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EMCS Data Interchange is the Vision Bond interface for

EMCS Data Interchange is the Vision Bond interface for HMRC's Excise Movement Control System (EMCS).


What is on this page

Table of Contents

What is EMCS

EMCS is an EU-wide computer system that’s used to record duty suspended movements of excise goods taking place within the EU. Post Brexit, this system continues to be used in the UK for duty suspended movements within the UK, and for movements between Northern Ireland and the EU. Each movement is assigned an Administrative Reference Code (ARC) which is a unique number to track the movement, this is printed on Warehousing’s delivery note to accompany the goods being moved.

Vision Bond is fully integrated with EMCS for movements of alcohol & tobacco, it is not used for the movement of energy products however.


After having integrated Vision with your HMRC account, the HMRC website should no longer be used and all interactions should be via the Vision software only. Failure to do so can result in Vision Bond becoming out of sync with HMRC, the consequences of this will invalidate data output by the system in reports such as the W1.

Interaction with Vision Warehousing & Distribution

The main controls are found in Bond but this pushes and pulls data to / from Vision Warehousing & Distribution.

VW Goods Outwards

For goods leaving the warehouse, an order is entered on to the system requesting all required information. The only piece of information which is not required at order entry is the registration of the vehicle moving the goods. The order is picked and pick confirmed, if the user’s never entered a Vehicle Registration at order entry then this is done in and then the record is sent to Bond’s EMCS module and an ARC is requested from HMRC.

After the ARC is requested HMRC usually return it within a matter of minutes, at this point it’s recorded in Bond, Warehousing & Distribution so that it can be printed on the Order’s Delivery Note. If using Depot Printing (the automatic printing of Manifests & Delivery Notes), the delivery note is printed automatically when the ARC is returned.

VW Goods Inwards

For goods coming into the warehouse, the originating warehouse request the ARC and HMRC forward this to the consignee / receiving warehouse. This ARC can be found on the paperwork accompanying the goods and users can attach it to a Pre Advice in Warehouse Receipts (while handling the received stock) or directly in the Pre Advice screen. The goods are typically received first and the Receipt Detail entry performed. During Bond Detail Receipt Warehousing calculates any differences between the quantities originally reported to HMRC by the consignor and the quantities actually received by the consignee. This helps the user to decide the ‘Global Conclusion of Receipt’ before finally confirming the receipt, which generates a ‘Report of Receipt’ record in Bond’s EMCS module which is automatically submitted to HMRC to discharge the movement.

Further information can be found at:


System Components

EMCS Data Interchange screen

This is the screen available to Vision Bond users to handle all of their EMCS data.

Background job service

A job service which runs in the background on one of your servers is responsible for handling all of the communication with HMRC’s system, this works on a timer. Every couple of minutes or so this service checks for anything to submit to HMRC, and also checks if HMRC have any new messages for you and processes them automatically.

EMCS Data Interchange

Menu Options



To connect Vision Bond to your HMRC account and start communicating with EMCS, click Login and follow the prompts.


Please create a Government Gateway user account dedicated for use by the software, rather than sharing the same account as one of your actual users.

Goods Arriving & Goods Leaving

Items coming into the warehouse appear in the Goods Arriving section whilst those leaving the warehouse appear in Goods Leaving.

The screen design is the same for both of these sections, as such they’re described here as one.



e-AAD, e-AD or ARC?

These are related and distinct distinct elements.

  • e-AAD (Electronic Administrative Accompanying Document) and e-AD (Electronic Administrative Document) refer to the same thing, this is an electronic document prepared by the consignor before dispatching the excise goods and contains information about the consignment, including it’s origin, destination and contents.

  • ARC (Administrative Reference Code) is a unique identifier assigned to a validated e-AD generated by the EMCS system. This must travel with the goods during transport and is used for tracking the movement.

Tabs at the very top of the screen divide the data into records:

Tab name


Requiring attention

Needs user attention

account as one of your actual users.

Goods Arriving & Goods Leaving

Items coming into the warehouse appear in the Goods Arriving section whilst those leaving the warehouse appear in Goods Leaving.

The screen design is the same for both of these sections, as such they’re described here as one.



e-AAD, e-AD or ARC?

These are related and distinct distinct elements.

  • e-AAD (Electronic Administrative Accompanying Document) and e-AD (Electronic Administrative Document) refer to the same thing, this is an electronic document prepared by the consignor before dispatching the excise goods and contains information about the consignment, including it’s origin, destination and contents.

  • ARC (Administrative Reference Code) is a unique identifier assigned to a validated e-AD generated by the EMCS system. This must travel with the goods during transport and is used for tracking the movement.

Tabs at the very top of the screen divide the data into records:

Tab name


Requiring attention

Needs user attention (use the filters at the top to filter further).

i.e. eAAD Drafts which have failed submission or have been rejected, ARCs with a Change of Destination which has failed.

In the grid row, click the left side '+' button to see more information about why the submission has failed.

Awaiting submission

Records waiting for the background job service to pick them up and submit to HMRC (use the filters at the top to filter further).

i.e. eAAD Drafts which have failed submission or have been rejected, ARCs with a Change of Destination which has failed.

In the grid row, click the left side '+' button to see more information about why the submission has failed.

Awaiting submission

Records waiting for the background job service to pick them up and submit to HMRC (use the filters at the top to filter further).

These are usually processed within a couple of minutes and will then move from this tab to the one of the other two.

All records

Use the filters at the top to filter.

There are filter fields at the top for further filtering of the data, ‘Search’ will apply them and return data in the grid below showing all matching ARCs.

A tabbed section beneath shows the full details of the currently selected ARC from the grid. Buttons to the right side of the grid allow the user to perform various operations, usually relating to the currently selected ARC in the grid.

Export to CSV

Provides an easy way for all of the grid data to be exported to an Excel Comma Separated Values (CSV) file, this requires an additional license to use, enquire with the support team if this is something you wish to add to your system.

e-AADs (Goods Arriving)

image-20241113-130502.pngImage Removed

The above extract shows items which are

  • Waiting to be receipted

  • Report of Receipt has been accepted

  • Reminders received from HMRC to send a Report of Receipt for overdue items


Pressing the button will load a screen, fill in the form and save to queue the Alert or Rejection to be sent.

titleWhat is an Alert / Rejection and what is it's process?

Before the goods arrive, the consignee, or any person empowered to submit a report of receipt on behalf of the consignee, is entitled to send a message to notify the HMRC and the consignor that the e-AD does not match his order or that he/she didn't order the movement. This includes either an alert or an actual rejection of the e-AD.

In particular, he should do so each time that an irregularity is suspected, such as:

·      he is not awaiting the described goods at all (maybe an error of the consignor, but maybe suspicion of fraud as well); in that case, he definitely rejects the e-AD;

·      the e-AD does not exactly match with his order (wrong quantities, in particular in case of surplus, erroneous but close product code...). In this case however, he could await the delivery in order to check the consignment at arrival.

The consignee should issue such a message as soon as he observes the discrepancy.

If the e-AD is rejected, the consignor is expected to submit a change of destination (or a splitting if the products are energy products) or - if the goods have not yet left the place of dispatch - cancel the e-AD. A particular change of destination is change of destination for return of goods, i.e. the new destination is now the place of dispatch.

If the e-AD is not rejected, but an alert has been issued, the consignor is entitled to:

·      leave the movement continue its way (e.g. after verification, the reasons of the alert do not prevent the goods from being accepted by the consignee); or

·      submit a change of destination (e.g. after verification, the e-AD correctly describes the goods actually sent but this is not what is expected by the consignee), so that the destination changes as soon as possible before the goods arrive at former destination; or

·      submit a splitting, if authorised by the context;

·      cancel the e-AD provided that the goods did not leave the tax warehouse of dispatch.

That message does not replace the necessary prior discussion between consignor and consignee to agree on the right contents of the e-AD.

If the e-AD is rejected, at least one, possibly several reasons must be given. Applying Risk Assessment in such cases is highly recommended.

Submission of the ‘Alert or Rejection of an e-AD’ message is mandatory where one of the cases referred to in points (a) to (c) or (e) of Article 15(1) of Regulation (EU) No 389/2012 is detected, and shall be sent to the competent authority of the Member State of dispatch within one day of the moment when the competent authority becomes aware of the discrepancies (as defined in Article 13 of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2016/323).

Manually Discharge

If for any reason an ARC has been discharged (Report of Receipt accepted) on HMRC’s system and is not reflected in Vision Bond, use this button to manually update the status and close it.

e-AADs (Goods Leaving)

image-20241113-131223.pngImage Removed

The above extract shows items which are

  • Goods sent and awaiting the receiver to confirm receipt (including those which have had a Change of Destination submitted)

  • Items which have had the Report of Receipt sent by the receiving warehouse

Amend & Resubmit (Failures & Rejections)

A record may be submitted to HMRC and either fail or be rejected, here we explain how to handle these cases.



In the ‘Requires attention’ and ‘All’ tabs


Identified by

See the ‘Status’ column


“+” button

Click to see why the submission failed, error messages displayed are what is returned from HMRC, use this to work out what needs correcting


Amend button

Click to put the record into edit mode


Bottom tabs

Show full details for the selected record, edit the fields here


Resubmit button

Click to lock the record and resubmit it. It’ll move to the ‘Awaiting submission’ tab, and will be picked up the next time the background service checks for records to submit.


Click to cancel an ARC which is awaiting submission, already submitted or accepted by HMRC. For those ARCs which have already been accepted, after clicking the button the background job service will attempt to cancel them will be made by changing the status as follows:

  1. Cancellation Submission Pending

  2. Cancellation Submitted

  3. Cancellation Accepted (or Cancellation Rejected / Cancellation Failed)

Change Destination

Opens a new screen allowing you to change the selected ARC’s destination to another.


This feature is used when the HMRC system is unavailable or you have a problem submitting the Draft ARC to HMRC. When used the following PDF’s are emailed:



Sent to

Fallback Accompanying Document (FAD)

To accompany the moving goods, some information may need to be filled in by hand:

View file

The logged in user’s email address.

Notification of Movement starting in Fallback

Sends basic information about the movement to HMRC:

View file


Setting - EMCSFallBackNoMEmailToAddress

At this point the status of the record will change to ‘eAAD Draft in fall back’, you can use the ‘Status’ filter in the ‘All’ tab to see all records currently in fallback. Note: it’s a good idea to keep a record of any movements started in fallback to ensure they all properly submit later. At the same time Vision Warehousing & Distribution will have their ARC temporarily set to the word ‘FALLBACK’, this ensures that it’s clear on delivery notes that the movement also requires the FAD.

For any records that Fallback has been used for, the background job service will keep trying to submit the record to HMRC so when the system is available again it should be submitted automatically.

Manually Discharge


These are usually processed within a couple of minutes and will then move from this tab to the one of the other two.

All records

Use the filters at the top to filter.

There are filter fields at the top for further filtering of the data, ‘Search’ will apply them and return data in the grid below showing all matching ARCs.

A tabbed section beneath shows the full details of the currently selected ARC from the grid. Buttons to the right side of the grid allow the user to perform various operations, usually relating to the currently selected ARC in the grid.

Export to CSV

Provides an easy way for all of the grid data to be exported to an Excel Comma Separated Values (CSV) file, this requires an additional license to use, enquire with the support team if this is something you wish to add to your system.

e-AADs (Goods Arriving)

image-20241113-130502.pngImage Added

The above extract shows items which are

  • Waiting to be receipted

  • Report of Receipt has been accepted

  • Reminders received from HMRC to send a Report of Receipt for overdue items


Pressing the button will load a screen, fill in the form and save to queue the Alert or Rejection to be sent.

titleWhat is an Alert / Rejection and what is it's process?

Before the goods arrive, the consignee, or any person empowered to submit a report of receipt on behalf of the consignee, is entitled to send a message to notify the HMRC and the consignor that the e-AD does not match his order or that he/she didn't order the movement. This includes either an alert or an actual rejection of the e-AD.

In particular, he should do so each time that an irregularity is suspected, such as:

·      he is not awaiting the described goods at all (maybe an error of the consignor, but maybe suspicion of fraud as well); in that case, he definitely rejects the e-AD;

·      the e-AD does not exactly match with his order (wrong quantities, in particular in case of surplus, erroneous but close product code...). In this case however, he could await the delivery in order to check the consignment at arrival.

The consignee should issue such a message as soon as he observes the discrepancy.

If the e-AD is rejected, the consignor is expected to submit a change of destination (or a splitting if the products are energy products) or - if the goods have not yet left the place of dispatch - cancel the e-AD. A particular change of destination is change of destination for return of goods, i.e. the new destination is now the place of dispatch.

If the e-AD is not rejected, but an alert has been issued, the consignor is entitled to:

·      leave the movement continue its way (e.g. after verification, the reasons of the alert do not prevent the goods from being accepted by the consignee); or

·      submit a change of destination (e.g. after verification, the e-AD correctly describes the goods actually sent but this is not what is expected by the consignee), so that the destination changes as soon as possible before the goods arrive at former destination; or

·      submit a splitting, if authorised by the context;

·      cancel the e-AD provided that the goods did not leave the tax warehouse of dispatch.

That message does not replace the necessary prior discussion between consignor and consignee to agree on the right contents of the e-AD.

If the e-AD is rejected, at least one, possibly several reasons must be given. Applying Risk Assessment in such cases is highly recommended.

Submission of the ‘Alert or Rejection of an e-AD’ message is mandatory where one of the cases referred to in points (a) to (c) or (e) of Article 15(1) of Regulation (EU) No 389/2012 is detected, and shall be sent to the competent authority of the Member State of dispatch within one day of the moment when the competent authority becomes aware of the discrepancies (as defined in Article 13 of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2016/323).

Manually Discharge

If for any reason an ARC has been discharged (Report of Receipt accepted) on HMRC’s system and is not reflected in Vision Bond, use this button to manually update the status and close it.

e-AADs (Goods Leaving)

image-20241113-131223.pngImage Added

The above extract shows items which are

  • Goods sent and awaiting the receiver to confirm receipt (including those which have had a Change of Destination submitted)

  • Items which have had the Report of Receipt sent by the receiving warehouse

Amend & Resubmit (Failures & Rejections)

A record may be submitted to HMRC and either fail or be rejected, here we explain how to handle these cases.



In the ‘Requires attention’ and ‘All’ tabs


Identified by

See the ‘Status’ column


“+” button

Click to see why the submission failed, error messages displayed are what is returned from HMRC, use this to work out what needs correcting


Amend button

Click to put the record into edit mode


Bottom tabs

Show full details for the selected record, edit the fields here


Resubmit button

Click to lock the record and resubmit it. It’ll move to the ‘Awaiting submission’ tab, and will be picked up the next time the background service checks for records to submit.


Click to cancel an ARC which is awaiting submission, already submitted or accepted by HMRC. For those ARCs which have already been accepted, after clicking the button the background job service will attempt to cancel them will be made by changing the status as follows:

  1. Cancellation Submission Pending

  2. Cancellation Submitted

  3. Cancellation Accepted (or Cancellation Rejected / Cancellation Failed)

Change Destination

Opens a new screen allowing you to change the selected ARC’s destination to another.


This feature is used when the HMRC system is unavailable or you have a problem submitting the Draft ARC to HMRC. When used the following PDF’s are emailed:



Sent to

Fallback Accompanying Document (FAD)

To accompany the moving goods, some information may need to be filled in by hand:

View file

The logged in user’s email address.

Notification of Movement starting in Fallback

Sends basic information about the movement to HMRC:

View file


Setting - EMCSFallBackNoMEmailToAddress

At this point the status of the record will change to ‘eAAD Draft in fall back’, you can use the ‘Status’ filter in the ‘All’ tab to see all records currently in fallback. Note: it’s a good idea to keep a record of any movements started in fallback to ensure they all properly submit later. At the same time Vision Warehousing & Distribution will have their ARC temporarily set to the word ‘FALLBACK’, this ensures that it’s clear on delivery notes that the movement also requires the FAD.

For any records that Fallback has been used for, the background job service will keep trying to submit the record to HMRC so when the system is available again it should be submitted automatically.

Manually Discharge


Manual ARC Update

If for any reason an ARC gets stuck at status ‘eAAD Draft Submitted’ but HMRC have assigned an ARC to the movement, this button can be used to update the ARC in the system. This will update Vision Warehousing & Distribution in the same way that the automated process does.



Displays Report of Receipt (RoR) records lodged by the consignee of the movement.

Goods Arriving: Receipts - Shows RoR’s generated by your company

Goods Leaving: Receipts - Shows RoR’s received, generated by consignees of your outbound movements

image-20241113-133049.pngImage Added

Similar to

Manual ARC Update

If for any reason an ARC gets stuck at status ‘eAAD Draft Submitted’ but HMRC have assigned an ARC to the movement, this button can be used to update the ARC in the system. This will update Vision Warehousing & Distribution in the same way that the automated process does.



Displays Report of Receipt (RoR) records lodged by the consignee of the movement.

Goods Arriving: Receipts - Shows RoR’s generated by your company

Goods Leaving: Receipts - Shows RoR’s received, generated by consignees of your outbound movements

image-20241113-133049.pngImage Removed

Similar to this screen has filters at the top to search for the data you’re looking for, with a grid beneath. The grid rows can be expanded with the “+” button to show errors received from HMRC, alternatively click a grid row to display it’s full Report of Receipt information in the tabbed section below.


Unlike the e-AADs screen, this screen does not have a ‘Requires attention’ section. Users are reminded to monitor Report of Receipts at status Rejected and Submission Failed in order to Amend and Resubmit if required.

Colour Key

Different states are indicated by a different back ground highlight:

Green: Report of Receipt Accepted (either the consignee or consignor's Report of Receipt has been accepted by the member state)

Red: Report of Receipt Failed (your Report of Receipt has failed and required user attention to correct it and resubmit)

Report of Receipt Submitted (your Report of Receipt has been submitted and is awaiting acceptance by HMRC)

Violet: Report of Receipt Submission Pending (your Report of Receipt has not been submitted yet, Vision will submit it shortly)

Pale Blue: This is the currently selected Submission (this highlight will dominate any of the other colours above on the currently selected Submission.)

Amend & Resubmit (Failures & Rejections)

A Report of Receipt may be submitted to HMRC and either fail or be rejected, here we explain how to handle these cases.



In Goods Leaving > Receipts


Identified by

Set the Status filter at the top of the screen to:

  • Report of Receipt Rejected

  • Report of Receipt Submission Failed

…and click 'Search


“+” button

Click to see why the submission failed, error messages displayed are what is returned from HMRC, use this to work out what needs correcting


Amend button

Click to put the record into edit mode


Bottom tabs

Show full details for the selected Report of Receipt, edit the fields here


Resubmit button

Click to lock the Report of Receipt and resubmit it. It’ll change to status ‘Report of Receipt Submission Pending’ and will be picked up the next time the background service checks for records to submit.


This button allows you to create a Report of Receipt manually in Vision Bond for submission to HMRC. Usually this is not necessary as most Reports of Receipt will be automatically imported from Vision Warehousing Pre-Advices.

Shortage Reason

Interchange#e-AADs this screen has filters at the top to search for the data you’re looking for, with a grid beneath. The grid rows can be expanded with the “+” button to show errors received from HMRC, alternatively click a grid row to display it’s full Report of Receipt information in the tabbed section below.


Unlike the e-AADs screen, this screen does not have a ‘Requires attention’ section. Users are reminded to monitor Report of Receipts at status Rejected and Submission Failed in order to Amend and Resubmit if required.

Colour Key

For each row different states are indicated by different background colours:

Green: Report of Receipt Accepted (the movement is considered discharged)

Red: Report of Receipt Failed (user attention required, amend it and resubmit)

Report of Receipt Submitted (your Report of Receipt has been submitted and is awaiting acceptance by HMRC)

Violet: Report of Receipt Submission Pending (has not been submitted yet, the background job service should submit it shortly)

Pale Blue: the currently selected row

Amend & Resubmit (Failures & Rejections)

A Report of Receipt may be submitted to HMRC and either fail or be rejected, here we explain how to handle these cases.



In Goods Leaving > Receipts


Identified by

Set the Status filter at the top of the screen to:

  • Report of Receipt Rejected

  • Report of Receipt Submission Failed

…and click 'Search


“+” button

Click to see why the submission failed, error messages displayed are what is returned from HMRC, use this to work out what needs correcting


Amend button

Click to put the record into edit mode


Bottom tabs

Show full details for the selected Report of Receipt, edit the fields here


Resubmit button

Click to lock the Report of Receipt and resubmit it. It’ll change to status ‘Report of Receipt Submission Pending’ and will be picked up the next time the background service checks for records to submit.


This button allows you to create a Report of Receipt manually in Vision Bond for submission to HMRC. Usually this is not necessary as most Reports of Receipt will be automatically imported from Vision Warehousing Pre-Advices (see GI - Receipting Header GI - Receipting Details GI - EMCS).

Shortage Reason

Click a Report of Receipt which contains a shortage or excess to enable this button. A screen is loaded which allows you to generate an ‘Explanation for Reason for Shortage’.

This can be created and sent by either the consignor or the consignee to provide a more detailed explanation for any discrepancies identified between the quantities in a delivered consignment and those described in the electronic Administrative Document (eAD). Despite its name, this message can be used to explain both shortages and excesses in the consignment.

Key points about submitting this:

  1. It can be submitted by both consignors and consignees.

  2. There are no restrictions on the number of messages that can be sent for any consignment.

  3. The message can include a generic description about the whole consignment or details by individual product.

  4. The information provided in this message is confidential and only visible to HMRC and the creator of the message.

This functionality allows both parties involved in the movement to provide explanations for any discrepancies, ensuring transparency and facilitating the resolution of any issues related to shortages or excesses in excise goods movements.

Export to CSV

See InfoUse the Amend button to allow editing of the fields according to the Submission Failure Reason details here and then Resubmit to HMRC.


image-20241113-133149.pngImage Modified

Shortage Reasons

This tab allows the user to provide reasons for shortages to HMRC as the Consignor or Consignee. The reasons can be entered and later the message submitted to HMRC



Event Reports

Event Reports are received from HMRC and relate to Events that the Consignor or Consignee needs to be aware of.
(There could be many types of these, for example a fire onboard a ship which the member state reports to HMRC would show as an Event).

You will not be able to edit the Event Reports or submit them.


Use this tab to check whether the specified Excise Product Codes can be used on an e-AAD or Receipt to a specific Trader ID.  It will perform a live lookup on HMRC's system and return the results.

This does not negate the need to run SEED checks to validate the full Postal Address.


The Failures tab will show messages received from HMRC that the Vision System could not process.

Processing Based On Arrival Dates Section (first Re-Process Message button)

If you need to, you can Re-Submit from this tab using the Re-Process button.

This uses all Report of Receipt records to find any ARCs that are missing in the system.

  • Then it reprocesses all messages for these ARCs from HMRC.

  • This may take a long time if there are many missing ARCs. 


Use this function only when asked to do so

Processing Based On ARC Section (2nd Re-Process Message button)

  • This will Re-process all messages for the mentioned ARC from HMRC.

  • It may take some time to process the data.

  • Use this if you can see the ARC on the HMRC Gateway or in Bond, but the ARC is not showing against the Order in Vision Warehousing.

  • This can sometimes happen if HMRC has issues with their system (like delays in response).


Use this function only when asked to do so