedure code | VW-7027 | Improvement | Addition of the duty paid customs procedure code to the ordering screen for exports of duty paid products.
| VEDI-1224 | No | No | |||||||||||||
Transfers - pre advice amendments | VW-7008 | Improvement | Pre advices created from transfer orders have had many fields locked until now. Tax, commodity and strength are now all allowed to be changed.
| No | No | ||||||||||||||
Stock information screen - MULTI batch numbers | VW-6965 | Improvement | The screen which loads from the stock navigation search, a button is now available to see the batch numbers, when multiple were entered at receipt.
| VW-6487 | No | No | |||||||||||||
Pre advice ARCs overview | VW-6964 | Improvement | Changes to the columns displayed in the grid, and ARC number added to the pre advice navigation search.
| VW-5615 | No | No | |||||||||||||
Product enquiry - redesign | VW-6963 | Improvement | The product enquiry screen has been redesigned, with new searching & output fields, this is now includes more useful information as was available on the stock batch enquiry screen.
| VW-6784 | No | No | |||||||||||||
Carrier submission - response message | VW-6919 | Improvement | Improvements to the message response provided back to the user during carrier submission. | VLIVE-544 | No | No | |||||||||||||
Collection groups - minimum charges | VW-6914 | Improvement | Minimum charges added to the collection groups, applied at the time of ordering or when carrier service charges are automatically applied as per [https://visionsoftware.atlassian.net/browse/VINVOICING-782|https://visionsoftware.atlassian.net/browse/VINVOICING-782|smart-link].
| No | No | ||||||||||||||
Carrier submission - service code defaulting from Distribution | VW-6906 | Improvement | Service codes & additional service codes are now defaulted in the Carrier Submission screen (for delivery orders) from the Distribution Delivery Area setup.
| VDIST-1458 | No | No | |||||||||||||
Fusion & manufacturing (production) changes | VW-6721 | Improvement | Manufacturing has now been renamed to ‘Production’ and Fusion is now ‘Fusion (Blending)’. A new screen has been created allowing Fusion (Blending) entries to be directly entered into Vision Warehousing, this was only previously possible using an EDI Fusion (Blending) submission.
| VEDI-1217 | No | No | |||||||||||||
Carrier integration - switching carriers | VW-6646 | Improvement | Ability to switch between different carriers prior to submission is now possible using a new button in the carrier submission screen.
| No | No | ||||||||||||||
Shipment Info - From Booking | VW-6643 | Improvement | The Shipment information does not currently update from booking diary information which would be useful when looking at the spreadsheet. Additional information will be passed to the shipping form which will be read only this will come from the booking.
| No | No | ||||||||||||||
Licenses & system settings | VW-7049 | Improvement | Module licenses are now visible in the Licensing admin screen and previously hidden system settings are now also visible in the System Settings admin screen.
| No | No |